Isoheptane is a hydrocarbon compound commonly used in chemical production and experimental research. It is used as a component of anti-explosive materials and as an extraction solvent for the extraction of corn oil from whole germ. In addition, it is used in statistical thermodynamic studies of the isomerisation reactions of n-heptane and isoheptane[1-3].
[1] NAGAI Y. Effect of Anti-knock Materials on the Limits of Inflammability of Ethyl Ether and Hydrocarbon[C]. 1900. DOI:10.2183/PJAB1912.3.664.
[2] LIONEL K. ARNOLD; William E R. Extraction of corn oil by three petroleum solvents[J]. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society, 1956. DOI:10.1007/BF02630765.
[3] YU T, ZHENG J, TRUHLAR D G. Statistical thermodynamics of the isomerization reaction between n-heptane and isoheptane?[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2011. DOI:10.1039/C1CP22578B.