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CAS 8028-89-5
EINECS(EC#) 232-435-9
Molecular Formula C7H10O2
MDL Number MFCD00146294

Chemical Properties

Definition A sugar-based food colorant made from liquid corn syrup by heating in the presence of catalysts to approximately 250F (121C) for several hours, cooling to 200F (93C), and filtering. The brown color results from either Maillard reactions, true caramelization, or oxidative reactions. Caramels are colloidal in nature, the particles being held in solution by either positive or negative electric charges.
density  1.35 g/cm3
Odor at 100.00 %. burnt sugar
Odor Type sweet
Caramel is a colorant that is an amorphous, dark brown product resulting from the controlled heat treatment of carbohydrates such as dextrose, sucrose, and malt syrup. it is available in liquid and powdered forms, providing shades of brown. in coloring a food with caramel, the food components must have the same charge as the particles of caramel, otherwise the particles will attract one another and precipitate out. caramel can exist as several types, for example, acid-proof caramel of negative charge which is used in carbonated beverages, acidified solutions, bakers’ and confectioners’ caramel which are used in baked goods; and dried caramel for dry mixes. major uses are in coloring beverages such as colas and root beers and in baked goods.
EPA Substance Registry System Caramel color (8028-89-5)

Safety Data

Safety Profile
Mutation data reported. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes.
Hazardous Substances Data 8028-89-5(Hazardous Substances Data)

Hazard Information
