Orange-yellow liquid. On prolonged standing, slowly decomposes into SO2, Br2 and S2Br2 and turns reddish; very sensitive
to moisture. M.p. -49.5°C. Its thermal stability is poor and
therefore SOBr2 can be distilled only in vacuum.
Thionyl Bromide is used in the preparation of carbon nanotube-phosphorylcholine polymer composite used in blood condition.
Reaction of SO2 with Br2 in the presence of PCl3: 64 g. of SO2 is
added to a mixture of 138 g. of PCl3 and 160 g. of Br2 , while the
reactor is cooled. The yield, after fractional distillation, is 180
g. of SOBr2.
Extremely destructive to tissue of mucous membranes, upper respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Reacts vigorously with acetone to form a lachrymator. Should be handled in a fume hood.
less stable than thionyl chloride and will slowly decompose, even in a stoppered container. Stable if kept dry, but reacts violently with water.