オキシ塩化リンはリンを中心とする四面体型構造の化学物質です。P-Cl結合を3つとP=O結合を1つ有しています。P=O結合は非常に強く、結合解離エネルギーは533.5kJ/molです。ショーメーカー・スチーブンソン則 (英: Schomaker-Stevenson rule) によって、結合強度や電気陰性度からも、フッ化ホスホリル (POF3) と比べて二重結合の寄与がかなり大きいことがわかっています。
水と激しく反応, 四塩化炭素, 二硫化炭素には易溶。水又はエタノールによって発熱して分解する。ベンゼンに溶けやすい。
オキシ塩化リンとの付加物は安定であり、フリーデル・クラフツ反応 (英: Friedel–Crafts reaction) の後の混合物からでも、塩化アルミニウムを完全に除去可能です。塩化アルミニウムの存在下で、オキシ塩化リンはと反応して、POBr3を生じます。
POCl3(153.33).りんトリクロリドオキシド, 三塩化ホスホリルともいう.俗称はオキシ塩化リン.無色の発煙性液体.分子はPを中心とする四面体型構造.P-O1.449 Å,P-Cl1.993 Å.∠Cl-P-Cl103.3°.融点2 ℃,沸点105.3 ℃.密度1.65 g cm-3(25 ℃).水により加水分解し,HClとリン酸を生成する.金属ハロゲン化物に配位して錯体をつくる.ZrCl4,HfCl4はともにPOCl3と錯体をつくり,分留して両元素を分離しうる.また,フリーデル-クラフツ反応後の余分のAlCl3触媒を,このPOCl3と錯体を形成させて分離除去することができる.塩化ホスホリルは,有機化合物の塩素化剤,触媒,冷媒などに用いられる.特有臭があり,皮膚,眼,粘膜などをおかす.有毒.[CAS 10025-87-3]森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
Phosphorus oxychloride is a clear, colorless to yellow, fuming, oily liquid with a pungent and musty odor.
Colorless fuming liquid with a pungent odor; density 1.645 g/mL; freezes at 1°C; boils at 105.5°C; reacts with water and ethanol.
Phosphorus oxychloride is an important intermediate in the production of triarylphosphate esters (e.g., triphenyl phosphate and tricresyl phosphate), which have been used as flame retardants and plasticizers for PVC. It is acutely toxic to the eyes, throat, and respiratory tract. Phosphorus oxychloride is also used in nuclear reprocessing, as chlorinating agent, especially to replace oxygen in organic compounds, as solvent in cryoscopy and the semiconductor industry.
Phosphorus oxychloride can be prepared from phosphorus trichloride or phosphorus pentachloride. It can be obtained from phosphorus trichloride by cautious addition of potassium chlorate:3PCl3 + KClO3 → 3POCl3 + KCl The oxychloride also is obtained by the action of boric acid or oxalic acid with phosphorus pentachloride: 3PCl5 + 2B(OH)3 → 3POCl3 + B2O3 + 6HCl PCl5 + (COOH)2 → POCl3 + CO + CO2 + 2HCl Phosphorus oxychloride also is made by heating calcium phosphate in a current of chlorine and carbon monoxide at 350°C: 2Ca3(PO4)2 + 9Cl2 + 6CO → 4POCl3 + 6CaCO3 Alternatively, heating a mixture of calcium phosphate and carbon in a current of chlorine at 750°C yields the oxychloride.
A white crystalline
solid. It is a monobasic acid forming the
anion H2PO2
– in water. The sodium salt,
and hence the acid, can be prepared by
heating yellow phosphorus with sodium
hydroxide solution. The free acid and its
salts are powerful reducing agents.
Phosphorus oxychloride is water reactive. Incompatible with strong oxidizing agents, alcohols, bases (including amines). May react vigorously or explosively if mixed with diisopropyl ether or other ethers in the presence of trace amounts of metal salts [J. Haz. Mat., 1981, 4, 291]. Combining the chloride with zinc dust caused immediate ignition, due to the formation of phosphine gas which ignites, [Mellor, 1940, Vol. 8, 1025]. An exotherm starting with the mixing of Phosphorus oxychloride with acetone (a ketone) lead to an explosion, may behave similarly with other ketones, [Organic Process Research and Development, Vol.4, No. 6,200, "Phosphorus oxychloride and Acetone: An Incompatibility Investigation Using ARC."]
The compound is highly irritating to skin, eyes and mucous membranes. Inhaling its vapors can cause pulmonary edema.
Inhalation of vapors of phosphorus oxychloride produced acute and chronic toxicity in test subjects. In humans, exposure to its vapors may cause headache, dizziness, weakness, nausea, vomiting, coughing, chest pain, bronchitis, and pulmonary edema. Most of these symptoms are manifested from chronic exposure to its vapors.
LC50 value, inhalation (rats): 48 ppm (301 mg/m3)/4 h
Vapors of this compound are an irritant to the eyes and mucous membranes. The liquidis corrosive and can cause skin burns. An oral LD50 value for rats is documented to be 380 mg/kg (NIOSH 1986)..
Poisonous, corrosive, and irritating gases are generated when Phosphorus oxychloride is heated or is in contact with water. Phosphorus oxychloride may ignite other combustible materials (wood, paper, oil, etc.). Phosphorus oxychloride reacts violently with water. When heated to decomposition, Phosphorus oxychloride emits toxic fumes of chlorides and oxides of phosphorus; Phosphorus oxychloride will react with water or steam to produce heat and toxic and corrosive fumes. Incompatible with carbon disulfide; N,N-dimethylformamide; 2,5-dimethylpyrrole; 2,6-dimethyl- pyridine N-oxide; dimethylsulfoxide; Ferrocene-1,1-dicarboxylic acid; water; and zinc. Do not store with combustible materials, particularly fibrous organic materials, or with electrical or other equipment that can be corroded. Reacts violently with moisture.
オキシ塩化リンは、油圧用作動液、可塑剤 (リン酸トリクレジル) 、ガソリン添加剤、防火剤の製造に使用されます。また、医薬 (サルファ剤、ボタミンB1など) の「製造」「染料」「リン系農薬」「香料」「不燃性フィルムの原料」「ウラン鉱抽出剤」などにも利用可能です。その他、半導体製造工程では拡散剤としても使われています。
Phosphorus oxychloride is used in the manufacture of pesticides, pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, gasoline additives; and hydraulic fluids.
UN1810 Phosphorus oxychloride, Hazard class: 6.1; Labels: 6.1-Poisonous materials, 8-Corrosive material, Hazard Zone B.
Distil the liquid under reduced pressure to separate it from the bulk of the HCl and the phosphoric acid (from hydrolysis); the middle fraction is re-distilled into ampoules containing a little purified mercury. These ampoules are sealed and stored in the dark for 4-6weeks with occasional shaking to facilitate reaction of any free chloride with the mercury. The POCl3 is then again fractionally distilled and stored in sealed ampoules in the dark until required [Herber J Am Chem Soc 82 792 1960]. Lewis and Sowerby [J Chem Soc 336 1957] refluxed their distilled POCl3 with Na wire for 4hours, then removed the Na and again distilled. Use Na only with almost pure POCl3 to avoid explosions. HARMFUL VAPOURS; work in an efficient fume cupboard.
A powerful oxidizer. Violently decomposes in water, forming heat and hydrochloric and phosphoric acids. Violent reaction with alcohols, phenols, amines, reducing agents; combustible materials; carbon disulfide; dimethylformamide, and many other many materials. Rapid corrosion of metals, except nickel and lead.
Pour onto sodium bicarbonate. Spray with aqueous ammonia and add crushed ice. Neutralize and pour into drain with running water. In accordance with 40CFR165, follow recommendations for the disposal of pesticides and pesticide containers. Must be disposed properly by following package label directions or by contacting your local or federal environmental control agency, or by contacting your regional EPA office.