3-S-Isothiuronium propyl sulfonate(UPS) is a white crystalline powder.
The Proteomics Dynamic Range Standard Set can be used to standardize and/or evaluate mass spectrometric (e.g., LC-MS/MS, MALDI-TOF-MS, etc.) and electrophoretic analysis conditions prior to the analysis of complex protein samples. UPS2 can be used to bracket precious experimental data sets between runs of a known complex standard sample. This allows confirmation of the robustness of the analysis method and stability of the instrument employed. Additionally, laboratories generating or comparing mass spectrometric data derived from poorly defined samples can use UPS2 as an external reference to assist with the evaluation of results and experimental methodology.
Proteomics Dynamic Range Standard Set has been used for the quantification of dynamic range universal protein standard on Orbitrap Analyzer using all ion fragmentation. It has been used as a standard for intensity-based absolute quantification of proteins (iBAQ) in LC-MS (liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry)/MS analysis.
Research has shown that 3-S-Isothiuronium propyl sulfonate(UPS)improves bath stability and increases the reaction activation energy. At lower concentration, UPS is an effective accelerator for EN deposition; whereas, at higher concentration, it decreases deposition rate. Moreover, UPS decreases the phosphorus content in Ni-P deposit and can be adsorbed on the deposit surface and compound with Ni2+.
quadrupole: A set of four pointcharges that has zero net charge anddipole moment. An example of aquadrupole is a carbon dioxide (CO2)molecule. Quadrupole interactionsare much smaller than dipole interactions.Transitions involvingquadrupole moments are muchweaker than transitions involving dipolemoments, but can allow transitionsforbidden in dipole momenttransitions.
The Proteomics Dynamic Range Standard Set is produced from a mixture of 48 individual human source or human sequence recombinant proteins, each of which has been selected to limit heterogeneous post-translational modifications (PTMs). The protein standard is formulated from 6 mixtures of 8 proteins to present a dynamic range of 5 orders of magnitude, ranging from 50 pmoles to 500 amoles. Each protein has been quantitated by amino acid analysis (AAA) prior to formulation.