硫化水素を空気中で点火すると、青色の炎を出して燃え、 (亜硫酸ガス) と水を生じます。(2H2S + 3O2 → 2SO2 + 2H2O)
硫化水素,リュウカスイソ,体系名はスルファン.通常は硫化水素ないし硫化二水素とよぶ.室温では特異な腐卵臭をもつ無色の気体.天然に,火山ガス,鉱泉・温泉水,原油・天然ガスなどに含まれる.また,動物,植物のタンパク質の腐敗により発生する.実験室では,硫化鉄(Ⅱ)と希塩酸との反応でつくることが多かったが,この製法では各種不純物が含まれるので,市販のH2Sのボンベを使うことが多い.工業的には,硫黄蒸気と水素との高温触媒下での反応でもつくりうるが,いまは天然ガス,石油精製,工業排気ガスなどからの回収が主である.気体はH-S-Hの折れ線形で,∠H-S-H92°(液体では90°),H-S1.35 Å.融点-85.5 ℃,沸点-60.7 ℃.密度0.993 g cm-3(-60 ℃).1 g のH2Sは20 ℃ で242 cm3 の水に溶ける(CO2の約2倍).水溶液は弱酸で,pK1 7.02,pK2 13.9.加熱すると,約400 ℃ で分解しはじめ,1700 ℃ で完全に H2 とSに分かれる.空気中で点火すると青い炎をあげて燃え,SO2とH2Oを生じる.水溶液は不安定で,空気酸化を受けて硫黄を析出して白濁する.金属,金属酸化物,金属塩などと反応して硫化物をつくる.単体ハロゲン(Cl2 など)とも反応する.硫黄・硫酸の主要製造原料,化学薬品などの製造工程で使用(医薬品,工業薬品,蛍光体,重水など),金属の分離精製,HCl,H2SO4などからの金属除去,分析用試薬など広い用途がある.きわめて可燃性・引火性が高い.中枢神経系,心臓血管系,呼吸器系に障害もたらす,HCNに匹敵する強い毒性をもつ.空気中に0.1 ppm 存在しても検知できる強い悪臭をもつが,120 ppm で嗅覚麻ひが起こり,800~1000 ppm では一呼吸で死亡する.労働安全衛生法・名称等を通知すべき危険物及び有害物.大気汚染防止法特定物質.
Hydrogen Sulfide is a colorless, very poisonous, flammable gas with the
characteristic foul odor of rotten eggs. It often results
from the bacterial breakdown of organic matter in the
absence of oxygen, such as in swamps and sewers where
anaerobic digestion can take place. It also occurs in
volcanic gases, “natural gas”, and some well waters.
Hydrogen sulfide has numerous names, some of which
are archaic.
Small amounts of hydrogen sulfide occur in crude oil,
but natural gas can contain up to 90%. About 10% of the
total global emission of H2S is due to human activity.
Hydrogen sulfide is a colourless gas with strong odour of rotten eggs (odour threshold ca 0.2 ppt).
H2S is soluble in
carbon disulfide, methanol, acetone and alkanolamines. A solution of hydrogen sulfide in water is initially
clear but over time turns cloudy. This is due to the
slow reaction of hydrogen sulfide with the oxygen dissolved in water, yielding elemental sulfur, which
precipitates out.
Reported found in heated French beans, beef broth, vapors of canned beef, canned beef, beef extract, heated
beef fat, raw beef, beer, bread, heated Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cooked celery, cheddar cheese, cooked and raw chicken, chives,
heated coconut, codfish, ground and roast coffee, heated corn, heated egg, grapefruit juice, cooked herring, citrus juices, strawberry,
cabbage, onion, potato, rutabaga, tomato, blue cheese, buttermilk, raw and boiled eggs, coffee, potato chips, rice, soybeans, okra,
sweet corn, sake, squid, shrimps, cooked, fatty fish and other natural sources
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable, toxic gas with the characteristic odor of rotten eggs.It is produced naturally from the anaerobic bacterial decomposition of organic wastes, occurs in volcanic gases and hot springs, is a product of animal digestion, and is generated in industrial processes. Hydrogen is a natural component of natural gas and petroleum; it is only a small fraction of oil (hundreds of ppm), but may form an appreciable component of natural gas. Natural gas typically contains up to 5% hydrogen sulfide. Natural gas is considered sour if the hydrogen sulfide content exceeds 5.7 mg of H2S per cubic meter of natural gas. The process for removing hydrogen sulfide from sour gas is referred to as sweetening the gas. Because hydrogen sulfide is associated with anaerobic respiration in sewers and swamps, it is referred to as sewer gas, swamp gas, or stink damp.
Hydrogen sulfide is used as an analyticalreagent and in the manufacture of heavywater. It occurs in natural gas and sewer gas.It is formed by the reaction of a metal sulfidewith dilute mineral acid, and in petroleumrefining.
Hydrogen sulfide is produced during anaerobic respiration (fermentation). Anaerobic respirationenables organisms, primarily bacteria and other microbes, to meet their energy needsusing sulfate, elemental sulfur, and sulfur compounds as electron acceptors instead of oxygen.
ChEBI: A sulfur hydride consisting of s single sulfur atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms. A highly poisonous, flammable gas with a characteristic odour of rotten eggs, it is often produced by bacterial decomposition of organic matter in the absence of oxygen.
By far the largest industrial route toH2S occurs in petroleum
refineries. The “hydrodesulfurization” process liberates
sulfur from petroleum by the action of hydrogen. The
resulting H2S is converted to elemental sulfur by partial
combustion via the Claus process that is a major source
of elemental sulfur (In the Claus process, hydrogen
sulfide is catalytically reacted with oxygen from the air
to produce sulfur and sulfur dioxide). Other anthropogenic
sources of hydrogen sulfide include coke ovens,
paper-mills (using the sulfate method), and tanneries,
where Na2S is used for processing cowhide to form
leather. H2S arises from virtually anywhere where
elemental sulfur comes in contact with organic material,
especially at high temperatures.
Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, and iodine react with H2S to form the corresponding halogen acid. Metal sulfides are formed when H2S is passed into solutions of the heavy metals, such as Ag, Pb, Cu, and Mn. This reaction is responsible for the tarnishing of Ag and is the basis for the separation of these metals in classical wet qualitative analytical methods. Hydrogen sulfide reacts with many organic compounds.
Highly flammable; a flame can very easily flash back to the source of leak. Soluble in water to a maximum of 0.4% by mass at room temperature .
HYDROGEN SULFIDE reacts as an acid and as a reducing agent. Explodes on contact with oxygen difluoride, bromine pentafluoride, chlorine trifluoride, dichlorine oxide, silver fulminate. May ignite and explode when exposed to powdered copper in oxygen [Mertz, V. et al., Ber., 1880, 13, p. 722]. May react similarly with other powdered metals. Ignites on contact with metal oxides and peroxides (barium peroxide, chromium trioxide, copper oxide, lead dioxide, manganese dioxide, nickel oxide, silver oxide, silver dioxide, thallium trioxide, sodium peroxide, mercury oxide, calcium oxide) [Mellor, 1947, vol. 10, p. 129, 141]. Ignites with silver bromate, lead(II) hypochlorite, copper chromate, nitric acid, lead(IV) oxide and rust. May ignite if passed through rusty iron pipes [Mee, A. J., School Sci. Rev., 1940, 22(85), p. 95]. Reacts exothermically with bases. The heat of the reaction with soda lime, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, barium hydroxide may lead to ignition or explosion of the unreacted portion in the presence of air / oxygen [Mellor, 1947, vol. 10, p. 140].
Highly flammable, dangerous fire risk,
explosive limits in air 4.3–46%. Toxic by inhalation,
strong irritant to eyes and mucous membranes.
The acute toxicity of hydrogen sulfide by inhalation is moderate. A 5-min exposure
to 800 ppm has resulted in death. Inhalation of 1000 to 2000 ppm may cause coma
after a single breath. Exposure to lower concentrations may cause headache,
dizziness, and upset stomach. Low concentrations of H2S (20 to 150 ppm) can cause
eye irritation, which may be delayed in onset. Although the odor of hydrogen sulfide
is detectable at very low concentrations, it rapidly causes olfactory fatigue at higher
levels, and therefore is not considered to have adequate warning properties.
Hydrogen sulfide has not been shown to be carcinogenic or to have reproductive or
developmental effects in humans
Compound is heavier than air and may travel a considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. HYDROGEN SULFIDE forms explosive mixtures with air over a wide range. Also reacts explosively with bromine pentafluoride, chlorine trifluoride, nitrogen triiodide, nitrogen trichloride, oxygen difluoride, and phenyl diazonium chloride. When heated to decomposition, HYDROGEN SULFIDE emits highly toxic fumes of oxides of sulfur. Incompatible with many materials including strong oxidizers, metals, strong nitric acid, bromine pentafluoride, chlorine trifluoride, nitrogen triiodide, nitrogen trichloride, oxygen difluoride and phenyl diazonium chloride. Avoid physical damage to containers; sources of ignition; storage near nitric acid, strong oxidizing materials, and corrosive liquids or gases.
Hydrogen sulfide is flammable in air in the range of 4.3 to 45.5% (NFPA rating = 4).
Combustion products (sulfur oxides) are also toxic by inhalation. In the event of a
hydrogen sulfide fire, stop the flow of gas if possible without risk of harmful
exposure and let the fire burn itself out.
硫化水素は、主に分子内に硫黄 (S) をもつ化学物質の製造工程で広く使用されています。例えば、メチルメルカプタン (CH3SH) 、エチルメルカプタン (C2H5SH) 、メルカプト酢酸 (HS-CH2-COOH) などの硫黄を含む有機化合物の合成です。
そのほか、化学分析の核磁気共鳴分析 (NMR) などで使用される重水 (D2O) を通常の水から分離する用途もあります。
Hydrogen sulphide (H2S) is a colorless, poisonous, flammable gas with an odor of rotting eggs. It is found in cesspools and mines and is a by-product of decomposed substances containing sulphur. It is one of the gaseous end-products of the reduction of sulphate in highly degraded paddy fields. Hydrogen sulphide is also produced in the laboratory for use as an analytical reagent.
Dry hydrogen sulfide is satisfactorily handled
under pressure at normal ambient temperatures
in carbon steel or black iron piping. Carbon
steels in wet applications are known to be subject
to sulfide stress cracking and low- temperature
brittle fracture under some conditions
of temperature, stress, and pressure. While hydrogen
sulfide itself is relatively noncorrosive to
steel in many uses, factors such as impurities,
pH, erosive conditions, and high thermal or
mechanical stresses in the metal can cause severe
corrosion problems. High-strength steels
are subject to crack formation when exposed to
hydrogen sulfide.
CH4 + 4S → CS2 + 2H2S
S + H2 → H2S
Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless, flammable compressed liquid
gas with a characteristic odor of rotten eggs. The solubility of
hydrogen sulfide in water is 3980 mg l-1 at 20 ℃ and it is
soluble in certain polar organic solvents, notably methanol,
acetone, propylene carbonate, sulfolane, tributyl phosphate,
various glycols and glycol ethers, gasoline, kerosene, crude
oil, and carbon disulfide. The calculated vapor pressure at
21.9 ℃ is 1929 Pa. Boiling point and melting point of the
substance are -60.33 ℃ and-85.49 ℃, respectively. Based
on the estimated Henry’s law constant of 468 atm mol-1 for
hydrogen sulfide, volatilization from water and soil is high.
cylinders of hydrogen sulfide
should be stored and used in a continuously ventilated gas cabinet or fume hood.
Local fire codes should be reviewed for limitations on quantity and storage
水素と硫黄蒸気とを加熱反応させる.約3 MPaで圧縮冷却すると液化する
Wash it, then pass the gas through a train of tubes containing saturated Ba(OH)2 (2x), water (2x), and dilute HCl [Goates et al. J Am Chem Soc 73 707 1951]. It is available in gas cylinders. HIGHLY POISONOUS.
Hydrogen sulfide is incompatible with strong oxidizers. It will attack many metals,
forming sulfides. Liquid hydrogen sulfide will attack some forms of plastics, rubber,
and coatings. H2S reacts violently with a variety of metal oxides, including the
oxides of chromium, mercury, silver, lead, nickel, and iron.
To respond to a release, use appropriate protective equipment and clothing. Positive
pressure air-supplied respiratory protection is required. Close cylinder valve and
ventilate area. Remove cylinder to a fume hood or remote area if it cannot be shut off.
Disposal Excess hydrogen sulfide should be returned to the manufacturer, according to your
institution's waste disposal guidelines. For more information on disposal procedures,
see Chapter 7 of this volume.
J. Ste-Marie, A.E. Torma, A.O. Gubeli, Can. J. Chem., 42, 662 (1964), DOI: 10.1139/v64-097 .