1-Pyridin-2-yl-ethylamine is a chiral, racemic mixture of l-tartaric acid. It is an organic compound that is a ligand for guanine and has been used in the synthesis of lipase inhibitors. This compound spontaneously hydrolyzes in water to form the diol 1-pyridin-2-yl-ethanolamine. The pyridine ring of 1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylamine can be converted to an amine by reaction with ammonia or methylamine, but this process is reversible and the product can be converted back to the original ketone. The hydroxyl group on one end of the molecule can also react with ethyl methanesulfonate to form methyl ketones. These reactions are useful because they produce different stereoisomers with different chemical properties which can be used as pharmaceuticals or insecticides.