MOL File12190-71-5.mol
Dielectric constant | 11.0(Ambient) |
InChI | InChI=1S/I2/c1-2 |
CAS データベース | 12190-71-5 |
ヨウ素 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
1. 研究開発用試薬製品
2. 産業用化学薬品
これは下式のように、ヨウ化物イオンとの反応が起こることによる。 -
Iodine, (I), is a nonmetallic element of family seven, the halogens. It is heavy, grayish-black in color, has a characteristic odor, and is readily sublimed to a violet vapor. It has a vapor density of 4.98, which is heavier than air. It melts at 236°F (113.5°C), has a boiling point of 363°F (184°C), and is insoluble in water. Iodine is toxic by ingestion and inhalation, and is a strong irritant to eyes and skin. The TLV ceiling is 0.1 ppm in air. Iodine is used for antiseptics, germicides, x-ray contrast material, food and feed additives, water treatment, and medicinal soaps. The four-digit UN identification number for iodine is only for the compounds iodine monochloride and iodine pentafluoride, and they are 1792 and 2495, respectively. The DOT lists iodine monochloride as a Class 8 corrosive, and iodine pentafluoride carries an oxidizer and poison label. Iodine does not have an NFPA 704 designation. -
Heavy, grayish-black plates or granules having a metallic luster; characteristic odor. Readily sublimed having a violet vapor.Soluble in alcohol, carbon disulfide, chloroform, ether, carbon tetrachloride, glycerol, and alkaline iodide solutions; insoluble -
Iodine in its pure state is a black solid that sublimates (changes from a solid to a gas withoutgoing through a liquid state) at room temperature. It produces a deep purple vapor that is irritatingto the eyes, nose, and throat. Iodine tends to form nonmetallic diatomic molecules (I2).It is the heaviest of the naturally occurring halogens. (Although astatine, the fifth element ingroup 17, is heavier than iodine, it is a synthetic element and does not occur in nature exceptas a very small trace.) Iodine is the least reactive of the five halogens.
Iodine’s melting point is 113.7°C, its boiling point is 184.4°C, and its density is 4.93g/cm3. -
There are a total of 145 isotopes of iodine. Only one (I-127) is stable andaccounts for 100% of iodine’s natural abundance on Earth. All the other 146 isotopesare radioactive with half-lives ranging from a 150 nanoseconds to 1.57×10+7 -
The name originates from the Greek word iodes, meaning “violet-colored,” which is the color of iodine’s vapor. -
Iodine is the 64th most abundant element on Earth. It occurs widely over the Earth, butnever in the elemental form and never in high concentrations.
It occurs in seawater where some species of seaweed and kelp accumulate the elementin their cells. It is also recovered from deep brine wells found in Chile, Indonesia, Japan,and Michigan, Arkansas, and Oklahoma in the United States. The iodine is recovered fromcremated ashes of seaweed. The ashes are leached with water to remove the unwanted salts.Finally, manganese dioxide (MnO2) is added to oxidize the iodine ions (I1-) to produceelemental diatomic iodine (I2). The following reaction takes place: 4I1- + MnO2 → MnI2 +I2 + 2O2-.
Chilean saltpeter [potassium nitrate (KNO3)] has a number of impurities, includingsodium and calcium iodate. Iodine is separated from the impurities and, after being treatedchemically, finally produces diatomic iodine. Today, iodine is mostly recovered from sodiumiodate (NaIO3) and sodium periodate (NaIO4) obtained from Chile and Bolivia. -
Iodine is the least reactive of the elements in the halogen group 17. Most people associateiodine with the dark-brown color of the tincture of iodine used as an antiseptic for minor skinabrasions and cuts. A tincture is a 50% solution of iodine in alcohol. Although it is still used,iodine is no longer the antibiotic of choice for small skin wounds. Since iodine is a poisonthat kills bacteria, iodine tablets are often used by campers and others to purify water that istaken from outdoor streams. -
Discovered by Courtois in 1811. Iodine, a halogen, occurs sparingly in the form of iodides in sea water from which it is assimilated by seaweeds, in Chilean saltpeter and nitrate-bearing earth, known as caliche in brines from old sea deposits, and in brackish waters from oil and salt wells. Ultrapure iodine can be obtained from the reaction of potassium iodide with copper sulfate. Several other methods of isolating the element are known. Iodine is a bluish-black, lustrous solid, volatilizing at ordinary temperatures into a blue-violet gas with an irritating odor; it forms compounds with many elements, but is less active than the other halogens, which displace it from iodides. Iodine exhibits some metallic-like properties. It dissolves readily in chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, or carbon disulfide to form beautiful purple solutions. It is only slightly soluble in water. Iodine compounds are important in organic chemistry and very useful in medicine. Forty-two isotopes and isomers are recognized. Only one stable isotope, 127I, is found in nature. The artificial radioisotope 131I, with a half-life of 8 days, has been used in treating the thyroid gland. The most common compounds are the iodides of sodium and potassium (KI) and the iodates (KIO3). Lack of iodine is the cause of goiter. Iodides and thyroxin, which contains iodine, are used internally in medicine, and a solution of KI and iodine in alcohol is used for external wounds. Potassium iodide finds use in photography. The deep blue color with starch solution is characteristic of the free element. Care should be taken in handling and using iodine, as contact with the skin can cause lesions; iodine vapor is intensely irritating to the eyes and mucous membranes. Elemental iodine costs about 25 to 75¢/g depending on purity and quantity. -
Iodine is a halogen element extracted from chilean nitrate-bearing earth or from seaweed. it functions by its presence in the thyroid hormones. iodine deficiency is associated with goiter. sources are potassium and cuprous iodide and potassium and calcium iodate, of which the iodate form is preferred because of better stability. it is used as a food supplement. -
If extreme purification is unnecessary, commercial iodine or iodine regenerated from wastes can, according to a method described by Plotnikow, be sublimed, first over KI and then over BaO. It is then stored in ground glass containers placed in a desiccator over P2O5. -
A dark-violet volatile solid element belonging to the halogens (group 17 of the periodic table). It occurs in seawater and is concentrated by various marine organisms in the form of iodides. Significant deposits also occur in the form of iodates. The element is conveniently prepared by the oxidation of iodides in acid solution (using MnO2). Industrial methods similarly use oxidation of iodides or reduction of iodates to iodides by sulfur(IV) oxide (sulfur dioxide) followed by oxidation, depending on the source of the raw materials. Iodine and its compounds are used in chemical synthesis, photography, pharmaceuticals, and dyestuffs manufacture.
Iodine has the lowest electronegativity of the stable halogens and consequently is the least reactive. It combines only slowly with hydrogen to form hydroiodic acid, HI. Iodine also combines directly with many electropositive elements, but does so much more slowly than does bromine or chlorine. Because of the larger size of the iodine ion and the consequent low lattice energies, the iodides are generally more soluble than related bromides or chlorides. As with the other halides, iodides of Ag(I), Cu(I), Hg(I), and Pb(II) are insoluble unless complexing ions are present.
Iodine also forms a range of covalent iodides with the metalloids and non-metallic elements (this includes a vast range of organic iodides) but these are generally less thermodynamically stable and are more readily hydrolyzed than chlorine or bromine analogs. -
less than pure form, it can damage the skin, eyes, and mucous membranes. Both the elementalform and its compounds (gases, liquids, or solids) are toxic if inhaled or ingested. Even indiluted form (e.g., a tincture of iodine to treat minor skin wounds), it should be used withcare.
Although a poison in high concentrations, iodine is required as a trace element in our dietsto prevent thyroid problems and mental retardation in the very young. -
- 有機合成の中間体及び触媒、有機化合物安定剤、希有金属の製錬、分析用試薬
- 医薬品、保健薬、殺菌剤
- 診断治療、内科放射治療 (放射性ヨウ素131)
- 家畜飼料添加剤、染料、写真製版、農薬
- 薄層膜厚測定、送水管の欠陥検査、油田の検出
1. 分析化学
ヨウ素 (ヨード) の溶液は、デンプンを加えると、ヨウ素デンプン反応を起こして青紫色を呈する性質があります。この性質を活かしてヨウ素滴定 (ヨードメトリー) が行われたりします。
2. 医療分野
ヨウ素 (ヨード) は、消毒薬として広く用いられている物質です。代表的な消毒液には、ヨードチンキ (ヨウ素のアルコール溶液) や、ルゴール液 (ヨウ素とヨウ化カリウムのグリセリン溶液) 、ポビドンヨード (ヨウ素とポリビニルピロリドンの錯化合物) があります。
3. その他産業分野
黒灰色?黒紫色固体,融点11.36℃,沸点185.2℃,水に難溶であり,ヨウ化物イオンを含む水に多ヨウ化物イオン(I?)として溶ける,アルコールやエーテルなどの有機物に溶ける,白金触媒下,300℃以上で水素と反応してヨウ化水素となる,他のハロゲンと反応して,フッ化ヨウ素,塩化ヨウ素,臭化ヨウ素を生成する -
ヨウ素の結晶は斜方晶系の構造を持ち、反磁性を示します。電気抵抗率 (0℃) は1.3×107Ω⋅m、熱伝導率 (300K) は0.449 W/(m⋅K)です。酸化力は、フッ素、塩素、臭素のほかのハロゲン元素よりも小さいです。
Iodine is a purplish-black, crystalline, poisonouselementary solid, chemical symbol I, bestknown for its use as a strong antiseptic in medicine,but also used in many chemical compoundsand war gases. In tablet form it is usedfor sterilizing drinking water, and has less odorand taste than chlorine for this purpose. It isalso used in cattle feeds. Although poisonousin quantity, iodine is essential to proper cellgrowth in the human body, and is found in everycell in a normal body, with larger concentrationin the thyroid gland.
A wide range of compounds are made forelectronic and chemical uses. Iodine is also achemical reagent, used for reducing vanadiumpentoxide and zirconium oxide into highpuritymetals. -
ヨード (英: Iodine) とは、分子式I2で表される二原子分子である単体のヨウ素の別名です。
アセチル基 -C(=O)-CH3 をもつ有機化合物に,塩基性条件下でヨウ素を作用させると,ヨードホルム CHI3 が生成する.ヨードホルムは特有の臭気をもち,また生成量が多いときには淡黄色の結晶として反応液から析出するので検出しやすい.塩基性ヨウ素液は穏やかな酸化剤なので,酸化によってアセチル基を生じる化合物もヨードホルム反応をおこす.
R-C(=O)-CH3 + 3I2 + 4NaOH → R-C(=O)-ONa + CHI3 + 3NaI + 3H2O -
ヨウ素 生産企業
Anhui Yisheng Technology Co., LTD
電話番号 +86-19355901310<br/>+86-19355901310
電子メール alice@ah-yisheng.com
Henan Bao Enluo International TradeCo.,LTD
電話番号 +86-17331933971<br/>+86-17331933971
電子メール deasea125996@gmail.com
Guangzhou Tengyue Chemical Co., Ltd.
電話番号 +86-86-18148706580<br/>+8618826483838
電子メール evan@tyvovo.com
Hebei Dangtong Import and export Co LTD
電話番号 +86-86-4001020630<br/>+8619831957301
電子メール admin@hbdangtong.com
Anhui Yiao New Material Technology Co., Ltd
電話番号 +86-18033737140<br/>+86-17354101231
電子メール sales1@hbganmiao.com
Henan Fengda Chemical Co., Ltd
電話番号 +86-371-86557731<br/>+86-13613820652
電子メール info@fdachem.com
Hebei Ganmiao New material Technology Co., LTD
電話番号 +86-17332992504<br/>+86-17332992504
電子メール sales8@hbganmiao.com
電話番号 +86 319 5273535
電子メール bestoneforyou@sina.com
Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD
電話番号 86-13657291602
電子メール linda@hubeijusheng.com
電話番号 +86-023-6139-8061<br/>+86-86-13650506873
電子メール sales@chemdad.com