网站主页 虫胶 新闻专题 紫胶(虫胶)的酶联免疫检测技术


发布日期:2022/5/6 14:30:15


紫胶,又称虫胶、紫铆、赤胶等, 古文西晋《吴录》曰“居风县有蚁絮藤,人视土中知有蚁,因垦发,有木枝插其上,则蚁出缘,如生漆坚凝”。宋《图经本草》称“其脂液从木中流出,滴下如胶”。清《乾隆三十五年各作成活计清档》记载“传旨:将瓶底足缺处用紫胶补好,钦此”。直到民国时期,紫胶仍然是修补故宫典藏器物的主要胶料。








该工作已发表在国际化学期刊《New Journal of Chemistry》(SCI IF=3.591)上。网址为 2022/NJ/ D2NJ00016D。作者为浙江大学 张迪、朱龙观、张秉坚。


《New Journal of Chemistry》在线发表的文章首页



1. Di Zhang,   Bingjian Zhang* and  Long-Guan Zhu,New method for shellac binder detection in ancient building mortar,New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, DOI: 10.1039/D2NJ00016D,

2. Di Zhang, Meng Wu, Hui Zhu, Bingjian Zhang*, Longguan Zhu. A new method for detecting sticky rice in ancient mortar based on ELISA. Archaeometry, 2021, 收录.

3. Kuanrong Zhai, Guoping Sun, Yunfei Zheng, Meng Wu, Bingjian Zhang*, Longguan Zhu, Qi Hu. The earliest lacquerwares of China were discovered at Jingtoushan site in the Yangtze River Delta. Archaeometry, 2021, 2021, 64(1):218-226.

4. Meng Wu, Yunfan Zhang, Bingjian Zhang*, Lan Li. Study of Colored Lacquerwares from Zenghou Yi Tomb in early Warring States. New Journal of Chemistry, 2021, 45(21): 9434-9442.

5. Erxin Chen, Bingjian Zhang*, Fan Zhao. Comprehensive Analysis of Polychrome Grotto Relics: A Case Study of the Paint Layers from Anyue, Sichuan, China. Analytical Letters,2020,53(9):1455-1471.

6. Jiajia Li, Bingjian Zhang*,Study of identification results of proteinous binding agents in Chinese painted cultural relics,Journal of Cultural Heritage,2020,43:73-79,

7. Wu, Meng, Bingjian Zhang*, Junchang Yang. Detection of millennial Rosin in Empress Xiao's Crown by ELISA. Microchemical Journal 2020, 154: 104581

8. Erxin Chen, Bingjian Zhang*, Fan Zhao, Chong Wang. Pigments and binding media of polychrome relics from the central hall of Longju temple in Sichuan, China. Heritage Science 2019, 7(1): 45-53.

9. Meng Wu, Xinhui Zou, Bingjian Zhang*, Fan Zhao, Zhenbin Xie. Immunological Methods for the Detection of Binders in Ancient Tibetan Murals. Microscopy and Microanalysis 2019, 25(3): 822-829.

10. Xu Li, Ma Xiao, Zhang Bingjian*, Zhang qiong, Zhao Peng. Multi-analytical studies of the lime mortars from the yanxi hall in the yangxin palace of the palace museum. Archaeometry 2019, 61(2): 309-326.

11. Meng Wu, Bingjian Zhang*, Leping Jiang, Jian Wu , Guoping Sun , Natural lacquer was used as a coating and an adhesive by early humans at Kuahuqiao in the Chinese Yangtze River Delta,Journal of Archaeological Science ,2018,100,80-87

12. 刘璐瑶,张秉坚*,杨红,张琼,北京故宫养心殿燕喜堂及西围房建筑彩画的分析研究---一种检测颜料和胶结物的集成检测方法,光谱学与光谱分析,2018,38(7):2054-2063

13. Wu, Meng,Zhang, Bingjian*,Sun, Guopin,Jiang Leping,Determination of lacquer contained in samples of cultural relics by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay:New Journal oF Chemistry,2017 :41(14 ):6226-6231

14. Luyao Liu, Wei Shen, Bingjian Zhang*, Qian Ma,Complementary microchemical study of pigments and binders in polychrome relics from Maiji Mountain Grottoes, northwestern China,Microscopy And Microanalysis, 2016,22(4): 845-856

15. Luyao Liu, Wei Shen, Bingjian Zhang*, Youcheng Han,Determination of proteinaceous binders for polychrome relics of xumi mountain grottoes by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and immunofluorescence microscopy,International Journal of Conservation Science,2016, 7(1):3-14

16. Wenjing Hu, Hui Zhang and Bingjian Zhang*, Identification of Organic Binders in Ancient Chinese Paintings by Immunological Techniques, Microscopy And Microanalysis,2015, 21( 5): 1278-1287

17. 张秉坚,胡文静,张坤,方世强,古代三合土灰浆中蛋清的酶联免疫检测研究,建筑材料学报,2015,18(4),716-720

18. Wenjing Hu Kun Zhang, Hui Zhang, Bingjian Zhang*, Bo Rong, Analysis of polychromy binder on Qin Shihuang's Terracotta Warriors by immunofluorescence microscopy, Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2015,16(2), 244-248.

19. 胡文静,张秉坚, 古代彩绘文物胶结材料免疫分析技术,自然科学,2015,37(5):332-340

分享 免责申明


虫胶片 9000-59-3 用作橡胶制品表面涂料




漂白紫胶(虫胶粉) 水果上光被膜剂 9000-59-3


