Lanolin is an exceptional moisturizer that will deeply penetrate dehydrated skin when combined with humectants like honey or glycerin. Lanolin cream protects humectants from evaporating, which means skin will stay protected while it soaks up the benefits.
Even though lanolin oil itself is not an anti-aging agent, it has similar qualities. Lanolin oil helps retain the weight of water, which helps skin stay plump, supple, and youthful.
Lanolin oil is widely used in lip balms. Unlike other moisturizing ingredients, lanolin oil can be applied directly to the lips, making it a choice for lip balms and scrubs. Plus, lanolin cream benefits cracked skin or sore nipples in nursing moms.
Thanks to lanolin’s hydrating properties, this wool oil does wonders on dry and frizzy hair. Use lanolin oil in conjunction with a clarifying shampoo or conditioner to get the most out of this natural conditioner. It is important to note that lanolin oil should be used in moderation and only on porous hair.
In fact, shearing the sheep for lanolin oil also helps the sheep combat parasites and diseases.