Dry-fruity, unripe-Apricot-type odor with
Ambrc-like background.
The flavor in dilutions below 5 ppm is fairly
pleasant, but has a somewhat confusing
picture of Ambrc-like or perfumey notes with
Apricot-peach admixture.
Colorless or very pale straw-colorcd oily liquid. B.P. 251°C. Sp.Gr. 0.95.
Insoluble in water, soluble in alcohol and oils. Poorly soluble in Propylene glycol.
Alpha-hexyl-gamma-butyrolactone has been suggested for usc in
perfume compositions as a modifier for the
more conventional lactoncs. It produces interesting variations in the fruity background
notes of heavy Ambrc-like perfumes, and it
does not produce the overly sweet or heavy -
fruity notes often derived from Undccanolitlc.
Alpha-hexyl-gamma-butyrolactone can be produced from n-Hexyl malonic ester and
Ethylene oxide.