The roots of Sternona japonica contain this complex alkaloid which forms
colourless crystals from MeOH containing solvent of crystallization. The base is
dextrorotatory with [α]
D + 147.8° and the ultraviolet spectrum shows a broad
absorption maximum at 305 m/J.. The picrolonate has been prepared as yellow
needles, m.p. 237°C. The structure given above is based upon X-ray crystallo_x0002_graphic analysis of the MeOH solvate and on the already established configuration
of Stemonine (q.v.).
Protostemonine is an alkaloid which provided protective effects of protostemonine in LPS/GalN-induced acute liver failure.
ChEBI: Protostemonine is an alkaloid. It has a role as a metabolite.
Kondo, Satomi.,J. Pharrn. Soc., Japan, 67, 182, 185, 188 (1947)
Irie et al., Chern. Pharrn. Bull., 21, 451 (1973)