The roots of Sternona japonica contain this complex alkaloid which forms
colourless crystals from MeOH containing solvent of crystallization. The base is
dextrorotatory with [α]D + 147.8° and the ultraviolet spectrum shows a broad
absorption maximum at 305 m/J.. The picrolonate has been prepared as yellow
needles, m.p. 237°C. The structure given above is based upon X-ray crystallo_x0002_graphic analysis of the MeOH solvate and on the already established configuration
of Stemonine (q.v.).
Kondo, Satomi.,J. Pharrn. Soc., Japan, 67, 182, 185, 188 (1947)
Irie et al., Chern. Pharrn. Bull., 21, 451 (1973)