The purified proteolytic substance derived from the latex of Ficus spp. which include a variety of tropical fig trees. The material presents as white to off-white powders which are completely soluble in water (liquid fig latex concentrates are light brown to dark brown). The major active principle is ficin, IUB No., CAS No. 9001-33-6.
Ficin has been cleared by the Meat and Poultry Inspection Division to soften tissues of beef cuts and of raw poultry muscle tissue of the hen, cock, mature turkey, mature duck, mature goose and mature guinea, as follows: Solutions consisting of water and approved proteolytic enzyme applied or injected into raw poultry tissues or cuts of beef shall not result in a weight gain of more than 3%. When approved proteolytic enzymes are used in mature poultry muscle tissue or on steaks or other raw meat cuts, there must be a label indicating such.
Ficin (EC is a protease that is isolated from the latex of species of fig ( Ficus glabrata ) and is composed of several different endopeptidases (Jones & Glazer, 1970) . The latex is collected and the enzyme separated following stabilization, degumming, and dialyzing (Englund, King, Craig, & Walti, 1968) . The active enzymes preferentially cleave proteins at tyrosine and phenylalanine residues. Because of this preferential cleavage, ficin tends to produce hydrolysates with low bitterness, as well as more controlled tenderization than bromelain or papain.

Buff to cream-colored powder; acrid odor. Very hygroscopic. Partially soluble in water; insoluble in organic solvents.
Ficin from fig tree latex has been used:
- in the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and steady-kinetic measurements for assessing its peroxidase functionality
- for the digestion of eye tissue sections prior to immunostaining and immunofluorescence
Ficin from fig tree latex has been used:
- in the proteolysis of tendon collagen
- in the digestion of Chlorophyta Ulva rigida
- to investigate it effect on protease-activated receptors 2 and 4 activation to induce itch in skin
Protein digestant. In the brewing industry as a chill proofing agent in beer. In the cheese industry as a substitute for rennet in the coagulation of milk. In the meat industry as a meat tenderizer and as an agent for removing casings from formed sausage. In the leather industry for the bating of leather. In the textile industry for shrinkproofing wool, for removing gelatin from sized thread, and mixed with amylases and maltases as a spot remover. In the preparation of peptones. For solubilizing protein material in spent grains. Also used in the determination of the Rh factor. Speeds 10 times the agglutination of human blood cells by the Rh factor when in contact with the anti-Rh serum.
Ficin froM Fig Tree Latex is a proteolytic enzyme hydrolyzing casein, collagen, edestin, fibrin, liver, and other proteinlike material.
Extinction Coefficient: E1% = 21.0 (280 nm)
pI: 9.0
Ficin is effective in disrupting the staphylococcal?biofilms making it accessible antibiotics exposure.
Poison by inhalation
and intravenous routes. Mildly toxic by
ingestion. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes.