Gray monoclinic or cubic crystals or powder; diamagnetic; semiconductor; density 7.48 g/cm3; decomposes to its elements above 100°C; insoluble in water (solubility 27 mg/L at 25°C); soluble in alkalis; decomposes in ammonia solution evolving nitrogen; dissolves in dilute acids with decomposition evolving oxygen; forms a brown solution in concentrated nitric acid, and forms intense green coloration in concentrated sulfuric acid.
Silver(II) oxide is used to make silver oxide-zinc alkali batteries. Also, it is an oxidizing agent.
Silver(II) oxide is prepared by reacting silver nitrate with potassium persulfate in the presence of a base.
Silver(II) oxide is used to make silver oxide-zinc alkali batteries. It is also used as a reagent in laboratory reactions and forms transition metal-carbene complexes. It is also used as a catalyst to prepare silver metal. It acts as an effective carbon dioxide scrubber and used in nuclear submarines, the international space station and space shuttles. Further, it is used in the manufacture of filters for gas sensors and in some infection-resistant surgical fabric materials and fibrous textile articles. In addition to this, it is used in concrete and in some swimming pools to protect the water from undesired microbes.
In the manufacture of silver oxide-zinc alkali batteries.
Silver (II) oxide [1301-96-8] M 123.9, m > 1 0 0o(dec), 7.22. It is soluble in 40,000 parts of H2O, and should be protected from light. Stir it with an alkaline solution of potassium peroxysulfate (K2S2O8) at 85-90o. The black AgO is collected, washed free from sulfate with H2O made slightly alkaline and dried in air in the dark. [Hammer & Kleinberg Inorg Synth IV 12 1953.]