うすい黄色~黄褐色, 澄明の液体
また、ジアセチルは発酵の副産物として自然に発生します。一部の発酵細菌では、ピルビン酸とアセチルCoAのチアミンピロリン酸 (TPP) 媒介縮合を介して形成されます。
水に可溶, エタノール, エーテルに易溶。水, エタノール, アセトンおよびクロロホルムに混和する。
ジアセチル.C4H6O2(86.09).ジメチルグリオキサール,ジアセチルともいう.種々の精油の低沸点部あるいは水蒸気蒸留部に見いだされる.エチルメチルケトンを酸化して合成される.キノン様の臭いをもつ黄色の不安定な液体.融点 -2.4 ℃,沸点88~89 ℃.水,極性のある有機溶媒に易溶.人造バターや果実香料に用いられる.LD50 400~650 mg/kg(ラット,経口).[CAS 431-03-8]
(CH3CHOH)2 → (CH3CO)2 + 2H2
有機合成中間体、香料 (化学工業日報社)
ジアセチルをはじめとする、隣り合うジケトン (ビシナルジケトン) 構造を有する化合物の際立った特徴は、2つのカルボニル中心を繋いでいる長い炭素-炭素結合です。この結合距離は1.54Åで、1,3-ブタジエン中の対応する炭素-炭素結合の1.45 Åと比較して長くなっています。この伸びは、分極したカルボニル炭素中心間の反発力に起因しています。
2,3-Butanedione, also known as Diacetyl, is a reactive diketone in artificial butter flavors. It is a water-soluble and volatile, alpha-diketone compound that has a buttery odor. Diacetyl occurs naturally in plants, fruits, coffee, honey, cocoa, and dairy products. It is a natural by-product of fermentation and is found in beer and wine. Diacetyl is also present in cigarette smoke.
Diacetyl can be synthesized by converting 2-butanone to an isonitroso compound and then hydrolyzing it with hydrochloric acid. Other methods for producing diacetyl include oxidation of 2-butanone over a copper catalyst at 300°C and dehydrogenation of 2,3-butanediol over a copper or silver catalyst. In addition, diacetyl can be synthesized through the acid catalyzed condensation of 1-hydroxyacetone and formaldehyde. Naturally occurring diacetyl is also available from starter distillate, a by-product of dairy product fermentation. Although diacetyl and starter distillates are liquids, they can be converted to a powdered form by encapsulating them within a solid material to prevent volatility. Diacetyl in powdered form is also found in flavorings that have been spray dried. The boiling point of diacetyl is 88°C with a calculated vapor pressure of 55 mmHg at 20°C.
2,3-Butanedione has a very strong buttery odor in very dilute solution. It is a constituent of many fruit and food aromas and well-known as a constituent of butter. Many methods are known for itsmanufacture, for example, dehydrogenation of 2,3-butanediol with a copper chromite catalyst. Biotechnological production on an industrial scale is referred. It is used mainly in aromas for butter and roasted notes. Large quantities are used for flavoring margarine; small amounts are used in perfumes.
Reported in the oils of: Finnish pine, angelica and lavender; in the flowers of Polyalthia canangioides
Boerl. var. angustifolia and Fagroea racemosa Jack. The following plants are also reported to contain diacetyl: Monodora
grandiflora Benth., Magnolia tripetale L., Ximenia aegyptiaca L., Petasites fragrans Presl., various narcissi and tulips. It has
been identified in certain types of wine, the natural aromas of raspberry and strawberry, and the oils of lavender, lavandin,
Réunion geranium, Java citronella, and Cistus ladaniferus L. It is also reported to be found in ligonberry, guava, raspberry,
strawberry, cabbage, peas, tomato, vinegar, various cheeses, yogurt, milk, butter, chicken, beef, mutton, pork, cognac, beer,
wines, whiskies, tea and coffee.
2,3-Butanedione is a flavoring agent that is a clear yellow to yellowish green liquid with a strong pungent odor. It is chemically synthesized from methyl ethyl ketone. It is miscible in water, glycerin, alcohol, and ether, and in very dilute water solution it has a typical buttery odor and flavor. It is used as Carrier of aroma of butter, vinegar, coffee, and other foods. It is also used Inactivates aminopeptidase-N, precursor to α-diones, Cyclocondensation with amines has been used to form triazine and pteridine ring systems.
ChEBI: 2,3-Butanedione is an alpha-diketone that is butane substituted by oxo groups at positions 2 and 3. It is a metabolite produced during the malolactic fermentation. It has a role as a Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolite and an Escherichia coli metabolite.
From methyl ethyl ketone by converting to the isonitroso compound and then decomposing to diacetyl by hydrolysis with
HCl; by fermentation of glucose via methyl acetyl carbinol.
2,3-Butanedione is very common in Nature,
although usually in trace amounts only: in
essential oils, flower absolutes, dairy products,
meat and fruits, etc.
It finds some use in perfumery - mainly
in the re-construction of essential oils (artificial essential oils and flower absolutes).
Lavender, Lavandin, Bay, Orris and many
other oils contain traces of this ketone.
Finds extensive use in flavor compositions,
primarily in imitation Butter, Milk, Cream.
Cheese, etc. Also in Berry flavors, Butterscotch, Caramel, Chocolate, CotTee, Cherry, Fruit, Honey, Liquor, Tobacco, Rum, Wine,
Nut, Almond, Spice, Ginger Ale, Cream Soda,
Vinegar, Vanilla, Buttermilk, etc.
Normal concentration in consumer product
will be about 3 to 30 ppm, while it may be as
high as 40 to 50 ppm in baked goods. imitation
Butter may contain about 6 to 9 prm.
2,3-Butanedione appears as a clear colorless liquid with a strong?chlorine-like odor. Flash point 80 °F. Less dense than?water. Vapors heavier than air.
Highly flammable. Soluble in water.
2,3-Butanedione is a flammable liquid, b.p. 88° C, moderately toxic. When heated to decomposition 2,3-Butanedione emits acrid smoke and fumes [Sax, 9th ed., 1996, p. 544].
Inhalation or contact with material may irritate or burn skin and eyes. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. Runoff from fire control may cause pollution.
HIGHLY FLAMMABLE: Will be easily ignited by heat, sparks or flames. Vapors may form explosive mixtures with air. Vapors may travel to source of ignition and flash back. Most vapors are heavier than air. They will spread along ground and collect in low or confined areas (sewers, basements, tanks). Vapor explosion hazard indoors, outdoors or in sewers. Runoff to sewer may create fire or explosion hazard. Containers may explode when heated. Many liquids are lighter than water.
- 容器を密閉し、涼しく乾燥し換気の良い場所に保管する。
- 熱・火花・火炎など着火源から遠ざける。
- 引火性が高く、火災及び爆発の危険があるため、加温の際は注意する。
- 混触すると激しく反応して危険を伴うため、強酸、強塩基、酸化剤との接触を避ける。
- 屋外や換気の良い区域のみで使用する。
- 加熱により分解し、刺激性のヒュームが発生するので注意する。
- 使用時は保護手袋、保護眼鏡、保護衣、保護面を着用する。
- 使用後は適切に手袋を脱ぎ、本製品の皮膚への付着を避ける。
- 取扱い後はよく手を洗浄する。
- 本物質にばく露した労働者の不可逆性閉塞性肺疾患が多く報告されているため、ばく露した場合には直ちに医師の診断を受ける。
A poison by ingestion
and intraperitoneal routes. A skin irritant.
Human inhalation hazard in popcorn
manufacture. Human mutation data
reported. Flammable liquid. Dangerous fire
hazard when exposed to heat or flame. To
fight fire, use alcohol foam, CO2, dry
chemical. When heated to decomposition it
emits acrid smoke and fumes. See also
ジアセチル (英: Diacetyl) とは、特有の強い臭いを持つ黄緑色の液体です。
化学式はC4H6O2で、分子量は86.09、CAS登録番号は431-03-8で表されます。2つのアセチル基が、カルボニル基の炭素同士で結合した構造を有する有機化合物です。ジアセチルのIUPAC名は2,3-ブタンジオン (英: 2,3-Butanedione)で、ダイアセチルと呼称されることもあります。
Dry biacetyl over anhydrous CaSO4, CaCl2 or MgSO4, then distil it in a vacuum under nitrogen, taking the middle fraction and storing it at Dry-Ice temperature in the dark (to prevent polymerization). [Beilstein 1 IV 3644.]