off-white to beige, grey or green crystalline
Catalyst employed in the addition of Grignard reagents (alkyl, alkenyl, aryl) to fullerenes. This process adds 5 organic groups to [60]fullerene and 3 groups to [70]fullerene.
Copper(I) bromide-dimethyl sulfide can be used as catalyst for adding Grignard reagents to fullerenes.
Copper(I) bromide-dimethyl sulfide complex is used as catalyst for adding Grignard reagents to fullerenes.
core: copper
reagent type: catalyst
Purify it by recrystallisation in the presence of Me2S. A solution of the complex (1.02g) in Me2S (5mL) is slowly diluted with hexane (20mL), and the pure colourless prisms of the complex (0.96g) separate and are collected and dried, m 124-129o(dec). The complex is insoluble in hexane, Et2O, Me2CO, CHCl3 and CCl4. It dissolves in DMF and DMSO, but the solution becomes hot and green indicating decomposition. It dissolves in *C6H6, Et2O, MeOH and CHCl3 if excess of Me2S is added and a colourless solution is obtained. [House et al. J Org Chem 40 1460 1975.] Prior to use, the complex is dissolved in Me2S and evaporated to dryness in the weighed reaction flask [Bourgain-Commer.on et al. J Organomet Chem 228 321 1983].