クリプトン,原子番号36の元素.電子配置[Ar]3d104s24p6の周期表18族希ガス元素.原子量83.798(2).安定同位体核種は,質量数78(0.355(3)%),80(2.286(10)%),82(11.593(31)%),83(11.500(19)%),84(56.987(15)%),86(17.279(41)%)の6種.質量数69~97までの27種の放射性核種が知られている.81Kr がもっとも長寿命で,半減期2.29×105 y で軌道電子捕獲により 81Br に崩壊する.もっとも重要な核種は,核分裂生成物の一つである 85Kr(クリプトン85)で,半減期10.78 y のβ崩壊核種.
クリプトン,無色,無臭の気体.融点-157.36 ℃,沸点-152.3 ℃,臨界温度-63.69 ℃(209.46 K),三重点-157.39 ℃(115.76 K).密度2.443 g cm-3(115.77 K,液体).第一イオン化エネルギー1350.7 kJ mol-1(13.9996 eV).化学的に不活性であるが,1963年にKrF2が合成された([別用語参照]クリプトン化合物).
クリプトン用途は,橙赤色の発光スペクトル線を利用して,空港等の施設の照明灯,投影用ランプ充填ガスなど.クリプトンガスレーザーは網膜などの手術に使われる.1983年の国際度量衡機構総会で真空中の光速を基準にするまで,1960年から 86Kr の橙赤色スペクトル線の波長605.780211 nm の1650763.73倍が1 m と定義されていた.
水やヒドロキノンとは、包接化合物を形成可能です。化学式はKr・6H2OとKr・3C6H4(OH)2です。水素化クリプトン (Kr(H2)4) の結晶は、5GPa以上で得られます。
火星の大気中にも0.3体積 ppm 存在する.液体空気の分留最後の留分から得られるクリプトン.
Krypton, Kr, is an elemental, colorless, odorless inert gas. It is noncombustible, nontoxic, and nonreactive; however, it is an asphyxiant gas and will displace oxygen in the air. Krypton 85 is radioactive and has a half-life of 10.3 years. The four-digit UN identification number for krypton is 1056 as a compressed gas and 1970 as a cryogenic liquid. These forms of krypton are not radioactive. Radioactive isotopes of krypton are shipped under radioactive labels and placards as required. Its primary uses are in the activation of phosphors for self-luminous markers, detecting leaks, and in medicine to trace blood flow.
colourless gas
Krypton is a rather dense, tasteless, colorless, odorless gas. Its critical temperature isbetween that of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It is extracted during fractional distillation ofliquid oxygen at a temperature of about –63.8°C. At one time it was thought that krypton, aswell as the other noble gases, were completely inert. However, in 1967 scientists were able tocombine fluorine with krypton at low temperatures to form the compound krypton difluoride(KrF2). In this case krypton has a valence of 2.
Krypton’s melting point is –156.6°C, its boiling point is –152.30°C, and its density is0.003733g/cm3.
There are a total of 37 isotopes of krypton. Six of these are stable: Kr-78, Kr-80,Kr-82, Kr-83, Kr-84, and Kr-86. The isotope Kr-78 has such a long half-life (0.9×10+20years) that it is considered stable even though it contributes only 0.35% to the naturalkrypton in the Earth’s atmosphere. All the others are radioactive, man-made by-productsof nuclear power plants and radioactive isotopes with half-lives ranging from 107 nanosecondsto 2.29×10+15 years.
The name “krypton” is derived from the Greek word kryptos, meaning
Krypton is the 81st most abundant element on Earth and ranks seventh in abundance ofthe gases that make up Earth’s atmosphere. It ranks just above methane (CH4) in abundancein the atmosphere. Krypton is expensive to produce and thus has limited use. The gas is capturedcommercially by fractional distillation of liquid air. Krypton shows up as an impurity inthe residue. Along with some other gases, it is removed by filtering through activated charcoaland titanium.
There are traces of krypton in some minerals and meteorites. Krypton is found beyondEarth in space.
Krypton is the fourth element in group 18 (VIIIA), which is also known as group 0 becausethe elements is this group were thought to have a zero oxidation point. Krypton has many ofthe chemical properties and characteristics of some of the other noble gases.
The fragile compounds formed by noble gases at low temperatures, such as KrF2, are calledclathrates.
Krypton is expensive to produce, which limits its use as an inert gas. It is used in a mixturewith argon to fill incandescent light bulbs, fluorescent lamps, lasers, and high-speed photographylamps. Radioactive Kr-85 is used as a source of radiation to measure the thickness ofindustrial materials. It is also used to test for “leakage” of scientific instruments.
Since 1960 the wavelength of the spectral lines of the krypton-86 isotope has been usedas the standard for the length of the meter. One meter is now defined as 1,650,762.73 wavelengthsof the reddish-orange spectral line of the Kr-86 isotope.
A colorless odorless
monatomic element of the rare-gas group,
known to form unstable compounds with
fluorine. It occurs in minute quantities
(0.001% by volume) in air. Krypton is used
in fluorescent lights. Symbol: Kr; m.p.
–156.55°C; b.p. –152.3°C; d. 3.749 (0°C)
kg m–3; p.n. 36; r.a.m. 83.80.
Most krypton produced in commercial scale comes from air. Krypton and other inert gases are obtained from air by a distillation-liquefaction process. Different types of air-separation plants varying in design are known for commercial production of nitrogen, oxygen, and inert gases (See Helium).
Krypton also may be recovered from spent fuel rods of nuclear power plants. It is produced, along with xenon, in fission of uranium and plutonium. This process, however, is not a major source of krypton, and the recovered gas also contains radioactive Kr-85 isotope.
Krypton, refrigerated liquid, is a colorless, odorless gas. KRYPTON is shipped as a liquid under its own vapor pressure. Contact with the liquid may cause frostbite to unprotected skin. KRYPTON can asphyxiate by displacement of air. Exposure of the container to prolonged heat or fire may cause KRYPTON to rupture violently and rocket.
These substances undergo no chemical reactions under any known circumstances. They are nonflammable, noncombustible and nontoxic. They can asphyxiate. Contact of very cold liquefied gas with water may result in vigorous or violent boiling of the product and extremely rapid vaporization due to the large temperature differences involved. If the water is hot, there is the possibility that a liquid "superheat" explosion may occur. Pressures may build to dangerous levels if liquid gas contacts water in a closed container [Handling Chemicals Safely 1980].
Being an inert gas, krypton is nontoxic. However, the man-made radioisotopes of kryptoncan cause radiation poisoning.
Vapors may cause dizziness or asphyxiation without warning. Vapors from liquefied gas are initially heavier than air and spread along ground. Contact with gas or liquefied gas may cause burns, severe injury and/or frostbite.
Non-flammable gases. Containers may explode when heated. Ruptured cylinders may rocket.
KrF2とB(OTeF5)3の反応によって、クリプトン-酸素結合を含む不安定な化合物であるKr(OTeF5)2を生成可能です。クリプトン-窒素結合は、-50°C以下でKrF2と[HC=NH]+[AsF6-]との反応で生じる[HC=N–Kr–F]+にも見られます。HKrCNやHKrC=CH は、40Kまで安定だと報告されています。
Krypton, which occurs in the air to the extentof 1 part in 1 million, is a heavy gas used as afiller for fluorescent lamps to decrease filamentevaporation and heat loss and to permit highertemperatures in the lamp. Krypton-85, obtainedfrom atomic reactions, is a beta-ray emitter usedin luminous paints for activating phosphors andalso as a source of radiation.