purple crystals, crystalline powder or chunks

Neodymium(III) chloride hexahydrate may be used as a source of Nd3+ ions, to be used to dope AgBr crystals, known to exhibit lasing effects.
Neodymium(III) Chloride is a typical starting material for the production of Nd metal. It is also used a a source of Nd3+ ion for doping into laser host materials.
Neodymium(III) chloride hexahydrate does not seem toxic to humans and animals (approximately similar to table salt).
reagent type: catalyst
core: neodymium
Neodynium chloride forms large purple prisms from concentrated solutions of dilute HCl. They are soluble in H2O (2.46 parts in 1 part of H2O) and EtOH, and lose H2O at 160o.