水素化ナトリウムは,水で分解して, 水素を発生する。ベンゼン, 二硫化炭素, 四塩化炭素, 液体アンモニアには溶解しない。水と激しく反応して、水酸化ナトリウムと水素を生ずる。
NaH(24.00).水素化ナトリウムは,油に分散するか,触媒のアントラセンとまぜた金属ナトリウムに,250 ℃ で H2 を通すと得られる.立方晶系のイオン結晶.塩化ナトリウム型構造で,Na-H2.44 Å.密度0.92 g cm-3.425 ℃ で分解する.CCl4,ベンゼンに不溶.水とはげしく反応し,H2 を発生してNaOHになる.室温で乾いた空気中では安定であるが,湿った空気中では発火する.還元性が強く,金属の酸化物や塩化物を金属に還元し,有機物も還元する.水素化ホウ素ナトリウムの製造原料,有機合成反応で還元,水素添加,縮合,触媒などに用いられる.そのほか,脱水,乾燥剤,金属表面の酸化物のさび落としなどにも用いられる.森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
金属塩化物の還元剤, 有機合成における還元剤, 水素添加剤, 縮合剤, 脱水剤, 水素発生剤など。NaBH4の合成にも使用されている。
水素化ナトリウムは、LiH、KH、RbH、およびCsHと同様に、立方晶のNaCl結晶構造をとっています。この構造では、各Na+イオンは八面体形状の6つのH−中心に囲まれています。H−のイオン半径は146pmで、F−のイオン半径 (133pm) とほぼ同等です。
Sodium hydride, is a binary salt that has a specific hazard of releasing hydrogen upon contact with water. It is an odorless powder that is violently water reactive. The four-digit UN identification number is 1427. The NFPA 704 designation is health 3, flammability 3, and reactivity 2. The white space at the bottom of the diamond has a W with a slash through it, indicating water reactivity.
Grey solid. Pure sodium hydride forms colorless cubic crystals; however, the commercial product contains traces of sodium metal, giving it a light gray color. At atmospheric pressure, sodium hydride slowly evolves hydrogen above 300 ℃. At 420 ℃ decomposition is rapid but melting does not take place. Sodium hydride is a salt and therefore insoluble in inert organic solvents. It dissolves in molten sodium hydroxide, in sodium – potassium alloys and in molten LiCl – KCl eutectic mixtures (352 ℃). Sodium hydride is stable in dry air but ignites above 230 ℃, burning to form sodium oxide. It is hydrolyzed rapidly in moist air and as a dry powder it is spontaneously flammable. Sodium hydride reacts extremely violently with water, the heat of hydrolysis being sufficient to ignite the liberated hydrogen. It reacts with carbon dioxide to form sodium formate.
Silvery needles; refractive index 1.470; density 0.92 g/cm3; decomposes at 800°C; decomposes explosively in water; reacts violently with lower alcohols; dissolves in molten sodium and molten sodium hydroxide; insoluble in liquid ammonia, benzene, carbon tetrachloride and carbon disulfide. Sodium hydride is available commercially
as 80 % and 60 % dispersions in mineral oil.
The light-gray pourable material has an average particle size of 10 mm (Degussa, Chemetall, Ventron). The oil protects the surface of
the highly reactive sodium hydride, which easily becomes passivated by the slightest atmospheric exposure or, worse, can ignite on longer
contact with air.
Sodium hydride is used to enhance the condensation reactions of carbonyl compounds through the Dieckmann condensation, Stobbe condensation, Darzens condensation and Claisen condensation. It acts as a reducing agent used to prepare diborane from boron trifluoride. It is also used in fuel cell vehicles. Further, it is used to dry some organic solvents. In addition to this, it is involved in the preparation of sulfur ylides, which is utilized for the conversion of ketones into epoxides.
Sodium hydride, reactive with water yielding hydrogen gas and NaOH solution, formed by reaction of sodium and hydrogen at about 360 °C (680 °F). Used as a powerful reducing agent.
sodium hydride: A white crystallinesolid, NaH; cubic; r.d. 0.92; decomposesabove 300°C (slow);completely decomposed at 800°C.Sodium hydride is prepared by thereaction of pure dry hydrogen withsodium at 350°C. Electrolysis ofsodium hydride in molten LiCl/KClleads to the evolution of hydrogen;this is taken as evidence for the ionicnature of NaH and the presence ofthe hydride ion (H–). It reacts violentlywith water to give sodium hydroxideand hydrogen, with halogensto give the halide and appropriatehydrogen halide, and ignites spontaneouslywith oxygen at 230°C. It is apowerful reducing agent with severallaboratory applications.
A silvery to whitish powder or slurry in oil. Used to make other chemicals.
Highly flammable. Ignites or explodes in contact with air of high humidity [Bretherick 1979 p. 107]. Reacts violently with water producing a caustic solution (NaOH) and hydrogen (H2). Heat of reaction may ignite the hydrogen.
Sodium hydride is a powerful reducing agent. Attacks SiO2 in glass. Ignites on contact with gaseous F2, Cl2, Br2, and I2 (the last at temperatures exceeding 100°C), especially in the presence of moisture, to form HF, HCl, HBr, and HI [Mellor 2:483 1946-47]. Reacts with sulfur to give Na2S and H2S [Bretherick 1979 p. 107]. Can react explosively with dimethyl sulfoxide [Chem. Eng. News 44(24):7 1966]. Reacts vigorously with acetylene, even at -60°C [Mellor 2:483 1946-47]. Spontaneously flammable in fluorine. Reaction with dimethylformamide, when heated, runs away [Chem. Eng. News, 1982, 60(28), 5]. Initiates a polymerization reaction in ethyl-2,2,3-trifluoropropionate such that the ester decomposed violently [Bretherick 5th ed. 1995]. Presence in the reaction of diethyl succinate and ethyl trifluoroacetate, has twice caused explosions [Chem. Brit., 1983, 19, 645].
Dangerous fire risk, reacts violently with
water evolving hydrogen. Irritant.
SOLID: Will burn skin and eyes. Harmful if swallowed.
FLAMMABLE. MAY EXPLODE ON CONTACT WITH WATER. Accidental contact with water used to extinguish surrounding fire will result in the release of hydrogen gas and possible explosion.
1. 塩基
2. 還元剤
3. 水素貯蔵
4. その他
- 容器を密栓し、乾燥した冷暗所に保管する。
- 激しい反応と火災のおそれがあるので、水や湿気との接触を避けて保管する。
- 屋外や換気の良い区域のみで使用し、湿気を遮断した不活性ガス雰囲気下で取り扱う。
- 使用時は保護手袋、保護眼鏡を着用する。
- 取扱い後はよく手を洗浄する。
- 皮膚に付着した場合は、 固着していない粒子を皮膚から払いのけ、冷たい水に浸し、湿った包帯で覆う。
- 眼に入った場合は、水で数分間注意深く洗う。
The powder ignites spontaneously in air. Flammable when exposed to heat or flame. Potentially explosive reaction with water, diethyl succinate + ethyltrifluoroacetate (above 60℃), dimethyl sulfoxide + heat, sulfur dioxide. Ignition or violent reaction with dimethylformamide (above 50℃), ethyl 2,2,3-trifluoropropionate, oxygen (at 230℃). Incompatible with acetylene + moisture, glycerin, halogens, sulphur. Normal fire extinguishers are unsuitable, use sand, ashes, solurn chloride. The commercial material may contain traces of sodium. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of Na2O. See also HYDRIDES.