N-Bromosuccinimide is prepared by addition of bromine to a cold aqueous solution of succinimide or by reaction of succinimide with NaBrO2 in the presence of HBr.

1.62mol (160g) succinimide is dissolved in a mixture of 1.60mol (64g) NaOH, 300g crushed ice and 400ml water. Cool the mixture in an ice bath, and add 85ml (1.65 mol, 264g) Br2 at once while stirring violently. Stir for two more minutes, then filter the precipitated product and wash with ice water. Dry in a desiccator. Yield 75-81%.
Don't clean up NBS too much, the stinky yellow stuff still containing a bit of Br2 works best. N-Bromosuccinimide is a brominating agent that replaces hydrogen atoms in benzylic or allylic positions. It is used in the oxidation of secondary alcohols to ketones and in controlled low-energy brominations.