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ФОСФИД АЛЮМИНИЯ структурированное изображение


  • английское имяAluminum phosphide
  • CAS №20859-73-8
  • CBNumberCB5319619
  • ФормулаAlP
  • мольный вес57.96
  • EINECS244-088-0
  • номер MDLMFCD00046171
  • файл Mol20859-73-8.mol
химическое свойство
Температура плавления 2000℃
плотность 2.42
растворимость reacts with H2O
форма green or yellow cubic crystals
цвет Green or yellow
Растворимость в воде reacts with H2O to produce phosphine [MER06]
Кристальная структура Cubic, Sphalerite Structure - Space Group F(-4)3m
Стабильность Flammable solid. Contact with acids liberates highly toxic gas (phosphine). Incompatible with acids, moisture, oxidizing agents.
Справочник по базе данных CAS 20859-73-8(CAS DataBase Reference)
Рейтинг продуктов питания EWG 1-2
Справочник по химии NIST Aluminum monophosphide(20859-73-8)
Система регистрации веществ EPA Aluminum phosphide (20859-73-8)
Пестициды Закон о свободе информации (FOIA) Aluminum phosphide
Заявления об опасности и безопасности
Коды опасности F,T+,N
Заявления о рисках 15/29-28-32-50
Заявления о безопасности 3/9/14-30-36/37-45-61
Класс опасности 4.3
Группа упаковки I
Банк данных об опасных веществах 20859-73-8(Hazardous Substances Data)
NFPA 704:
4 2

рисовальное письмо(GHS)

  • рисовальное письмо(GHS)

    GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms

  • сигнальный язык


  • вредная бумага

    H400:Чрезвычайно токсично для водных организмов.

    H330:Смертельно при вдыхании.

    H300:Смертельно при проглатывании.

    H311:Токсично при попадании на кожу.

    H260:При контакте с водой выделяет воспламеняющиеся газы, способные к спонтанному возгоранию.

  • оператор предупредительных мер

    P223:Не допускать контакта с водой.

    P231+P232:Обращаться с продуктом и хранить его в атмосфере инертного газа . Беречь от влаги.

    P260:Не вдыхать газ/ пары/ пыль/ аэрозоли/ дым/ туман.

    P264:После работы тщательно вымыть кожу.

    P270:При использовании продукции не курить, не пить, не принимать пищу.

    P271:Использовать только на открытом воздухе или в хорошо вентилируемом помещении.

    P273:Избегать попадания в окружающую среду.

    P280:Использовать перчатки/ средства защиты глаз/ лица.

    P284:Использовать средства защиты органовдыхания.

    P301+P310:ПРИ ПРОГЛАТЫВАНИИ: Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью. Прополоскать рот.

    P302+P352:ПРИ ПОПАДАНИИ НА КОЖУ: Промыть большим количеством воды.

    P304+P340:ПРИ ВДЫХАНИИ: Свежий воздух, покой.

    P310:Немедленно обратиться за медицинской помощью.

    P312:Обратиться за медицинской помощью при плохом самочувствии.

    P363:Перед повторным использованием выстирать загрязненную одежду.

    P370+P378:При пожаре тушить сухим песком, сухим химическим порошком или спиртостойкой пеной.

    P391:Ликвидировать просыпания/проливы/утечки.

    P402+P404:Хранить в сухом месте в плотно закрытой/герметичной таре.

    P403+P233:Хранить в хорошо вентилируемом месте в плотно закрытой/герметичной таре.

    P405:Хранить в недоступном для посторонних месте.

    P501:Удалить содержимое/ контейнер на утвержденных станциях утилизации отходов.


ФОСФИД АЛЮМИНИЯ химические свойства, назначение, производство


Aluminum phosphide, is a binary salt, one of the NCHP acronyms (see Chapter 2). These salts have the specific hazard of giving off poisonous and pyrophoric phosphine gas when in contact with moist air, water, or steam. They will also ignite spontaneously upon contact with air. This compound is composed of gray or dark yellow crystals and is a dangerous fire risk. Aluminum phosphide decomposes upon contact with water and has a specific gravity of 2.85, which is heavier than water. The four-digit UN identification number is 1397. The NFPA 704 designation is health 4, flammability 4, and reactivity 2. The white section at the bottom of the diamond has a W with a slash through it, indicating water reactivity. Aluminum phosphide is used in insecticides, fumigants, and semiconductor technology.

Химические свойства

Aluminum phosphide is a pyrophoric, dark gray or dark yellow crystalline solid


Source of phosphine; in semiconductor research; as fumigant.

Общее описание

Aluminum phosphide is a dark gray or dry, yellow, crystalline solid. Aluminum phosphide reacts with moisture to give phosphine, a flammable and poisonous gas. Normally, phosphine will spontaneously ignite upon contact with air. If there is an excess of water, the phosphine fire will not normally ignite any surrounding combustible material.

Реакции воздуха и воды

Decomposed by water or moist air, evolving phosphine, a toxic gas that often ignites [Merck 11th ed. 1989].

Профиль реактивности

Aluminum phosphide is a reducing agent. Contact with mineral acids causes explosive evolution of toxic phosphine [Wang, C. C. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 1963, 25, p. 327]. Heating produces highly toxic fumes of phosphorus oxides. Can react vigorously upon contact with oxidizing agents. [Sax, 9th ed., p. 119].


Dangerous fire risk. It evolves phosphine.

Угроза здоровью

Acute toxicity occurs primarily by the inhalation route when Aluminum phosphide decomposes into the toxic gas, phosphine. The human median lethal dose for Aluminum phosphide has been reported to be 20 mg/kg. Rated as super toxic: probable oral lethal dose is less than 5 mg/kg or less than 7 drops for a 70 kg (150 lb.) person.


Releases toxic fumes on exposure to moist air, water, or acids. Decomposes to produce phosphine gas. Avoid water, dilute mineral acids, dilute or concentrated hydrochloric acid. Stable when dry. Avoid moist air.

Сельскохозяйственное использование

Fumigant, Fungicide, Rodenticide, Insecticide: Used as an insecticidal fumigant for grain, peanuts, processed food, animal feed, leaf tobacco, cottonseed, and as space fumigant for flour mills, warehouses and railcars. It is also used in baits for rodent and mole control in crops. Used as a source of phosphine; in semiconductor research. Zinc phosphide is often mixed with bait food such as cornmeal, which can be a danger to pets and children. When phosphides are ingested or exposed to moisture, they release phosphine gas. A U.S. EPA restricted Use Pesticide (RUP). Metallic phosphides on clothes, skin, or hair can react with water or moisture to generate phosphine gas.

Торговое название


Профиль безопасности

A human poison by inhalation and ingestion. Dangerous; in contact with water, steam, or alkali it slowly yields PH3, which is spontaneously flammable in air. Explosive reaction on contact with mineral acids produces phosphine. When heated to decomposition it yields toxic PO,. See also ALUMINUM COMPOUNDS, PHOSPHIDES, and PHOSPHINE. AHGOOO

Возможный контакт

Used as a rodenticide; wood preservative; as a source of phosphine; as an insecticidal fumigant for grain, peanuts, processed food, animal feed, leaf tobacco, cottonseed; and as space fumigant for flour mills, warehouses and railcars. Used in semiconductor research

Экологическая судьба

Phosphine is known to bind to and inhibit cytochrome oxidase and changes the valence of the hem component of hemoglobin. Oxidative stress is one of the main mechanisms of action of AlP toxicity, which boosts extramitochondrial release of free oxygen radicals resulting in lipid peroxidation and protein denaturation of the cell membrane in various organs. Furthermore, AlP reduces glutathione, which is one of the main antioxidant defenses. AlP causes toxic stress, accompanied by changes in glucose metabolism. It also disrupts protein synthesis and enzymatic activity, particularly in the lung and heart cell mitochondria, which leads to blockage of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Phosphine may cause denaturing of various enzymes; it is involved in cellular respiration and metabolism, and may be responsible for denaturation of the oxyhemoglobin molecule.


UN1397 Aluminum phosphide, Hazard Class: 4.3; Labels: 4.3-Dangerous when wet material, 6.1-Poisonous materials.


Able to ignite spontaneously in moist air; forms toxic and explosive phosphine gas on contact with moisture in air. Reacts violently with water, steam, carbon dioxide; acids, alcohols, and foam fire extinguishers. Contact with water and bases slowly releases highly flammable and toxic phosphine gas.

Утилизация отходов

Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform with EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Allow to react slowly with moisture in the open, being sure that phosphine gas evolved is dissipated. Alternatively, mix with dry diluent and incinerate at temperature above 1000 C with effluent gas scrubbing. In accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be disposed of properly by following package label directions or bycontacting your local or federal environmental control agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office.

ФОСФИД АЛЮМИНИЯ запасные части и сырье


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