
泰地罗新 性质
熔点 | >110°C (dec.) |
沸点 | 846.8±65.0 °C(Predicted) |
密度 | 1.15 |
储存条件 | 2-8°C |
溶解度 | 可溶于氯仿(少量)、DMSO(少量)、甲醇(少量) |
形态 | 固体 |
酸度系数(pKa) | 13.18±0.70(Predicted) |
颜色 | 灰白色至浅米色 |
泰地罗新 用途与合成方法
泰地罗新具有特殊的三氮结构,注射后吸收更迅速,细菌外壁穿透能力更强,与细菌核糖体蛋白结合位点更多,从而使其抑菌和杀菌的作用比一般的大环内酯类抗生素更强。同时其特殊的三氮结构可以延长泰地罗新在肺组织和支气管液中有效浓度时间。 泰地罗新注射液单剂量颈部肌内注射后,猪按4mg/kg体重单剂量肌内注射,血液中达峰时间Tmax为23min,峰浓度Cmax为1.12µg/ml,血浆与肺部组织中的消除半衰期分别为4 d 和7 d。大环内酯类药物在肺部具有靶向特异性,肺组织浓度显著高于血药浓度。注射24小时后肺组织达峰浓度4000ng/g,5天后支气管液中达峰浓度为14000ng/g,浓度是血中药物浓度的618倍,并且作用持久。14天后在肺匀浆中高于1000 ng/g,在支气管液浓度持续高于6000 ng/g仍然对巴氏杆菌和副猪嗜血杆菌高度敏感。
泰地罗新常规剂量(4~12mg/kg体重)给药对猪血常规、生理生化指标没有任何影响,但5倍量注射可能引起心、肝、肾的损伤。林红等的研究结果也表明临床推荐剂量给药是安全的,临床上使用对牛也是安全的;无论静注还是肌注,泰地罗新对犬是安全的;羔羊静脉或皮下注射泰地罗新4mg/kg或6mg/kg体重是安全的,在治疗后2~10d内会引起注射部位轻度瘙痒、呼吸困难和咳嗽。 Tildipirosin是一种半合成的大环内脂类抗菌素。Tildipirosin exhibits the inhibitory effect on C. coli species, and 23 of 31 (74%) isolates have MICs of 8 or 16 μg/mL while 8 of 31 (26%) have MIC >256 μg/mL. MICs against C. jejuni are 8-64 μg/mL. Tildipirosin against S. enterica and E. coli are 2-8 μg/mL. Tildipirosin inhibits the treponeme isolates form from CODD lesions from 19 sheep, with MIC90 of 0.0469 mg/L. The P. multocida B130 clones show the MIC of 0.25 mg/L for tildipirosin. The 10 P. multocida isolates that carry only erm(42) exhibit MIC of 16-32 mg/L for tildipirosin. The single M. haemolytica that harbours only erm(42) shows MIC of 32 mg/L for tildipirosin.
The mean percentage of lung consolidation for tildipirosin (4 mg/kg, s.c.)-treated calves is significantly lower than those for tulathromycin-treated and control calves. Metaphylactic administration of tildipirosin to calves 5 days prior to H somni challenge prevents subsequent culture of the pathogen from bronchial secretions and is more effective in minimizing clinical disease and lung lesions than is metaphylactic administration of tulathromycin.
泰地罗新 价格(试剂级)
更新日期 | 产品编号 | 产品名称 | CAS号 | 包装 | 价格 |
2025-02-08 | HY-A0071 | 泰地罗新 | 328898-40-4 | 1 mg | 673 |
2025-02-08 | HY-A0071 | 泰地罗新 | 328898-40-4 | 2mg | 950 |