白色, 結晶〜結晶性粉末又は塊
肉に含まれているヘム鉄は発がん性を有するニトロソアミン (英: nitrosamines) の生成を促しますが、加工肉では硝酸ナトリウムや亜硝酸ナトリウムによって生成します。
水に易溶 (92.1g/100ml, 25℃), エタノールに微溶。水に溶けやすく、エタノールに溶けにくい。
チリ硝石,天然産硝酸ナトリウムNaNO3のこと.慣用的にはチリのAtacama砂漠地帯に多量に産出する天然硝酸ナトリウム鉱を精製したものをさす.純度は94~97%.N 15.5~16%.六方晶系a:c = 1:0.8276.密度2.24~2.29 g cm-3.融点306.8 ℃.硝酸およびヨウ素の重要な原料資源である.水溶性で硫安より吸湿性が大きい.窒素肥料として1870年ころから用いられ,また硝酸火薬製造原料として重要であったが,アンモニア合成,硝酸合成工業の発達によりその需要は低下した.もっとも代表的な硝酸塩鉱物の一つ。乾燥気候地域の土壌表面に皮膜状をなして産し、肥料として用いられる。その名にあるように南米チリには大きな鉱床があり、鉱床中には、副成分として、銅、クロム、ヨウ素などの鉱物が存在することがある。自形の報告はないが、その原子配列は方解石と同構造である。日本では、栃木県宇都宮市大谷(おおや)の凝灰岩(大谷石)の表面に、雨水のかからない箇所で少量着生することが知られている。
主たる用途は化学プラントなどの加熱?冷却システム用熱媒体,ガラス消泡剤,肥料?染料原料,硝酸カリ原料,ほうろう原料,熱処理剤,食品添加物 である。
Sodium nitrate, also known as Chile saltpeter and soda niter, has a molecular formula of NaNO3. Sodium nitrate is a colorless, odorless, transparent crystal. It oxidizes when exposed to air and is soluble in water. This material explodes at 1000°F (537°C), much lower than temperatures encountered in many fires. Sodium nitrate is toxic by ingestion and has caused cancer in test animals. When used in the curing of fish and meat products, it is restricted to 100 ppm. Sodium nitrate is incompatible with ammonium nitrate and other ammonium salts. The four-digit UN identification number is 1498. Sodium nitrate is used as an antidote for cyanide poisoning and in the curing of fish and meat.
Sodium nitrate, NaNO3, also known as soda niter and Chile saltpeter, is a fire-hazardous, transparent, colorless and odorless crystalline solid. It is soluble in glycerol and water,decomposes when heated,and melts at 308°C (585 °F). Sodium nitrate is used in making nitric and sulfuric acids, in the manufacture of glass and pottery enamel, as a fertilizer, as a food preservative, in explosives, and as a welding flux.
Colorless crystalline solid; saline taste; trigonal, and rhombohedrals structure; density 2.257g/cm3; refractive index 1.587 (trigonal) and 1.336 (rhombohedral); melts at 308°C; decomposes at 380°C; specific conductance 95 μmhos/cm at 300°C; viscosity 2.85 centipoise at 317°C; very soluble in water 92.1 g/100 mL at 25°C and 180 g/100 mL at 100°C; very soluble in liquid ammonia; soluble in alcohol.
There are several natural deposits of sodium nitrate in various parts of the world, including Chile, Mexico, Egypt, and the United States. The most important application of sodium nitrate is its use as a fertilizer in agriculture. It is an effective fertilizer for cotton, tobacco, and vegetable crops. Its agricultural applications, however, have dwindled considerably in recent years because of the growth of ammonium nitrate and other fertilizers.
Another major use of sodium nitrate is in manufacturing explosives. It is a component of many types of dynamites and water-based slurry type blasting explosives. Sodium nitrate also is used in making charcoal briquettes. Sodium nitrate is used as an oxidizing and fluxing agent in manufacturing vitreous glass, fiberglass, porcelain, and enamels. Other uses are in the heat-treatment baths for alloys and metals, as a food preservative, in curing meats, and in preparing various salts.
Sodium Nitrate is the salt of nitric acid that functions as an antimi-
crobial agent and preservative. it is a naturally occurring substance
in spinach, beets, broccoli, and other vegetables. it consists of color-
less, odorless crystals or crystalline granules. it is moderately deli-
quescent in moist air and is readily soluble in water. it is used in
meat curing to develop and stabilize the pink color. see nitrate.
Sodium nitrate is recovered from natural deposits. One such process, known as the Guggenheim nitrate process, is briefly outlined below: The ore is crushed. Sodium nitrate is leached from the ore by extraction with a brine solution at 40°C. The brine for leaching is made up of an aqueous solution of magnesium sulfate, MgSO3, and calcium sulfate, CaSO3. The caliche variety of Chilean ore contains mostly sodium nitrate and sodium chloride as the main saline components, along with limestone, clays, sand, lime, and inert volcanic rocks. Sodium nitrate usually occurs in this ore as a double salt with sodium sulfate NaNO3?Na2SO3?H3O. This double salt, which is sparingly soluble in water, is broken down by magnesium in leaching brine solution, thus releasing more sodium nitrate into the extract. Sodium nitrate finally is recovered from the leachate brine by fractional crystallization.
Brines of other compositions have been used to extract sodium nitrate from its ores. Many such processes, including the Shanks process practiced in the past to produce sodium nitrate, are now obsolete.
ChEBI: The inorganic nitrate salt of sodium.
A white crystalline solid. Noncombustible but accelerates the burning of combustible materials. If large quantities are involved in fire or the combustible material is finely divided an explosion may result. May explode under prolonged exposure to heat or fire. Toxic oxides of nitrogen are produced in fires. Used in solid propellants, explosives, fertilizers, and for many other uses.
Soluble in water.
A mixture of Sodium nitrate and sodium hypophosphite constitute a powerful explosive [Mellor 8, Supp. 1:154 1964]. Sodium nitrate and aluminum powder mixtures have been reported to be explosive,[Fire, 1935, 28, 30]. The nitrate appears to be incompatible with barium thiocyanate, antimony, arsenic trioxide/iron(II) sulfate, boron phosphide, calcium-sodium alloy, magnesium, metal amidosulfates, metal cyanides, powdered charcoal, peroxyformic acid, phenol/trifluoroacetic acid, sodium, sodium nitrite/sodium sulfide, sodium phosphinate, sodium thiosulfate, tris( cyclopentadienyl)cerium, and even wood [Bretherick 5th ed., 1995].
Fire risk near organic materials, ignites on
friction and explodes when shocked or heated to
1000F (537C). Toxic by ingestion; content in cured
meats, fish, and other food products restricted.
INGESTION: Dizziness, abdominal cramps, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, weakness, convulsions, and collapse. Small repeated doses may cause headache and mental impairment.
20世紀の変わり目までの1世紀以上にわたって、ほとんどの硝酸ナトリウムはチリ北部のアタカマ砂漠で採掘されていました。しかしハーバー・ボッシュ法 (英: Haber–Bosch process) が開発され、1940年代までには天然資源から調達される硝酸ナトリウムの需要が劇的に減少しました。
Human poison by ingestion. Poison by intravenous route.Questionable carcinogen with experimental tumorigenic data. Human mutation data reported. A powerful oxidizer. It will iqte with heat or friction. Explodes when heated to over 1000°F, or when mixed with cyanides, sodium hypophosphte, boron phosphide. Forms explosive mixtures with aluminum powder, antimony powder, barium thiocyanate, metal amidosulfates, sodium, sodium phosphinate, sodium thiosulfate, sulfur + charcoal (gunpowder). Potentially violent reaction or ignition when mixed with bitumen, organic matter, calcium-shcon alloy, jute + magnesium chloride, magnesium, metal cyanides, nonmetals, peroxyformic acid, phenol + trifluoroacetic acid. Incompatible with acetic anhydride, barium thocyanate, wood. A dangerous disaster hazard. Experimental reproductive effects. When heated to decomposition it emits toxic fumes of NOx and Na2O. See also NITRATES.
Crystallise NaNO3 from hot water (0.6mL/g) by cooling to 0o, or from a concentrated aqueous solution by adding MeOH. Dry it under a vacuum at 140o. After two recrystallisations, technical grade sodium nitrate had K, Mg, B, Fe Al, and Li at 100, 29, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.2 ppm respectively. (See KNO3.)
S. Göttlicher, C.D. Knöchel, Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B, 36, 1271 (1980), DOI: 10.1107/S0567740880005900.