Colorless liquid; sharp characteristic odor;boils at 115°C (239°F) at 6 torr; density 1.06at 20°C (68°F); insoluble in water; soluble inalcohol and ether.
The toxicity of this substance is much lowerthan the methyl or the ethyl sulfate esters.It is moderately toxic by ingestion. Theoral lethal dose in rabbits is within therange 200 mg/kg. Studies on experimentalanimals indicate a mild toxic action whenadministered by subcutaneous route.LD50 , skin (rat): 5000 mg/kg.
oison by ingestion.
Mildly toxic by subcutaneous route.
Questionable carcinogen with experimental
tumorigenic data. See also ESTERS and
SULFATES. When heated to
decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Sox.