無色~黄褐色, 澄明の液体
フェニルヒドラジンの試薬製品には、5g , 5g , 100g , 500g , 25mL , 100mL , 500mLなどの実験室で取り扱いやすい容量の種類があります。室温で保管可能な試薬製品です。ガラス容器などで提供されています。
また、フェニルヒドラジン塩酸塩も5g , 100g , 500gなどの容量の種類があり、ポリボトルなどで提供される試薬です。こちらは、冷蔵保管が必要な試薬として取り扱われる場合もあります。
水に難溶, エタノールに可溶。エタノール及びアセトンにやや溶けやすく、水に溶けにくい。
フェニルヒドラジン,ヒドラジノベンゼンともいう.ベンゼンジアゾニウム塩を亜硫酸塩あるいは塩化スズ(Ⅱ)などで還元すると得られる.融点23 ℃,沸点241~242 ℃,137~138 ℃(2.4 kPa).d4201.0978.nD201.6081.空気中で酸化され褐色となる.エタノール,エーテル,ベンゼンに可溶.弱い塩基性を示し,普通,塩酸塩の形で用いられる.アルデヒドやケトンと反応してフェニルヒドラゾン,またα-ケトールと反応してオサゾンの結晶を生成するので,これら化合物の確認試薬として用いられる.また,ピラゾールやピリダジンなどの複素環化合物や染料の合成の原料にも用いられる.LD50 188 mg/kg(ラット,経口).
染料 医薬,医薬中間体 合成中間体 糖、アルデヒド、ケトンの検出用試薬,金属沈殿分析

図2. フェニルヒドラジンの合成方法の例
この際、還元反応にはとが用いられます。また、還元剤として (Ⅱ) などを使用することも可能です。
Phenylhydrazine is a colorless to pale yellow liquid or solid with a weak aromatic odor. It is soluble in water (values ranging from 145 to 837 g/litre at 24 °C have been reported) and is miscible with alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, and acetone. The conversion factor for phenylhydrazine is 1 ppm = 4.5 mg/m3 (at 20 °C, 101 kPa).
Yellow monoclinic crystals with a faint, aromatic odor. Turns red-brown on exposure to air.
Phenylhydrazine is used in the manufactureof dyes and pharmaceuticals; as a stabilizerfor explosive; as a reagent for aldehydes,ketones, and sugars in chemical analysis; andin organic synthesis.
ChEBI: A phenylhydrazine that is the monophenyl derivative of hydrazine.
Pale yellow crystals. Melting point 66°F. Becomes an oily liquid. Toxic by ingestion, inhalation and skin absorption. Flash point 192°F. Autoignition temperature 345°F. Soluble in alcohol.
When exposed to air becomes red-brown. Slightly denser than water and slightly soluble in water.
Phenylhydrazine may ignite spontaneously when in contact with oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide or nitric acid, oxides of iron or copper, or manganese, lead, copper or their alloys. Will not polymerize [USCG, 1999].
Phenylhydrazine is a moderate to highlytoxic compound and a carcinogen. Acutetoxic symptoms include hematuria, changesin liver and kidney, vomiting, convulsions,and respiratory arrest. Additional symptomsare lowering of body temperature and fallin blood pressure. Chronic exposure to thiscompound caused hemolytic anemia andsignificant body weight loss in rats. Anoral administration of 175 mg/kg was lethalto mice. An oral LD50 value in rat is188 mg/kg
Phenylhydrazine caused adverse repro ductive effect when dosed intraperitoneallyin pregnant mice. It caused jaundice, anemia,and behavioral deficit in offspring
Oral or subcutaneous administration ofphenylhydrazine or its hydrochloride produced lung and liver tumors in experimental animals. ACGIH lists this compoundas a suspected human carcinogen. The evidence of carcinogenicity of this compoundin human is inadequate.
Combustible liquid; flash point (closed cup)
89°C (192°F). It reacts with lead dioxide
and strong oxidizing compounds vigorous to
フェニルヒドラジンの主な用途には、 染料・医薬・農業用化学物質などの合成中間体や、糖・アルデヒド・ケトンの検出用試薬、金属沈殿分析などがあります。

図3. フェニルヒドラジンの化学反応の例 (フィッシャーのインドール合成)
合成化学の観点では、ピラゾールやピリダジンなどの複素環化合物の合成原料として用いられたり、各種インドール類の合成中間体でもあります。特に有名な反応として、フィッシャーのインドール合成 (Fischer indole synthesis) が知られています。
フェニルヒドラジンは、人体に対して接触皮膚炎や急性溶血性貧血、肝臓や腎臓への悪影響などを及ぼすことが知られている有毒物質です。発がんのおそれや 遺伝性疾患も指摘されています。
そのため、労働安全衛生法では、「名称等を表示すべき危険有害物」の他に「変異原性が認められた既存化学物質」、「リスクアセスメントを実施すべき危険有害物」に指定されています。引火点は、88℃ (密閉式) であり、消防法において「第4類引火性液体、第三石油類非水溶性液体」の指定を受けています。
Confirmed carcinogen with experimental carcinogenic data. Poison by ingestion, subcutaneous, and intravenous routes experimental reproductive effects Mutation data reported. Ingestion or subcutaneous injection can cause hemolysis of red blood cells. Other effects are damage to the spleen, liver, kidneys, and bone marrow. The most common effect of occupational exposure is the development of dermatitis, which, in sensitized persons, may be quite severe. Systemic effects include anemia and general weakness, gastrointestinal dsturbances, and injury to the kidneys. Flammable when exposed to heat, flame, or oxidizers. To fight fire, use alcohol foam. Violent reaction with 2phenylamino-3-phenyloxazirane. Reacts with perchloryl fluoride to form an explosive product. Vigorous reaction with lead(Ⅳ) oxide. Used as a chemical reagent, in organic synthesis, and in the manufacture of dyes and drugs. Dangerous; when heated to decomposition it emits highly toxic fumes of NOx; can react with oxidizing materials
Phenylhydrazine is a widely used reagent in conjunction with sugars, aldehydes, and ketones. In addition, to its use in the synthesis of dyes; pharmaceuticals, such as antipyrin; cryogenin, and pyramidone; and other organic chemicals. The hydrochloride salt is used in the treatment of polycythemia vera.
Mice given 1mg phenylhydrazine
orally each day, 7 days/week for 42 weeks had an
increased incidence of total lung tumors. The incidence of
malignant tumors also increased. In another study,
mice administered 0.01% of the hydrochloride salt in drinking
water (average of 0.63–0.81 mg/day) over their lifetimes
had an increased incidence of blood vessel tumors. In
contrast, mice given phenylhydrazine orally 5 days/week for
40 weeks at doses of 0.5 mg during the first 5 weeks and
0.25 mg thereafter failed to develop tumors.Higher
doses could not be tested because of the marked anemia
encountered. No leukemias occurred in mice treated with
phenylhydrazine, and pulmonary tumors were infrequent
. Oral administration or intraperitoneal injection
(eight doses, each of 2.9 mg) of phenylhydrazine hydrochloride
in mice failed to increase either pulmonary tumors or
leukemia. The carcinogenic activity of hydrazine
itself has been closely linked to its toxicity, that is, its irritant
effect. The mechanism of action, it is postulated, is
indirect alkylation of DNA, which is also closely connected
to the toxic end point.
UN2572 Phenylhydrazine, Hazard Class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials.
Purify phenylhydrazine by chromatography, then crystallise it from pet ether (b 60-80o)/*benzene. Store it in the dark under N2 as it turns yellow, then red, on exposure to air. It is best stored as the hydrochloride salt; see below. [Coleman Org Synth Coll Vol I 442 1941, Shaw & Stratton J Chem Soc 5004 1962, Beilstein 15 IV 50.]
Phenylhydrazine is very reactive with carbonyl compounds, strong oxidizers; strong bases; alkali metals; ammonia, lead dioxide (violent). Attacks copper salts, nickel, and chromates.
Controlled incineration whereby oxides of nitrogen are removed from the effluent gas by scrubber, catalytic or thermal device.