Xe.原子番号54の元素.電子配置[Kr]4d105s25p6の周期表18族希ガス元素.原子量131.293(6).天然に存在する同位体核種は質量数124(0.0952%),126(0.0890),128(1.910),129(26.4006),130(4.0710),131(21.2324),132(26.9086),134(10.4357),136(8.8573)と非常に多い.乾燥大気の0.087体積 ppm を占める.放射性核種は質量数109~147の間に40種以上あり,127のものが半減期36.4 d,136Xe は > 2.4×1021 y.124Xe は1.1×1017 y で大気中に存在する.ウラン核分裂の際に生成される 135Xe は熱中性子吸収断面積が大きく(2.6×106 バーン),原子炉運転の際に障害となるので中性子毒として知られる.1898年,W. Ramsay(ラムゼー)とM.W. Traversによって液体空気の分留中にKr留分から発見された.ギリシア語の“よそ者”ξενοσから名づけられた.大気中に0.087体積 ppm,火星の大気中にも0.08体積 ppm 存在する.液体空気の分留最後の留分から得られ,活性炭による分別吸着,蒸発,ガスクロマトグラフィーによって精製される.無色,無臭の気体.数十万atm 下で金属キセノンがつくられた.融点161.3 K(-111.9 ℃),沸点165 K(-108.1 ℃).臨界温度256.5 K(16.6 ℃).三重点161.3 K.液体の密度2.939 g cm-3(沸点),固体の密度3.54 g cm-3(三重点)と重い.第一イオン化エネルギー1170.4 kJ mol-1(12.13 eV).1962年以前は誤ってまったく不活性と思われていたが,同年,カナダのN. BartlettによりXePtF6が合成され,その後,フッ化物や酸化物,フッ化酸化物が合成された.酸化数2,4,6,8.フッ素との反応は容易に起こり,XeF2はXeと F2 の混合気体をガラス容器に入れ,太陽光を当てるだけで無色の結晶が得られる.Xe自体は無毒であるが,化合物は酸化力が強いために有毒である.用途は,Xe中の放電を利用したキセノンランプ用で,発光スペクトルが太陽光に似ているので白色光源として写真用のフラッシュランプ,灯台用ランプ,最近では高輝度を利用して自動車のヘッドライト用にも用いられる.液体は素粒子物理学用の検出器(ニュートリノ,暗黒物質)やイメージングデバイスに媒質として使用される.[CAS 7440-63-3]
天然にはキセノン 132のほか8種の同位体が存在する。 W.ラムゼーにより 1898年,液体空気の蒸発残留物中に発見された。温泉ガス中にしばしば含まれるが,空気中の存在量は 10-5 %程度。単体は単原子で無色,無臭の気体で,沸点-107.1℃。X線、γ(ガンマ)線、中性中間子の計数管封入ガス、液化キセノン泡箱に用いられるほか、高輝度電球や写真用長寿命ストロボ発光電球の封入ガスとして利用される。無色、無臭で大気中では無害の気体であるが、神経組織の脂質部分に溶解しやすく、高濃度では外科手術の麻酔に利用されることもある。放射性同位体をトレーサーとして生体内脂質代謝機構の研究にも応用される。
キセノンの元素記号はXeです。固体のキセノンは、安定な面心立方構造を取っています。電子配置は[Kr] 5s2 4d10 5p6です。
全元素中でキセノンは、スズに次いで2番目に安定同位体の数が多いです。例えば、124Xe、126Xe、134Xe、136Xeなどは二重ベータ崩壊 (英: double beta decay) が起きると予測できますが、これまでに観測されていないため、安定同位体として数えられています。
ゼノンコールド (安西メディカル)
Krypton, neon, and xenon are rare atmospheric gases. Each is odorless, colorless, tasteless, nontoxic, monatomic, and chemically inert.
All three together constitute less than 0.002
percent of the atmosphere with approximate
concentrations in the atmosphere of 18 ppm for
neon, 1.1 ppm for krypton, and 0.09 ppm for
xenon. Few users of the three gases need them
in bulk quantities, and the three are shipped
most often in single cylinders and glass liter
Radon, a radioactive rare gas, is not treated in
this book because it has little or no practical
application at present. It is the heaviest gas
known (density at 70°F and 1 atm, 0.61 Ib/ft3; at
21.1°C and 1 atm, 9.8 kg/m3.
Among the rare gases, neon, krypton, and xenon in particular ionize at lower voltages than
other gases, and the brilliant, distinctive light
they emit while conducting electricity in the
ionized state accounts for one of their primary
uses. Their characteristic colors as ionized conductors are red for neon, yellow-green for
krypton, and blue to green for xenon. Similarly,
argon and helium are also used for this purpose
and emit red or blue for argon and yellow for
helium. These latter two gases are treated in
separate monographs.
Colorless, odorless gas or liquid. Gas
(at STP) has d 5.8971 g/L (air = 1.29 g/L), dielectric
constant 1.0012 (25C) (1 atm); liquid has bp
?108.12C (1 mm Hg), d (at bp) of 1.987 g/cc; liquefaction
temp?106.9C.Chemically unreactive but
not completely inert. Noncombustible.
Xenon has a relatively high atomic weight and is about 4.5 times heavier than air. It is colorless,tasteless, and odorless. Its critical temperature is comparatively high at 16.6°C, which isfar above oxygen (–188°C). This means that xenon will boil away from commercial fractionaldistillation of liquid oxygen.
Xenon’s melting point is –111.79°C, its boiling point is –108.12°C, and its density is0.005887g/cm3.
There are 46 isotopes of xenon. Nine of these are stable. Two of the stableisotopes are radioactive, but with half-lives long enough to be considered stable.They are Xe-124 (1.1×10+17years) and Xe-136 (3.6×10+20 years). The 47 manmadeartificial radioactive isotopes have half-lives ranging from 150 nanoseconds to11.9 days.
The word “xenon” is derived from the Greek word xenon, meaning
Xenon is found in trace amounts in the atmosphere. It makes up just 0.086 ppm by volumeof air. Xenon is the rarest of the noble gases. For every thousand-million atoms of air, thereare only 87 atoms of xenon. Even so, it is recovered in commercial amounts by boiling off thexenon from fractional distillation of liquid air. Small amounts of xenon have been found insome minerals and meteorites, but not in amounts great enough to exploit.
Xenon is noncombustible, and even though it is considered inert, it will combine with afew elements (i.e., oxygen, fluorine, and platinum). Xenon is the only member of group 18that exhibits all of the even valence states of +2, +4, +6, and +8. It has similar oxidation stateseven though most periodic tables list a single oxidation state of zero.
When excited electrically, xenon (sometimes mixed with krypton) produces a brilliantwhite flash of light that makes it useful as the gas in strobe lights. The flash used in photog-raphy can repeatedly be used to provide a well-balanced light for illumination. The xenon inflash tubes is not consumed and can be flashed over and over again.
Xenon lamps are also used as an antiseptic to kill bacteria, to power lasers, and as tracers.Because of its high atomic mass, xenon ions are preferred as fuel for ion engines to powerspacecraft in deep space.
A colorless odorless
monatomic element of the rare-gas group.
It occurs in trace amounts in air. Xenon is
used in electron tubes and strobe lighting.
Symbol: Xe; m.p. –111.9°C; b.p.
–107.1°C; d. 5.8971 (0°C) kg m–3; p.n. 54;
r.a.m. 131.29.
Xenon is an inert gas that is nonflammable and nonexplosive.The outer shell of xenon is complete thus it is not ahighly reactive compound neither seeking, nor donatingelectrons to biological molecules. Despite its “inert” status,xenon has been shown to interact with biological moleculesby forming an induced dipole in the presence of a cationicsite. An induced dipole could also result from an interactionwith another fleeting dipole formed at the proposedbinding site to form an induced dipole-induced dipole orLondon dispersion force.The mechanism of xenon anesthesiaand the site of action are still unknown.
As a noble gas that is mostly inert, xenon is nontoxic and noncombustible. Some of itscompounds are toxic and potentially explosive, but there is little chance of coming into contactwith them on a day-to-day basis.
1962年に化学結合を持つ最初の貴ガス化合物として、ヘキサフルオロ白金酸キセノンが合成されました。化学式はXePtF6です。それ以外にも、二フッ化キセノン (XeF2) 、四フッ化キセノン (XeF4) 、六フッ化キセノン (XeF6) などのハロゲン化物も合成できます。ただし、フッ化物はいずれも、容易に水で加水分解されます。
四フッ化キセノンや六フッ化キセノンと水の反応によって、酸化物である三酸化キセノン (XeO3) を得ることが可能です。三酸化キセノンの構造は三角錐型で、爆発性の化合物です。アルカリ条件下では、Xe0とXeVIIIに不均化します。さらに、六フッ化キセノンと石英 (SiO2) を反応させると、四フッ化酸化キセノン (XeOF4) が生成します。
キセノンは、単独で空気中から精製されません。液体酸素、液体窒素、液化アルゴンなどを生産する際に、大型空気分離装置を用いたジュール=トムソン効果 (英: Joule–thomson effect) による断熱膨張によって、液化した空気の分留の副産物として回収されています。
Xenon, another gas occurring in the air to theextent of 1 part in 11 million, is the heaviestof the rare gases. When atomic reactors are operated at high power, xenon tends to buildup as a reaction product, poisoning the fuel andreducing the reactivity. Xenon lamps for militaryuse give a clear white light known as sunlightplus north-sky light. This color does notchange with the voltage, and thus the lampsrequire no voltage regulators. Xenon is a mildanesthetic; the accumulation from air helps toinduce natural sleep, but it cannot be used insurgery since the quantity needed producesasphyxiation.
Gaseous neon, krypton, and xenon are noncorrosive and inert, so they may be contained in
systems constructed of any common metals designed to withstand safely the pressures involved. At the temperatures encountered with
liquid neon, krypton, and xenon, ordinary carbon steels and most alloy steels lose their ductility and are considered unsafe for use with
these cryogenic liquids. Satisfactory materials
for use with liquid neon, krypton, and xenon
include austenitic stainless steel (for example
types 304 and 316) and other nickel-chromium
alloys, copper, Monel, brass, and aluminum.
An inert gas that acts as
a simple asphyxiant. For a dscussion of
toxicity effects, see ARGON. A common air
Gaseous neon, krypton, and xenon must be handled with all the precautions necessary for
safety with any nonflammable, nontoxic compressed gas.
All precautions necessary for the safe handling of any gas liquefied at very low temperatures must be observed with liquid neon, krypton, and xenon. Extensive tissue damage or
bums can result from exposure to liquid neon,
krypton, or xenon or their cold vapors.
CGA P-l, Safe Handling of Compressed
Gases in Containers, provides basic guidelines
and requirements for the safe handling and storage of compressed gas cylinders. Also
refer to CGA P-12, Safe Handling of Cryogenic
Liquids, for information concerning safe handling of neon, krypton, and xenon in liquid form. Another useful reference concerning inert
gases is CGA P-14, Accident Prevention in
Oxygen-Rich and Oxygen-Deficient Atmospheres.
When disposal becomes necessary, vent neon,
krypton, and xenon gas slowly to a
well-ventilated outdoor location remote from
personnel work areas and building air intakes.
Do not dispose of any residual neon, krypton,
and xenon in compressed gas cylinders. Return
cylinders to the supplier with residual pressure,
the cylinder valve tightly closed, and the valve
caps in place.
Allow liquid neon, krypton, and xenon to
evaporate in well-ventilated outdoor locations
that are remote from work areas.