K.原子番号19の元素.電子配置1s22s22p63s23p64s1の周期表1族元素.原子量39.10.2種類の安定同位体(39K,41K)がある.放射性同位体は7種類の存在が知られている.1807年H. Davy(デイビー)により水酸化カリウムの融解電解で遊離された.古くから植物の灰ashを鍋potで煮て得られる炭酸カリウムはpotashとして知られており,Davyはこれをもとにpotassiumと命名した.中世には,炭酸カリウムと天然ソーダ・炭酸ナトリウムが区別されておらず,欧州ではnatron,アラブ圏ではalkaliとまとめてよばれていたが,M.H. Klaprothが両者の違いを認めて,1797年に前者をkali,後者をnatronとよぶことを提案した.今日でもドイツ語圏では元素名はKaliumで,日本語の元素名はドイツ語名を採用している.天然には遊離状態で存在せず,おもにケイ酸塩として地殻中に広く分布する.地殻中の存在度9100 ppm.植物の灰に多く含まれる.ドイツやフランスの鉱床から塩化物,硫酸塩などの複塩として多量に産出する.また,海水中には塩化カリウムとして0.38 g dm-3 含まれている.カリウムの水酸化物,ハロゲン化物の融解電解で得られ,真空蒸留により精製する.銀白色の軟らかい金属.体心立方格子構造.格子定数a = 0.533 nm(20 ℃).融点63.65 ℃,沸点774 ℃.密度0.86 g cm-3(20 ℃).融解熱2.4 kJ mol-1,蒸発熱77.4 kJ mol-1.イオン化電位4.318 eV.炎色反応は淡紫色.電気的陽性の強い元素で,酸化数1の化合物をつくりやすい.表面は空気中でただちに酸化されて光沢を失う.発火することもある.鉱油中に保存する.空気中で熱すると燃えて超酸化カリウムKO2を生じる.ハロゲン族,酸素族,硫黄族の元素と作用し,また水素気流中で熱すると水素化カリウムとなる.水とはげしく反応して水素を発生し,生じた水素は反応熱のため発火する.ほかの金属の塩を還元してその金属を遊離する.有機物に対し強い還元作用を示す.液体アンモニア,エチレンジアミン,アニリンなどに溶け,水銀とはアマルガムをつくり,多くの金属に合金をつくって溶ける.カリウム化合物の原料,有機合成の還元剤,縮合剤に用いられる.ナトリウム-カリウム合金は原子炉の冷却剤として用いられる.[CAS 7440-09-7]
電子配置は[Ar] 4s1で、1個の電子を放出するとアルゴンと同じ安定な希ガス型の電子配置になります。そして、第1イオン化エネルギーは418.8kJ/molと低いため、電子を1個失って、陽イオン (K+) になりやすいです。電子を2個失うと希ガス型の電子配置が崩れるので、第2イオン化エネルギーは非常に高く、3052kJ/molです。その一方で、アルカリドイオンのK−も知られています。
1. 自然界に存在するカリウム
単体のカリウムは、自然では産出されません。ただし、多種多様な化合物の形で、地殻の約2.6 %をカリウムが占めており、地殻で7番目に存在量が多い元素です。
2. カリウムの生産
Potassium has atomic number 19 and the chemical symbol K, which is derived from its Latin name kalium . Potassium was first isolated from potash, which is potassium carbonate (K2CO3). Potassium occurs in nature only in the form of its ion (K+) either dissolved in the ocean or coordinated in minerals because elemental potassium reacts violently with water . Potassium ions are essential for the human body and are also present in plants. The major use of K+ can be found in fertilisers, which contains a variety of potassium salts such as potassium chloride (KCl), potassium sulfate (K2SO4) and potassium nitrate (KNO3).
Potassium is a soft silvery metal, tarnishing upon exposure to air.
Elemental potassium is a soft, butter-like silvery metal whose cut surface oxidizes in dryair to form a dark gray potassium superoxide (KO2) coating. KO2 is an unusual compound,in that it reacts with both water and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen gas. It appears morelike a hard wax than a metal. Its density (specific gravity) is 0.862 g/cm3, its melting point is63.25°C, and its boiling point is 760°C. It has an oxidation state of +1 and reacts explosivelywith room temperature air or water to form potassium hydroxide as follows: 2K + 2 H2O→? 2KOH + H2. This is an endothermic reaction, which means the heat generated is greatenough to ignite the liberated hydrogen gas. Potassium metal must be stored in a non-oxygen,non-aqueous environment such as kerosene or naphtha.
A total of 18 isotopes of potassium have been discovered so far. Just two ofthem are stable: K-39 makes up 93.2581% of potassium found in the Earth’s crust, andK-41 makes up 6.7301% of the remainder of potassium found on Earth. All the other16 potassium isotopes are unstable and radioactive with relatively short half-lives, and asthey decay, they produce beta particles. The exception is K-40, which has a half-life of1.25×109 years.
Its symbol “K” is derived from the Latin word for alkali, kalium, but it is
commonly called “potash” in English.
Potassium is the eighth most abundant element in the Earth’s crust, which contains about2.6% potassium, but not in natural elemental form. Potassium is slightly less abundant thansodium. It is found in almost all solids on Earth, in soil, and in seawater, which contains 380ppm of potassium in solution. Some of the potassium ores are sylvite, carnallite, and polyhalite. Ore deposits are found in New Mexico, California, Salt Lake in Utah, Germany, Russia,and Israel. Potassium metal is produced commercially by two processes. One is thermochemical distillation, which uses hot vapors of gaseous NaCl (sodium chloride) and KCl (potassiumchloride); the potassium is cooled and drained off as molten potassium, and the sodium chloride is discharged as a slag. The other procedure is an electrolytic process similar to that used toproduce lithium and sodium, with the exception that molten potassium chloride (which meltsat about 770°C) is used to produce potassium metal at the cathode.
Because its outer valence electrons are at a greater distance from its nuclei, potassium ismore reactive than sodium or lithium. Even so, potassium and sodium are very similar in theirchemical reactions. Due to potassium’s high reactivity, it combines with many elements, particularly nonmetals. Like the other alkali metals in group 1, potassium is highly alkaline (caustic) with a relatively high pH value. When given the flame test, it produces a violet color.
In synthesis of inorganic potassium Compounds; in organic syntheses involving condensation, dehalogenation, reduction, and polymerization reactions. As heat transfer medium together with sodium: Chem. Eng. News 33, 648 (1955). Radioactive decay of 40K to 40Ar used as tool for geological dating.
potassium: Symbol K. A soft silverymetallic element belonging to group1 (formerly IA) of the periodic table(see alkali metals); a.n. 19; r.a.m.39.098; r.d. 0.86; m.p. 63.7°C; b.p.774°C. The element occurs in seawaterand in a number of minerals,such as sylvite (KCl), carnallite(KCl·MgCl2·6H2O), and kainite(MgSO4·KCl·3H2O). It is obtained byelectrolysis. The metal has few usesbut potassium salts are used for awide range of applications. Potassiumis an essential element for livingorganisms. The potassium ion,K+, is the most abundant cation inplant tissues, being absorbed throughthe roots and being used in suchprocesses as protein synthesis. In animalsthe passage of potassium andsodium ions across the nerve-cellmembrane is responsible for thechanges of electrical potential thataccompany the transmission of impulses.Chemically, it is highly reactive,resembling sodium in itsbehaviour and compounds. It alsoforms an orange-coloured superoxide,KO2, which contains the O2- ion.Potassium was discovered by SirHumphry Davy in 1807.
Potassium metal is not produced commercially by a fused salt electrolysis of the chloride
—as is sodium—for several reasons: the metal is too soluble in the molten chloride to
separate and float on top of the bath; potassium metal vapors may also issue from the
molten bath, thus creating hazardous conditions; and potassium superoxide may form in the
cell and react explosively with potassium metal. Consequently, the established method of
preparing potassium metal commercially? involves the reduction of molten potassium
chloride by metallic sodium at elevated temperatures (850°C). Molten potassium chloride
is fed into the midpoint of a steel vessel provided with a fractionating tower packed with
stainless steel rings. Sodium is vaporized at the bottom and rises countercurrent to the
molten potassium chloride with which it reacts according to the equilibrium expression.
Although the left-hand side of the equation is favored thermodynamically, the escape of the
potassium vapors causes the reaction to proceed very efficiently to the right. The potassium
vapors are condensed and the product normally contains sodium metal as the only major
impurity up to about 1 % by weight. This product is sometimes purified by fractionating it in
a 38 ft high 316 stainless steel tower equipped with a reflux return reservoir. The condensate
is potassium metal of 99.99 % purity.
Potassium superoxide
(KO2) can create oxygen from water vapor (H2O) and carbon
dioxide (CO2) and is used in respiratory equipment and is
produced by burning potassium metal in dry air.
Potassium is potassium mixed with some other metal, usually sodium. Potassium is a liquid under normal conditions. Potassium reacts vigorously with water to form potassium hydroxide, a corrosive material and hydrogen, a flammable gas. The heat from this reaction may be sufficient to ignite the hydrogen. Potassium alloy may ignite spontaneously in contact with air. Once ignited, potassium burns quite violently. Potassium is used as a heat exchange fluid.
Reacts vigorously with oxygen. Reacts vigorously with water even at less than 100°C [Merck, 11th ed., 1989]. Water (caustic solution, H2) The oxidation of potassium in air is so rapid that the heat generated by the reaction melts and ignites the metal. This is particularly the case when pressure is applied at ordinary temperatures [Sidgwick 1. 1950]. Potassium burns in moist air at room temperature [Mellor 2:468. 1946-47]. The higher oxides of potassium, formed in air, react explosively with pure potassium, sodium, sodium-potassium alloys, and organic matter [Mellor 2, Supp. 3:1559. 1963].
Potassium reacts with the moisture on skin and other tissues to form highly corrosive potassium hydroxide. Contact of metallic potassium with the skin, eyes, or mucous membranes causes severe burns; thermal burns may also occur due to ignition of the metal and liberated hydrogen.
Potassium metal may ignite spontaneously on contact with air at room temperature.
Potassium reacts explosively with water to form potassium hydroxide; the heat
liberated generally ignites the hydrogen formed and can initiate the combustion of
potassium metal itself. Potassium fires must be extinguished with a class D dry
chemical extinguisher or by the use of sand, ground limestone, dry clay or graphite,
or "Met-L-X?" type solids. Water or CO2, extinguishers must never be used on
potassium fires.
カリウムはあらゆる物質と塩を形成し、そのカリウム塩は広く利用されています。例えば、硫酸塩 () と塩酸塩 () はカリ肥料として用いられ、硝酸塩 () は石鹸になります。
また、炭酸塩 (炭酸カリウム) は、 (ブラウン管、など) 、かんすいに使用可能です。その他、写真の製版 () 、花火、マッチ棒 (、塩素酸カリウム) に用いられています。
Used as a reagent and in sodiumpotassium alloys which are used as high-temperature heat transfer media.
Potassium metal in the environment will react with air,
oxidizing the exposed surfaces, and reacts violently with water,
yielding potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas, which reacts
with oxygen in air, producing flame.
Safety glasses,
impermeable gloves, and a fire-retardant laboratory coat should be worn at all times
when working with potassium, and the metal should be handled under the surface of
an inert liquid such as mineral oil, xylene, or toluene. Potassium should be used only
in areas free of ignition sources and should be stored under mineral oil in tightly
sealed metal containers under an inert gas such as argon. Potassium metal that has
formed a yellow oxide coating should be disposed of immediately; do not attempt to
cut such samples with a knife since the oxide coating may be explosive.
UN2257Potassium, Hazard Class: 4.3; Labels: 4.3-Dangerous when wet material. UN1420 Potassium, metal alloys and metal alloys, liquid, Hazard Class: 4.3; Labels: 4.3-Dangerous when wet material. UN3089 Metal powder, flammable, n.o.s. Hazard Class: 4.2; Labels: 4.2-Spontaneously combustible material.
Air contact causes spontaneous ignition. Violent reaction with water, forming heat, spattering, corrosive potassium hydroxide and explosive hydrogen. The heat from the reaction can ignite the hydrogen that is generated. A powerful reducing agent. Violent reaction with oxidizers, organic materials; carbon dioxide; heavy metal compounds; carbon tetrachloride; halogenated hydrocarbons; easily oxidized materials; and many other substances. Store under nitrogen, mineral oil, or kerosene. Oxidizes and forms unstable peroxides under storage conditions. Potassium metal containing an oxide coating is an extremely dangerous explosion hazard and should be removed by an expert and destroyed.
Excess potassium and waste material containing this substance should be placed in an appropriate container
under an inert atmosphere, clearly labeled, and handled according to your institution's waste disposal
guidelines. Experienced personnel can destroy small scraps of potassium by carefully adding t-butanol or nbutanol
to a beaker containing the metal scraps covered in an inert solvent such as xylene or toluene.