MOL File64-17-5.mol
融点 | -114°C |
沸点 | 78°C |
比重(密度) | 0.789 g/mL at 20 °C |
蒸気密度 | 1.59 (vs air) |
蒸気圧 | 43 mmHg at 20 °C |
屈折率 | 1.3614 |
闪点 | 12°C |
貯蔵温度 | room temp |
溶解性 | 水:溶ける(完全に) |
酸解離定数(Pka) | 16(at 25℃) |
外見 | 液体。無色の液体/目に見えない蒸気。 |
色 | APHA: ≤10 |
比重 | 0.80872~0.81601 |
Flame Color | (Light) blue |
Relative polarity | 0.654 |
PH | 7.0 (10g/l, H2O, 20℃) |
臭い (Odor) | 49-716 ppm (平均 = 180 ppm) で検出可能な心地よいアルコール臭 |
爆発限界(explosive limit) | 3.1-27.7%(V)(ethanol) |
由来生物 | synthetic |
においのタイプ | アルコール依存症 |
臭気閾値(Odor Threshold) | 0.52ppm |
水溶解度 | 混和性 |
Sensitive | Hygroscopic |
極大吸収波長 (λmax) | λ: 240 nm Amax: 0.40 λ: 250 nm Amax: 0.30 λ: 260 nm Amax: 0.30 λ: 270 nm Amax: 0.10 λ: 340 nm Amax: 0.10 |
Merck | 14,3760 |
JECFA Number | 41 |
BRN | 1718733 |
暴露限界値 | TLV-TWA 1900 mg/m3 (1000 ppm) (ACGIH). |
Dielectric constant | 24.3(25℃) |
安定性: | 安定。避けるべき物質には、強力な酸化剤、過酸化物、酸、酸塩化物、酸無水物、アルカリ金属、アンモニア、水分が含まれます。空気と爆発性混合物を形成します。吸湿性。 |
LogP | -0.19 |
CAS データベース | 64-17-5(CAS DataBase Reference) |
IARC | 1 (Vol. 96, 100E) 2012 |
NISTの化学物質情報 | Ethanol(64-17-5) |
EPAの化学物質情報 | Ethanol (64-17-5) |
主な危険性 | F,T,Xn,N |
Rフレーズ | 11-10-36/37/38-39/23/24/25-23/24/25-68/20/21/22-20/21/22-52/53-51/53 |
Sフレーズ | 16-7-36-26-45-36/37-61-24/25-2017/7/16 |
RIDADR | 1170 |
OEB | A |
OEL | TWA: 1000 ppm (1900 mg/m3) |
WGK Germany | nwg |
RTECS 番号 | KQ6300000 |
自然発火温度 | 363 °C |
TSCA | Yes |
国連危険物分類 | 3 |
容器等級 | II |
HSコード | 22071000 |
有毒物質データの | 64-17-5(Hazardous Substances Data) |
毒性 | LD50 in young, old rats (g/kg): 10.6, 7.06 orally (Wiberg) |
IDLA | 3,300 ppm [10% LEL] |
消防法 | 危険物第4類アルコール類 |
化審法 | 一般化学物質 |
安衛法 | 57,57-2 |
P210:熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P241:防爆型の電気機器/換気装置/照明機器/...機器を使 用すること。
P305+P351+P338:眼に入った場合:水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。次にコ ンタクトレンズを着用していて容易に外せる場合は外す こと。その後も洗浄を続けること。
エタノール 価格
製品番号 | 包装 | 価格 | 製品説明 | 購入 |
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01W0105-0048 |
500mL | ¥2300 | エタノール (95) 94.8~95.8 vol% (by density) |
購入 |
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) W01W0105-0047 |
500mL | ¥2450 | エタノール(95) 94.8?95.8 vol% (by density) |
購入 |
富士フイルム和光純薬株式会社(wako) 14070-08 |
500mL | ¥4200 | 購入 | |
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 14032-1B |
1L | ¥6500 | エタノール(99.5) >99.5%(GC) |
購入 |
関東化学株式会社(KANTO) 14032-08 |
500mL | ¥5600 | エタノール(99.5) >99.5%(GC) |
購入 |
エタノール 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
無色透明な液体 -
本品は、エタノール(*)に、変性剤を加えたものである。参照表示名称:エタノール -
水及びジエチルエーテルに極めて溶けやすい。 -
一価アルコールのうちメタノール、エタノール、プロパノールおよびブタノールは、水と任意の割合でよく混じり合う。また一般に低級アルコールは水に溶けやすいが、ペンタノールよりも炭素数が多いアルコールは水には溶けにくい。アルコールにはヒドロキシ基があり、これは水と水素結合をつくって混ざりやすい親水的な性質がある。他方、炭素鎖は水とは混ざらず疎水的である。炭素鎖の短いアルコールでは、親水性が強く現れて水によく溶けるが、炭素鎖が長くなると疎水性が強くなり、そのために水と混ざりにくくなる。また液体のアルコールでは、アルコール分子の間でヒドロキシ基が水素結合を形成して安定化するので、同じ炭素数の炭化水素に比べてはるかに沸点が高い特徴がある。 -
多くのエチルアルコールは希釈してアルコール飲料、実験室用溶剤、変性アルコール、医薬品(消毒剤、ローション、トニック、コロン類)製造、香粧品工業、有機合成化学工業の溶剤、ガソリンのオクタン価向上剤、医薬品助剤(溶剤) -
その他の代表用途は、工業用原料(洗剤、塗料、溶剤など)である。 -
汎用試薬(95%指定のもの)、溶剤等。 -
高純度溶媒を使用する小実験に、或いは使用中の汚染を避けるため小包装を必要とする場合に使用される。 -
汎用試薬(95%指定のもの)、溶剤、有機合成原料、試液調製原料、消毒殺菌剤。 -
減粘剤、抗菌剤、溶剤、収れん剤、香料、消泡剤 -
抗悪性腫瘍薬, 外皮用殺菌消毒薬, 溶解剤 -
溶剤型接着剤、水性型エマルション系接着剤、エアゾール接着剤に使用される。 -
エタノールの製法 現在工業的には石油から得られるエチレンを酸の存在下で水と反応させて製造されている。
エタノール (小堺製薬); 無水エタノール (コニシ); 無水エタノール (サンケミファ); 無水エタノール (シオエ製薬); 無水エタノール (マイラン製薬); 無水エタノール (ヤクハン製薬); 無水エタノール (丸石製薬); 無水エタノール (丸石製薬); 無水エタノール (丸石製薬); 無水エタノール (今津薬品工業); 無水エタノール (健栄製薬); 無水エタノール (司生堂製薬); 無水エタノール (吉田製薬); 無水エタノール (大成薬品工業); 無水エタノール (小堺製薬); 無水エタノール (小堺製薬); 無水エタノール (山善製薬); 無水エタノール (扶桑薬品工業); 無水エタノール (日興製薬); 無水エタノール (日興製薬); 無水エタノール (日興製薬); 無水エタノール (東洋製薬化成); 無水エタノール (東海製薬); 無水エタノール (東豊薬品) -
1.損傷皮膚及び粘膜には使用しないこと。(刺激作用を有するので)。2.副作用(1)過敏症 発疹等の過敏症状があらわれることがあるので、このような場合には使用を中止すること。(2)皮膚 刺激症状があらわれることがあるので、このような症状があらわれた場合には使用を中止すること。3.適用上の注意(1)人体 ア)原液又は濃厚液は刺激作用があるので経口投与しないこと。 イ)眼に入らないように注意すること。入った場合には水でよく洗い流すこと。 ウ)広範囲又は長期間使用する場合には、蒸気の吸入に注意すること。 エ)同一部位に反復使用した場合には、脱脂等による皮膚荒れを起こすことがあるので注意すること。(2)その他本剤は血清、膿汁等の蛋白質を凝固させ、内部にまで浸透しないことがあるので、これらが付着している医療器具等に用いる場合には、十分に洗い落としてから使用すること。(取扱上の注意)(1)金属器具を長時間浸漬する必要がある場合には、腐食を防止するために0.2~1.0%の亜硝酸ナトリウムを添加すること。(2)合成ゴム製品、合成樹脂製品、光学器具、鏡器具、塗装カテーテル等には、変質するものがあるので、このような器具は長時間浸漬しないこと。(3)貯法:遮光した気密容器に入れ、火気を避けて保存する。 -
Ethyl alcohol, also called ethanol, absolute alcohol, or grain alcohol, is a clear, colorless, flammable liquid with a pleasant odor. It is associated primarily with alcoholic beverages, but it has numerous uses in the chemical industry. The word alcohol is derived from the Arabic word al kuhul, which was a fine powder of the element antimony used as a cosmetic. In Medieval times, the word al kuhul came to be associated with the distilled products known as alcohols. The hydroxyl group, -OH, bonded to a carbon, characterizes alcohols. Ethyl is derived from the root of the two-carbon hydrocarbon ethane. -
In the BP 2009, the term ‘alcohol’; used without other qualification refers to ethanol containing ≥99.5% v/v of C2H6O. The term‘alcohol’, without other qualification, refers to ethanol 95.1–96.9% v/v. Where other strengths are intended, the term ‘alcohol’ or ‘ethanol’is used, followed by the statement of the strength. In the PhEur 6.0, anhydrous ethanol contains not less than 99.5% v/v of C2H6O at 208℃. The term ethanol (96%) is used to describe the material containing water and 95.1–96.9% v/v of C2H6O at 208℃. -
Reported found in apple, apple aroma, apple essence, apple juice, bacon fat, banana, bean, beef fat, beef extract, blackberry, black currant, bread, brussels sprout, cabbage, carrot root, cauliflower, blue cheese, cheddar cheese, Swiss cheese, cocoa bean, cherry, coffee, cream, cucumber, alcoholic beverages and many other sources -
Alcohol is produced naturally from the fermentation of sugars, and it is assumed that prehistoric humans consumed alcohol when eating fermented fruits. The earliest direct evidence of alcohol consumption dates from the Neolithic period 10,000 years ago and consists of stone jugs used for holding alcoholic beverages. Ancient records and art from Egypt, Babylon, Mesopotamia, and other early civilizations indicate the use of alcohol as a beverage, medicine, and ceremonial drink. Records also show that the intoxicating effects of alcohol were known for thousands of years b.c.e. Alcoholic drinks were stored in Egyptian burial tombs, and deities devoted to alcoholic beverages were worshiped by different civilizations. As the human population expanded, alcoholic drinks assumed a prominent role in different cultures; for example, numerous references are made to wine in the Bible. Ancient Islamic alchemists advanced the practice of alcohol production by using distillation techniques. Distilled alcohols began to appear in the Middle Ages and was used in many remedies and medicines. A common practice by alchemists in different regions was the preparation of special liquors and brews with healing power. Aqua vitae (water of life) could refer to brandy, gin, whiskey, wine, or another form of alcoholic depending on the geographic area. -
alcohol (alcohol SD-40; alcohol SDA-40; ethanol; ethyl alcohol) is widely used in the cosmetic industry as an antiseptic as well as a solvent given its strong grease-dissolving abilities. It is often used in a variety of concentrations in skin toners for acne skin, aftershave lotions, perfumes, suntan lotions, and toilet waters. Alcohol dries the skin when used in high concentrations. It is manufactured through the fermentation of starch, sugar, and other carbohydrates. -
There are several approaches to the production of ethanol; mainly ethanol is produced by fermentation. -
A colorless volatile liquid alcohol. Ethanol occurs in intoxicating drinks, in which it is produced by fermentation of a sugar: C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 Yeast is used to cause the reaction. At about 15% alcohol concentration (by volume) the reaction stops because the yeast is killed. Higher concentrations of alcohol are produced by distillation. Apart from its use in drinks, alcohol is used as a solvent and to form ethanal. Formerly, the main source was by fermentation of molasses, but now catalytic hydration of ethene is used to manufacture industrial ethanol. See also methylated spirits. -
Ethanol is the most widely abused drug in the world. There are more than 10 million alcoholics in the United States alone. Excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages has been linked to as many as half of all traffic accidents, two-thirds of homicides, and three-fourths of suicides, and it is a significant factor in other crimes, in family problems, and in personal and industrial accidents. The annual cost to the American economy has been estimated to exceed $100 billion in lost productivity, medical care, and property damage.
Alcoholism has been difficult to define because of its complex nature.A person is generally considered an alcoholic, however, when his or her lifestyle is dominated by the procurement and consumption of alcoholic beverages and when this behavior interferes with personal, professional, social, or family relations.
A light drinker generally is defined as one who consumes an average of one drink or less per day, usually with the evening meal; a moderate drinker is one who has approximately three drinks per day; and a heavy drinker is one who has five or more drinks per day (or in the case of binge drinkers, at least once per week with five or more drinks on each occasion). -
Ethanol is manufactured by the controlled enzymatic fermentation of starch, sugar, or other carbohydrates. A fermented liquid is produced containing about 15% ethanol; ethanol 95% v/v is then obtained by fractional distillation. Ethanol may also be prepared by a number of synthetic methods. -
Ethanol has been used throughout recorded history both in a medicinal and a social context. It is currently included in pharmaceutical preparations either as an active or inactive ingredient. At pharmacologically active doses ethanol is both a powerful cerebral depressant and a drug of addiction. Its use in pharmaceutical preparations has been severely restricted in several countries and in 1986 the 39th World Health Assembly adopted a resolution to prohibit such use except when ethanol is an essential ingredient which cannot be replaced by an appropriate alternative. -
Reagent Alcohol is denatured alcohol that consists of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol and methyl alcohol in the ratio 90:5:5. -
It liberates hydrogen when it reacts withmetal; forms acetaldehyde (toxic, flammable)on catalytic vapor phase dehydrogenation;ethyl ether (flammable) on dehydration withH2SO4 or a heterogeneous catalyst such asalumina, silica, SnCl2, MnCl2, or CuSO4;. -
Classified as a depressant drug. Though it is rapidly oxidized in the body and is therefore noncumulative, ingestion of even moderate amounts causes lowering of inhibitions, often succeeded by dizziness, headache, or nausea. Larger intake causes loss of m -
Ethanol is a flammable liquid (NFPA rating = 3), and its vapor can travel a considerable distance to an ignition source and "flash back." Ethanol vapor forms explosive mixtures with air at concentrations of 4.3 to 19% (by volume). Hazardous gases produced in ethanol fires include carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide or dry chemical extinguishers should be used for ethanol fires. -
浸漬により形状の記憶を書き換え可能 -
Reactivity with Water No reaction; Reactivity with Common Materials: No reaction; Stability During Transport: Stable; Neutralizing Agents for Acids and Caustics: Not pertinent; Polymerization: Not pertinent; Inhibitor of Polymerization: Not pertinent. -
Ethanol and aqueous ethanol solutions of various concentrations are widely used in pharmaceutical formulations and cosmetics. Although ethanol is primarily used as a solvent, it is also employed as a disinfectant, and in solutions as an antimicrobial preservative. Topical ethanol solutions are used in the development of transdermal drug delivery systems as penetration enhancers. Ethanol has also been used in the development of transdermal preparations as a co-surfactant. -
Ethanol is widely used for its solvent and antiseptic properties. It is rather an irritant and sensitization has rarely been reported. -
A great deal of attention has been focused on a class of proteins termed the ligand-gated ion channels as being important to the mechanism of action of alcohol.These integral membrane proteins function as gates or pores that allow the passage of certain ions into and out of neurons upon binding of the appropriate neurotransmitter. This flux of ions largely determines the degree of neuronal activity. Two distinct types of ligand-gated ion channels are particularly sensitive to concentrations of alcohol that produce intoxication and sedation. These are the α-aminobutyric acid (GABA) chloride ionophore and the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of glutamate receptor. The GABA–chloride ion channel reduces neuronal activity by hyperpolarizing the neurons, while activation of the NMDA receptor causes neuronal depolarization or excitation. Alcohol has been shown to increase chloride flux through the GABAA receptor and reduce calcium flux through the NMDA receptor. These actions result in powerful suppression of nerve cell activity, which is consistent with the depressant actions of alcohol in the brain. -
Generally, no treatment is required for acute ethanol intoxication. Allowing the individual to sleep off the effects of ethanol ingestion is the usual procedure. Hangovers are treated similarly; that is, no effective remedy exists for a hangover, except for controlling the amount of ethanol consumed. Sometimes ethanol overdose is a medical emergency. For example, prompt treatment is required if the patient is in danger of dying of respiratory arrest, is comatose, has dilated pupils, is hypothermic, or displays tachycardia.
Treatment for severe ethanol overdose is generally supportive. Increased intracranial pressure can be relieved by intravenous administration of hypertonic mannitol. Hemodialysis can accelerate the removal of ethanol from the body. Stimulants of ethanol metabolism, such as fructose, are not sufficiently effective, and use of analeptics is not recommended because of the possibility of precipitating convulsions.
The immediate concern in the treatment of alcoholics is detoxification and management of the ethanol withdrawal syndrome. Another pharmacological approach is the use of anticraving drugs, for example serotonin uptake inhibitors,dopaminergic agonists, and opioid antagonists.The only treatment that has shown considerable promise is one that uses the opioid antagonist naltrexone. -
Acute Ethanol Intoxication and Hangover
Ethanol intoxication is probably the best-known form of drug toxicity. Intoxicated individuals are a threat to themselves and others, particularly if they attempt to drive or operate machinery. Although death can result from ethanol overdose, usually the patient lapses into a coma before ingesting lethal quantities. Ethanol intoxication is sometimes mistakenly diagnosed as diabetic coma, schizophrenia, overdosage of other CNS depressant drugs, or skull fracture. An additional feature commonly associated with excessive ethanol consumption is difficulty in regulating body temperature. Hypothermia frequently results, with body temperature falling toward that of the ambient environment. This problem can be particularly severe in the elderly, who normally have difficulty regulating their body temperature.
One of the consequences of ethanol intoxication is the hangover, a condition characterized by headache, nausea, sweating, and tremor. Although unpleasant, a hangover is not dangerous, even though the person having one may feel otherwise. -
Ethyl alcohol is used, topical antiinfective agent; solvent to make beverages; in the chemical synthesis of a wide variety of compounds, such as acetaldehyde, ethyl ether, ethyl chloride, and butadiene. It is a solvent or processing agent in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals; plastics, lacquers, polishes, plasticizers, perfumes, cosmetics, rubber accelerators; explosives, synthetic resins; nitrocellulose, adhesives, inks, and preservatives. It is also used as an antifreeze and as a fuel. It is an intermediate in the manufacture of many drugs and pesticides. -
古代より酵母による発酵によってお酒がつくられてきた.また味噌やしょうゆなどの調味料もコウジカビによる発酵を利用してつくられている.これは微生物のはたらきによるものであるが,この現象を科学的に理解するまでには,歴史的な変遷をへた.1789 年,フランスのラボアジェはアルコール発酵とは,糖がエタノールと二酸化炭素に分解される反応であることを示した.1857 年,フランスのパスツールは,アルコール発酵の際に不快な味をつける乳酸菌や酪酸菌を発見し,また 1860年にアルコール発酵の際に酸素分圧が低いほど,酵母によるグルコース消費速度が速くなることを見いだした(パスツール効果).1896 年,ドイツのブフナーは,ビール酵母から抽出した無細胞液がアルコール発酵を起こすことを発見した.これにより,反応を起こすのは微生物中の酵素であることが明らかになった. -
In 1987, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) evaluated the cancer data on ethanol and alcoholic beverages in humans and animals . The IARC concluded that there was inadequate evidence for the carcinogenicity of ethanol and of alcoholic beverages in experimental animals, but there was sufficient evidence for the carcinogenicity of alcoholic beverages in humans. The IARC classified alcoholic beverages as a Group 1 carcinogen based on the occurrence of malignant tumors of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, and liver that have been causally related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. -
お酒やワインなどは,果汁などに含まれる糖分が酵母によって発酵し,アルコールと二酸化炭素に分解されることを利用している.アルコール濃度がある値を超えると,酵母が生育する環境ではなくなるため,発酵が止まる.つまり,発酵酒のアルコール濃度はある一定の値を越えることはできない.長期の保存や運搬効率の必要性から,蒸留してアルコール分の高い酒を作ることが古来より行われてきた.これを蒸留酒といい,ブランデー,ウイスキー,焼酎などがこれにあたる. -
If released to the environment from natural or anthropogenic sources, ethanol will preferentially partition to the soil, water, and air. Bioconcentration and bioaccumulation potential is anticipated to be low based upon the estimated bioconcentration factor and experimental octanol/water partition coefficient. If released into water, ethanol’s half-life is less than 10 days. The half-life upon release to air is less than 5 days, where wet deposition removal predominates. Biodegradation and volatilization are expected to be important fate and transport processes for ethanol. -
Ethyl alcohol should be protected from physical damage. It should be kept stored in a cool, dry, well-ventilated location, away from any area where the fi re hazard may be acute. Outside or detached storage is preferred. Separate from incompatibles. Containers should be bonded and grounded for transfer to avoid static sparks. The storage and use areas should be free from smoking areas. -
UN1170 Ethyl alcohol or Ethanol or Ethanol solutions or Ethyl alcohol solutions, Hazard Class: 3; Labels: 3-Flammable liquid. -
メタノールと合成ガスによるエタノール合成(ホモロゲーション)技術 -
In acidic conditions, ethanol solutions may react vigorously with oxidizing materials. Mixtures with alkali may darken in color owing to a reaction with residual amounts of aldehyde. Organic salts or acacia may be precipitated from aqueous solutions or dispersions. Ethanol solutions are also incompatible with aluminum containers and may interact with some drugs. -
Dissolve or mix the material with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. All federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be observed. Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform with EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. -
During handling of ethyl alcohol, workers should use chemical-resistant shields, monogoggles, proper gloves, laboratory coat/apron, and protective equipment as required. Workers and the workplace should have adequate ventilation vent hoods, class b extinguisher. Workers should avoid sources of heat, sparks, or flames. Waste disposal and spill should be collected in suitable containers or absorbed on a suitable absorbent material for subsequent disposal. Waste material should be disposed of in an approved incinerator or in a designated landfi ll site, in compliance with all federal, provincial, and local government regulations. -
規制状況(Regulatory Status)
Included in the FDA Inactive Ingredients Database (dental preparations; inhalations; IM, IV, and SC injections; nasal and ophthalmic preparations; oral capsules, solutions, suspensions, syrups, and tablets; rectal, topical, and transdermal preparations). Included in the Canadian List of Acceptable Non-medicinal Ingredients. Included in nonparenteral and parenteral medicines licensed in the UK.
エタノール 上流と下流の製品情報
- トリ酢酸クロム(III)
- 2,2-ビス(p-クロロフェニル)-1,1,1,2-テトラクロロエタン
- 1,4-dibromo-2,3-butanediol
- adhesive for data plata PA-1
- L‐アルギニン?2‐オキソグルタル酸
- michelia aiba flower concrete
- n-オクタン酸 エチル
- repair agent for wet surface JL 3213
- Hawthorn fruit tincture
- RTV silicone adhesive SF-5
- aminosilicone finishing agent STU-1 for resilient fabric
- adhesive RM-1
- neutral silicone sealant YD-865
- high temperature repair agent JL
- Rose crimson glory flower concrete
エタノール 生産企業
電話番号 +8613817748580
電子メール cooperation@kean-chem.com
Baoji Guokang Healthchem co.,ltd
電話番号 +8615604608665<br/>15604608665
電子メール dominicguo@gk-bio.com
Shandong Quark Chemical Co., Ltd.
電話番号 +8613325218432
電子メール sales@quarkchem.com
電話番号 +86-57-80696996<br/>+86-19816093969
電子メール dchenchem@gmail.com
Hebei Weibang Biotechnology Co., Ltd
電話番号 +8615531157085
電子メール abby@weibangbio.com
Hebei Mujin Biotechnology Co.,Ltd
電話番号 +86 13288715578<br/>+8613288715578
電子メール sales@hbmojin.com
Shaanxi Haibo Biotechnology Co., Ltd
電話番号 +undefined18602966907
電子メール qinhe02@xaltbio.com
Henan Fengda Chemical Co., Ltd
電話番号 +86-371-86557731<br/>+86-13613820652
電子メール info@fdachem.com
Yujiang Chemical (Shandong) Co.,Ltd.
電話番号 +86-17736087130<br/>+86-18633844644
電子メール catherine@yjchem.com.cn
Qingdao RENAS Polymer Material Co., Ltd.
電話番号 +86-0532-86867058<br/>+86-18562606086
電子メール sales@qdrenas.com