immune-modulating glucan with reported potential in immunotherapy of chronic hepatitis, diseases of the digestive and respiratory systems, anti-tumor activity for breast, cervical, liver and uterine cancers.
The waterinsoluble
fraction of STARCH.
amylopectin: A polysaccharide comprising highly branched chains of glucose molecules. It is one of the constituents (the other being amylose) of starch.
The outer, almost insoluble portion of starch granules. It is a hexosan, a polymer of glucose, and is a branched molecule of many glucose units. It stains violet with iodine and forms a paste with water.
α-1,4-glucan with α-1,6-cross-linking; one terminal group per 25 glucose units
Amylopectin is a polysaccharide consisting of various
proportions of two glucose units joined by 1-4 linkages.
The positions are where the two glucose units are linked
to form the corresponding polymer. Amylose and
amylopectin are examples of this polysaccharide.
Amylopectin is less soluble in water and gives red or
purple color with iodine.