Acetone enolate equivalent in alkylations, carbonyl additions, conjugate additions, and diazonium ion coupling reactions[4-7].
Handling, Storage, and Precautions: acetoacetic acid is extremely hygroscopic but can be stored under vacuum in a freezer for several weeks with little change. It decomposes rapidly to acetone and carbon dioxide when heated above the melting point. Use in a fume hood.
1. Grayson, D. H.; Tuite, M. R. J. JCS(P1) 1986, 2137
2. Grande, K. D.; Rosenfeld, S. M. JOC 1980, 45, 1626.
3. Krueger, R. C. JACS 1952, 74, 5536.
4. Kjonaas, R. A.; Patel, D. D. TL 1984, 25, 5467.
5. Grayson, D. H.; Tuite, M. R. J. JCS(P1) 1986, 2137.
6. Fujii, M.; Terao, Y.; Sekiya, M. CPB 1974, 22, 2675.
7. (a) Parmerter, S. M. OR 1959, 10, 1. (b) Phillips, R. R. OR 1959, 10, 143.