The extract prepared from annatto seed, Bixa orellana (L.), using a food grade extraction solvent
Annatto extracts occur as dark red solutions, emulsions or suspensions in water or oil or as dark
red powders.
annatto extract (Bixaorellana) is used in creams and sun products as a colorant and a highlighter. The orange color it provides is obtained from the plant’s dried fruit, specifically the pulp.
Annatto is a color source of yellowish to reddish-orange color
obtained from the seed coating of the tree bixa orellanna. the oil-
soluble annatto consists mainly of bixin, a carotenoid soluble in fats
and oils with the color which is produced in the fat portion of the
food. it has a yellow hue, very good oxidation stability, fair light
stability, and good heat stability, but it is unstable above 125°c. the
water-soluble annatto is norbixin (the product resulting when bixin
is saponified and the methylethyl group is split off) which is dis-
solved as a potassium salt in lye. it is readily soluble in aqueous
alkalis with the coloring occurring in the protein and starch fraction
of the food. it has a yellow to orange hue and precipitates in most
acid foods. the usage level is 0.5–10 ppm in the finished food. it is
used in sausage casings, oleomargarine, shortening, and cheese.
Food coloring in dairy products, especially butter and cheese, flour confectionary, fish, meat products, soft drinks, snack foods and dry mixes. In wood stains, polish, and varnishes. Spice or condiment. Insect repellent.
Moderately toxic by
intraperitoneal route. Human systemic
effects by skin contact. When heated to
decomposition it emits acrid smoke and
irritating fumes.