The tree grows wild or cultivated in the Philippines. Elemi, a resin, is the pathological exudate flowing from incisions
made on the trunk bark. The largest resin production coincides with the appearance of the leaves at the beginning of the rainy season.
The gum-resin outflows as a soft, yellowish-white mass that hardens to a wax-like consistency on exposure to air. The part used is the
resinous exudate. Elemi has a characteristic green, fresh, lemon-like, agreeable, balsamic odor.
As a pathological exudation of the tree C. commune L. or C. luzonicum Mig (Fam. Burseraceae) (Guenther, 1950).
By steam distillation from the crude resin of C. commune L. or C. luzonicum Mig (Fenarolis Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 1975).
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. It is a product which may contain resin acids and their esters, terpenes, and oxidation or polymerization products of these terpenes. (Canarium commune, Burseraceae).