General Description
Magnesium chloride,MgCI2,also known as chloromagnesite, is a colorless crystalline solid. It is soluble in water and alcohol and is used in the ceramic and textile industries. Magnesium chloride is formed by heating hydrated magnesium chloride crystals in a current of dry hydrogen chloride or by heating magnesium ammonium chloride. Hydrated magnesium chloride, MgCI2·6H20 , also known as bischophite,is a white deliquescent solid formed by the reaction of magnesium carbonate(or hydroxide,oxide or metal)and hydrogen chloride. It is used in disinfectants, fire extinguishers, and paper manufacture.

magnesium chloride flakes
Chemical manufacture
Manufacturer of magnesium metal and other magnesium compounds
Source of magnesium
Road maintenance
Dust control
Moisture absorbed from the air prevents dust formation
Snow and ice control
De-icing agent/helps to prevent the ice bond on the road and to remove ice buildup from road
Treating or preventing magnesium deficiency
Source of magnesium/helps to raise magnesium levels in the body
Coagulant agent/helps liquid forms of soy to solidify into tofu
Baby formula milk
Gas storage
Storage of Hydrogen Gas
Storage material/effectively absorbs ammonia which is rich in hydrogen atoms
Manufacturer of Sorel cement
Raw material/Mixed with hydrated magnesium oxide to form hard material
Fire extinguishers
Effective reactant
Paper filling
Fire retardant
Textile filling
Keeps the humidity of cotton to make it soft
Source of magnesium
Mineral supplement for animals
Refrigeration brine and artificial seawater
Waste water treatment
Effective ingredient
Anesthesia for cephalopods, crustaceans and bivalve
Polymerase chain reaction
Necessary for both in vivo/vitro DNA synthesis
Chemical Properties
Magnesium is an essential nutrient for plants and animals and is
a natural constituent of fruits, vegetables, grain, meats and sea-foods. It is the fourth most abundant cation in the human body
and the second most plentiful intracellularly. The average 60-kg
human adult body contains about 24 g magnesium of which about
one-half resides in bone. Although plasma levels vary between 1.7
and 3.0 mg per dl, very little is contained in extracellular fluid.
Magnesium is essential for the production and transfer of energy,
for protein, fat, and nucleic acid synthesis, for contractility in
muscle and excitability in nerve, and for the activity of numerous
enzyme systems.
MgCl2, is one of the primary constituents of seawater and occurs in most natural brines and salt deposits formed from the evaporation of seawater.
Magnesium Chloride is a source of magnesium, a color-retention
agent, and firming agent. it exists as colorless flakes or crystals and
is very soluble in water.
An excellent magnesium ion source for synthesis and biology research
Magnesium chloride is used for a variety of other
applications besides the production of Mg metal. It is
used in the manufacture of textiles, paper, fireproofing
agents, cements and refrigeration brine. It has also
been used in dust and erosion control. Mixed with
hydrated magnesium oxide, magnesium chloride forms
a hard material called “Sorel-cement”. The cement is
a mixture of MgO (burnt magnesia) with MgCl2 with
the approximate chemical formula Mg4Cl2(OH)6(H2O)8,
corresponding to a weight ratio of 2.5–3.5 parts MgO to
one part MgCl2. This usage of magnesium chloride is
unmatched by any other compound. MgCl2 was one of
the earlier antiseptics, first used for that purpose by Dr
Pierre Delbert in 1915. One veterinary study in 1989
indicated some effectiveness against tumors when
used as a feed additive.
A commercial form of liquid MgCl2 called DustGard Liquid is used to control dust on unpaved roads, construction sites and similar surfaces. Because it is produced from naturally occurring minerals, it improves air quality and visibility with minimal environmental impact. It also decreases vehicle maintenance costs, prevents soil erosion and reduces the need for blading, watering and gravel replacement.
Magnesium chloride is also used in several medical
and topical (skin-related) applications. It has been used
in pills as supplemental sources of magnesium, where
it serves as a soluble compound which is not as laxative
as MgSO4, and more bio-available than Mg(OH)2 and
MgO, since it does not require stomach acid to produce
soluble Mg
2+ ion. It can also be used as an effective anesthetic
for cephalopods, some species of crustaceans, and
several species of bivalves, including oysters.
Magnesium chloride is an important coagulant used
in the preparation of “tofu” from soy milk. In Japan, it
is sold as “Nigari”, (derived from the Japanese word
for “bitter"). It is a white powder produced from
seawater after the sodium chloride has been removed,
and the water evaporated. In China, it is called "Lushui”,Nigari or Lushui and consists mostly of magnesium
chloride, with some MgSO4 and other trace elements.
It is also an ingredient in baby formula milk.
Magnesium chloride has shown promise as a storage
material for hydrogen gas. Ammonia can be effectively
adsorbed onto solid magnesium chloride, forming
Mg(NH3)6Cl2. When the ammonia is released by mild
heat, and is then passed through a catalyst, hydrogen
gas is retrieved.
magnesium chloride: A white solid compound, MgCl
2. The anhydrous salt (hexagonal; r.d. 2.32; m.p.714°C; b.p. 1412°C) can be prepared by the direct combination of dry chlorine with magnesium:
Mg(s) + Cl
2(g) → MgCl
The compound also occurs naturally as a constituent of carnallite(KCl.MgCl
2). It is a deliquescent compound that commonly forms the hexahydrate, MgCl
2O (monoclinic;r.d. 1.57). When heated, this hydrolyses to give magnesium oxide and hydrogen chloride gas. The fused chloride is electrolysed to produce magnesium and it is also used for fireproofing wood, in magnesia cements and artificial leather, and as a laxative.
In the “Dow Process” (which is the electrolytic
method of extracting bromine from brine), magnesium
chloride is regenerated from magnesium hydroxide by
hydrochloric acid:
It can also be prepared from MgCO3 by a similar reaction.
Magnesium chloride is ionic and so will undergo
electrolysis when it is molten. Electricity is carried by
the movement of the ions within the melt and their
discharge at the electrodes. However, solid magnesium
chloride is a nonconductor of electricity because the
ions are immobile.
ChEBI: Magnesium chloride is a magnesium salt comprising of two chlorine atoms bound to a magnesium atom.
General Description
Magnesium chloride (MgCl
2) is an inorganic compound that can be prepared by reacting magnesium oxide and ammonium chloride in the presence of alumina as a covering agent.
Toxic by ingestion.
Flammability and Explosibility
Non flammable
Toxics Screening Level
The initial threshold screening level (ITSL) for magnesium chloride is 5 μg/m3 based on an annual averaging time.