
図2. しゅう酸の反応
水溶液中でカルボキシ基が電離して、2価の酸として働きます。弱酸として分類される場合が多いですが、などよりも強い酸です。0.1 mol/dm3の水溶液では、第一段階の電離度が0.6程度と大きいです。
シュウ酸,無水和物は無色、無臭の吸湿性結晶.融点189.5 ℃(分解).高温で加熱すると分解してギ酸,一酸化炭素,および二酸化炭素を生じる.d174 1.900.K1 5.36×10-2,K2 5.3×10-5.水,エタノールに可溶,エーテルに難溶.硫酸酸性の過マンガン酸カリウム水溶液を還元脱色する.空気中で容易に二水和物C2H2O4?2H2Oにかわる.二水和物は無色の板状またはプリズム状結晶.融点101.5 ℃.d18.54 1.653.昇華性がある.注意して100 ℃ で乾燥すると無水和物にかわる.二水和物は酸,塩基および過マンガン酸塩滴定における標準物質として分析用に用いるほか,化学薬品,染料製造や漂白剤の原料として多方面に用いられる.
水アメ?ブドウ糖の製造(加水分解用),分析用試薬,希土類精製,有機合成原料 (NITE CHRIP)
しゅう酸の第一段階解離で生じるしゅう酸水素イオン (H(COO)2−) は、1価の陰イオンです。第二段階解離によって、2価の陰イオンであるしゅう酸イオン ((COO)22-) が生成します。
Oxalic acid is a colorless, odorless powder, or
granular solid. The anhydrous form (COOH)2 is an odorless,
white solid; the solution is a colorless liquid.
Colorless and odorless rhombic crystals. Hygroscopic. soluble in ethanol, soluble in water, slightly soluble in ether, insoluble in benzene and chloroform.
Oxalic acid was used:
· in the synthesis of hemicellulose hydrolysates of yellow poplars;
· in the synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered macroporous metal oxides or carbonates via templating with polystyrene spheres;
· as supporting electrolyte in the electrochemical synthesis of polyaniline-polypyrrole composite coatings.
ChEBI: Oxalic acid is an alpha,omega-dicarboxylic acid that is ethane substituted by carboxyl groups at positions 1 and 2. It has a role as a human metabolite, a plant metabolite and an algal metabolite. It is a conjugate acid of an oxalate(1-) and an oxalate.
Many industrial processes have been employed for the manufacture of oxalic acid since it was first synthesized. The following processes are in use worldwide: oxidation of carbohydrates, the ethylene glycol process, the propylene process, the dialkyl oxalate process, and the sodium formate process. Sodium formate process is no longer economical in the leading industrial countries, except for China.
Nitric acid oxidation is used where carbohydrates, ethylene glycol, and propylene are the starting materials. The dialkyl oxalate process is the newest, where dialkyl oxalate is synthesized from carbon monoxide and alcohol, then hydrolyzed to oxalic acid. This process has been developed by UBE Industries in Japan.Many attempts have been made to synthesize oxalic acid by electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide in either aqueous or nonaqueous electrolytes.
The reactions of oxalic acid, including the formation of normal and acid salts and esters, are typical of the dicarboxylic acids class. Oxalic acid, however, does not form an anhydride.
On rapid heating, oxalic acid decomposes to formic acid, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and water. In aqueous solution, it is decomposed by uv, x-ray, or γ -radiation with the liberation of carbon dioxide. Photodecomposition also occurs in the presence of uranyl salts.
Oxalic acid is a mild reducing agent, and is oxidized by potassium permanganate in acid solution to give carbon dioxide and water. Oxalic acid is catalytically reduced by hydrogen in the presence of ruthenium catalyst to ethylene glycol, and electronically reduced to glyoxylic acid.
Oxalic acid reacts with various metals to form metal salts, which are quite important as the derivatives of oxalic acid. It also reacts easily with alcohols to give esters.
Odorless white solid. Sinks and mixes with water.
Water soluble. Hygroscopic
Oxalic acid is hygroscopic and sensitive to heat. Oxalic acid may react violently with furfuryl alcohol, silver, sodium, perchlorate, sodium hypochlorite, strong oxidizers, sodium chlorite, acid chlorides, metals and alkali metals. . The heating of mixtures of Oxalic acid and urea has lead to explosions. This is due to the rapid generation of the gases, CO2, CO, and NH3, [Praxis Naturwiss. Chem., 1987, 36(8), 41-42]. Oxalic acid and urea react at high temperatures to form toxic and flammable ammonia and carbon monoxide gasses, and inert CO2 gas [Von Bentzinger, R. et al., Praxis Naturwiss. Chem., 1987, 36(8), 41-42].
As dust or as a solution, can cause severe burns of eyes, skin, or mucous membranes. Ingestion of 5 grams has caused death with symptoms of nausea, shock, collapse, and convulsions coming on rapidly. Repeated or prolonged skin exposure can cause dermatitis and slow-healing ulcers.
Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Generates poisonous gases
1. 食品分野
2. 医療分野
3. 金属処理分野
それに加えて金属処理の分野でも、幅広く利用可能です。具体例として、化学研磨やピックリング (酸洗浄) 、車両・船舶洗浄、ラジエーター洗浄 (除錆・脱スケール効果) 、の冷間引抜用潤滑剤、製造、稀土類の精製などが挙げられます。
1. しゅう酸イオンを含む化合物
しゅう酸イオンを含んだイオン結晶であるしゅう酸塩 (英: oxalate) と、しゅう酸水素イオンを含んだ酸性塩であるしゅう酸水素塩 (英: hydrogenoxalate) が存在します。
アルカリ金属塩、アルミニウム塩、アンモニウム塩、鉄 (III) 塩などのしゅう酸塩は水に可溶性です。アルカリ土類金属塩を代表とする、多くのしゅう酸塩が難溶性です。また、鉄 (III) 塩の水溶液は徐々に分解してしゅう酸鉄 (II) (FeC2O4) を析出し、銀塩は加熱によって爆発的に分解します。
2. 自然界におけるしゅう酸
Oxalic acid, (COOH)2, also called ethanedioic acid, is a
white, crystalline solid, slightly soluble in water. It is a
naturally occurring highly oxidized organic compound with significant chelating activity. It is strongly acidic
and poisonous, produced by many plants like sorrel
(sourwood), the leaf blades of rhubarb, bark of
eucalyptus and many plant roots. In plant cells and
tissues, oxalic acid gets accumulated as either sodium,
potassium or calcium oxalate, of which the latter occurs
as crystals. In turn, salts of oxalic acids enter the bodies
of animals and human beings, causing pathological
disorders, depending upon the amount consumed. Many
species of fungi like Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor, as
well as some lichens and slime moulds produce calcium
oxalate crystals. Upon the death of these microorganisms,
plants and animals, the salts get released into
the soil, causing some amount of toxicity. However,
oxalate-degrading microbes, called Oxalobacter
formigenes, decrease oxalate absorption in animals and
Oxalic acid is the first of a series of dicarboxylic
acids. It is used (a) as a bleaching agent for stains like rust
or ink, (b) in textile and leather production, and (c) as
monoglyceryl oxalate in the production of ally1 alcohol
and formic acid.
Oxalic acid is used in textile finishing,
paint stripping; metal and equipment cleaning; as an intermediate;
as an analytic reagent and in the manufacture of
dyes, inks, bleaches, and paint removers; varnishes, wood,
and metal cleansers; dextrin, cream of tartar, celluloid, oxalates,
tartaric acid, purified methyl alcohol, glycerol, and
stable hydrogen cyanide. It is also used in the photographic,
ceramic, metallurgic, rubber, leather, engraving, pharmaceutical,
paper, and lithographic industries.
Biological. Heukelekian and Rand (1955) reported a 5-d BOD value of 0.12 g/g which is 66.7%
of the ThOD value of 0.18 g/g.
Chemical/Physical. At temperatures greater than 189.5 °C, decomposes to carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, formic acid, and water (Windholz et al., 1983). Ozonolysis of oxalic acid in
distilled water at 25 °C under acidic conditions (pH 6.3) yielded carbon dioxide (Kuo et al., 1977).
Absorbs moisture in air forming the dihydrate (Huntress and Mulliken, 1941).
Reacts with bases forming water soluble salts.
UN3261 Corrosive solid, acidic, organic, n.o.s.,
Hazard class: 8; Labels: 8-Corrosive material, Technical
Name Required.
The aqueous solution is a medium-strong
acid. Compounds of the carboxyl group react with all bases,
both inorganic and organic (i.e., amines) releasing substantial
heat, water and a salt that may be harmful. Incompatible with
arsenic compounds (releases hydrogen cyanide gas), diazo
compounds, dithiocarbamates, isocyanates, mercaptans,
nitrides, and sulfides (releasing heat, toxic, and possibly flammable
gases), thiosulfates and dithionites (releasing hydrogen
sulfate and oxides of sulfur). Incompatible with oxidizers
(chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates,
chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may cause fires or
explosions. Keep away from silver compounds; strong alkalis;
chlorites. Contact with some silver compounds forms explosive
Pretreatment involves chemical
reaction with limestone or calcium oxide forming calcium
oxalate. This may then be incinerated utilizing
particulate collection equipment to collect calcium oxide
for recycling.