白色, 結晶~結晶性粉末
臭いはありません。水にやや溶けます (溶解度: 7.3g/100ml (20 °C)) が、に極めて溶けにくく、に溶けません。密度は2.32g/mLです。

図. 塩素酸カリウムの酸化還元電位と分解反応
水に可溶 (7.2g/100g水, 20℃), アルコールに不溶。水にやや溶けやすく、エタノールに極めて溶けにくい
塩素酸カリウム,光沢のある無色の単斜晶系板状結晶.融点356 ℃.密度2.32 g cm-3.加熱すれば400 ℃ 以上で塩化カリウムと過塩素酸カリウムに分解し,さらに加熱すると酸素と塩化カリウムに分解する.二酸化マンガンの存在下では200 ℃ で分解され,実験室で酸素を得るために利用される.水100 g に対する溶解度は3.3 g(0 ℃),57 g(100 ℃).エタノールに微溶,アセトンに不溶.強い酸化剤で,有機物,炭素,硫化物,硫黄,赤リンなどとまぜたものは加熱や衝撃によって爆発する.濃硫酸,濃塩酸に触れても爆発しやすい.酸性水溶液も強い酸化剤であるが,中性,アルカリ性水溶液には酸化作用がない.

図. 電気分解による塩素酸カリウムの合成
塩素酸カリウムは、塩化カリウムの飽和水溶液の電気分解により合成が可能です。アノード (陽極) として、MMO電極 (混合金属酸化物電極) 、白金、黒鉛、二酸化鉛などの不溶性電極が使用され 、カソード (陰極) として、チタン、ステンレス鋼、軟鋼などが用いられます。
- アノード上での電流密度の上限はMMO電極や白金では200~300mA/cm2、黒鉛では30mA/cm2程度とし、アノードを囲むようにカソードを配置する (アノード表面での電流密度の偏りを防ぐため)
- 溶液中の塩化カリウム濃度を飽和状態に保つため、減少した分の塩化カリウムを定期的に補給する
- アノード周辺の溶液の温度を40℃以下に維持する
Potassium chlorate, is a transparent, colorless crystal or white powder. It is soluble in boiling water and decomposes at approximately 750°F (398°C), giving off oxygen gas. Potassium chlorate is a strong oxidizer and forms explosive mixtures with combustible materials, such as sugar, sulfur, and others. Potassium chlorate is incompatible with sulfuric acid, other acids, and organic material. The four-digit UN identification number is 1485. Its primary uses are as an oxidizing agent in the manufacture of explosives and matches; in pyrotechnics; and as a source of oxygen. Sodium and potassium chlorates have similar properties. Chlorites are powerful oxidizing agents. They have one less oxygen than the base-state oxysalts. They form explosive mixtures with combustible materials, and in contact with strong acids, they can release explosive chlorine dioxide gas.
Potassium chlorate, KCI03, is transparent, colorless crystals or a white powder that is soluble in water,alcohol, and alkalies,and has a melting point of 356 °C.Used as an oxidizing agent,for explosives and matches, and in textile printing and paper manufacture.
Potassium Chlorate is used in micro-smoke cold fireworks containing bright bead.
potassium chlorate: A colourlesscrystalline compound, KClO3, whichis soluble in water and moderatelysoluble in ethanol; monoclinic; r.d.2.32; m.p. 356°C; decomposes above400°C giving off oxygen. The industrialroute to potassium chlorate involvesthe fractional crystallization ofa solution of potassium chloride andsodium chlorate but it may also beprepared by electrolysis of hot concentratedsolutions of potassiumchloride. It is a powerful oxidizingagent finding applications in weedkillersand disinfectants and, becauseof its ability to produce oxygen, it isused in explosives, pyrotechnics, andmatches.
A colorless liquid. Denser than water. Contact may irritate skin, eyes and mucous membranes. May be toxic by ingestion. Used to make other chemicals. Ignites organic materials upon contact .
Soluble in water.
Metal chlorates are oxidants in the presence of strong acid; liberates explosive chlorine dioxide gas; liberates chlorine dioxide and carbon dioxide by heating a moist metal chlorate and a dibasic organic acid ; mixtures of perchlorates with sulfur or phosphorus are explosives [Bretherick 1979. p. 100]; mixtures of the chlorate with ammonium salts, powdered metals, silicon, sulfur, or sulfides are readily ignited and potentially explosive [Bretherick 1979. p. 806]. A combination of finely divided aluminum with finely divided bromates (also chlorates and iodates) of barium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, or zinc can explode by heat, percussion, and friction [Mellor 2:310 1946-47]. An explosion occurred during heating of a mixture of potassium chlorate and magnesium [Chem. Eng. News 14:451. 1936]. Gaseous ammonia, mixed with air reacts so vigorously with potassium chlorate that the reaction could become dangerous [Mellor 8:217. 1946-47]. A mixture of potassium chlorate and sodium amide explodes [Mellor 8:258. 1946-47]. If a drop of a solution of sulfur dioxide in ether or alcohol is added to powdered potassium chlorate, the mass explodes [Mellor 2:311. 1946-47]. Potassium chlorate and sulfuric acid react to cause fire and possible explosions [Mellor 2:315. 1946-47].
Forms explosive mixture with combustible
materials (sulfur, sugar, etc.); strong oxidizing
Inhalation, ingestion or contact (skin, eyes) with vapors or substance may cause severe injury, burns or death. Fire may produce irritating, corrosive and/or toxic gases. Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution.
These substances will accelerate burning when involved in a fire. Some may decompose explosively when heated or involved in a fire. May explode from heat or contamination. Some will react explosively with hydrocarbons (fuels). May ignite combustibles (wood, paper, oil, clothing, etc.). Containers may explode when heated. Runoff may create fire or explosion hazard.
塩素酸カリウムの主な使用用途は、 爆薬、マッチ (頭薬部分) 、分析用試薬、印刷インキ、漂白剤、染料、防腐剤、除草剤、医薬品、花火です。塩素酸カリウムと硫黄との混合物は、摩擦によって発火する性質を持ちます。
塩素酸カリウムは、反応性が高い物質です。多くの可燃性物質 (有機物や硫黄、リン、炭素など) と混合し点火すると激しく燃焼し、自発的・偶発的に発火や爆発することもあります。また、濃塩酸や濃硫酸、濃硝酸に接触するだけで爆発する可能性があるため、必ず強酸類と離して保管しなければなりません。
これらの危険性により、塩素酸カリウムは法令によって規制を受ける化合物です。毒物及び劇物取締法において劇物、及び、 発火性又は爆発性のある劇物に指定されており、労働安全衛生法では危険物・酸化性の物に指定されています。消防法では、 第1類酸化性固体、塩素酸塩類に指定されています。法令を遵守して正しく取り扱うことが必要です。
Also known as chlorate of potash and potassiumoxymuriate, this is a white crystalline powder,or lustrous crystalline substance, of the compositionKClO3, employed in explosives, chieflyas a source of oxygen. It is also used as anoxidizing agent in the chemical industry, as acardiac stimulant in medicine, and in toothpaste.It melts at 357°C and decomposes at400°C with the rapid evolution of oxygen. It isodorless but has a slightly bitter saline taste.The specific gravity is 2.337. It is not hygroscopic,but is soluble in water. It imparts a violetcolor to the flame in pyrotechnic compositions.
Moderately toxic to
humans by an unspecified route. Moderately
toxic experimentally by ingestion and
intraperitoneal routes. A gastrointestinal
tract and kidney irritant. Can cause
hemolysis of red blood cells and
methemoglobinemia. Toxic dose to a human
is about 5 g.
Potassium chlorate is used in the manufacture of soap, glass, pottery, and many potassium salts; as an oxidizing agent; in explosives; matches, textile printing; disinfectants, and bleaching.
UN1479 Potassium chlorate, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer. UN2427 Potassium chlorate, aqueous solution, Hazard Class: 5.1; Labels: 5.1-Oxidizer, Technical Name Required.
It has been recrystallised from water (1.8mL/g) between 100o and 0o, and the crystals were filtered onto sintered glass. Keep away from organic material as it oxidises them readily.
A strong oxidizer. Potentially explosive. Decomposes on heating above 400C, on contact with strong acids producing toxic fumes including chlorine dioxide, chlorine fume, s and oxygen. Violent reaction with combustibles, oxidizers, strong acids; and reducing materials. Attacks many metals in presence of water.