Rhodinol is a flavoring agent that is a colorless liquid, with an odor resembling rose. It is soluble in most fixed oils, mineral oil, and propylene glycol, insoluble in glycerin. It is usually obtained from reunion germanium oil.
Rhodinol is an expensive perfume material
(about twice the cost of Geranium oil) but it
is unsurpassed in floral beauty. It can not be
replaced by any grade of Citronellol (synthetic or Citronella-isolate) in a composition. The flavor chemist may be even more
discriminate, since “Rhodinol” is used as a Sweet undertone In 3trawberry, Kaspberry,
Currant, Honey, Grape and in fruit complexes, spice blends, Ginger Ale flavor, Chocolate
imitation, etc. The concentration is normally
about 1 to 10 ppm in the finished product,
except in chewing gum, where it may reach
30 ppm.