MOL File74-86-2.mol
融点 | -88°C |
沸点 | -28°C |
比重(密度) | 0.91 |
蒸気圧 | 3.04 X 104 mmHg (~40 atmospheres) at 16.8 °C |
屈折率 | 1.00051 |
闪点 | -18°C |
酸解離定数(Pka) | 25(at 25℃) |
臭い (Odor) | 無臭ですが、少量の不純物を含むとにんにくのようなにおいがします |
水溶解度 | 0.106g/100mL |
Dielectric constant | 1.0217(0.0℃) |
CAS データベース | 74-86-2(CAS DataBase Reference) |
NISTの化学物質情報 | Acetylene(74-86-2) |
EPAの化学物質情報 | Acetylene (74-86-2) |
主な危険性 | F+ |
Rフレーズ | 5-6-12 |
Sフレーズ | 9-16-33 |
RIDADR | UN 1001 |
OEL | Ceiling: 2500 ppm (2662 mg/m3) |
自然発火温度 | 305 °C |
国連危険物分類 | 2.1 |
有毒物質データの | 74-86-2(Hazardous Substances Data) |
毒性 | LC in rats: 900000 ppm (Riggs) |
P210:熱/火花/裸火/高温のもののような着火源から遠ざ けること。-禁煙。
P377:漏洩ガス火災の場合:漏えいが安全に停止されな い限り消火しないこと。
アセチレン 化学特性,用途語,生産方法
アセチレンは酸素がなくても爆発的に燃焼する危険性がある可燃性ガスです。そのため、通常は圧縮冷却により溶剤 (やDMF) などに加圧溶解させた溶解アセチレンとしてガスボンベに充填されます。
一般的な溶解アセチレンには、不純物に由来する若干の臭いがあります。これは、原材料のカルシウムカーバイドに含まれる不純物 (リン化カルシウムや硫黄など) に由来するやのためです。
アセチレンの三重結合は付加反応を受けやすい分子です。水素の付加によってエチレン、が順に生成します。また、ハロゲン化水素などの H−X 型の分子も容易に付加反応が可能です。付加重合
アセチレンは付加重合をすることが可能です。アセチレン2分子の重合によって、モノビニルアセチレンが生成します。モノビニルアセチレンはやクロロプレンの原料として、合成ゴムをつくるときに用いられる物質です。また、アセチレン3分子からはベンゼンが合成されます。重合が進んでポリマー化したポリアセチレンは、導電性物質として利用されています。 -
アセチレンは燃焼すると発熱量が大きいので、酸素と混ぜて酸素アセチレン炎として、鉄の溶接や切断に用いる。また空中で点火すると、輝きの強い炎で燃えるので、夜店などでアセチレンランプとして用いられる。しかし、アセチレンの酸素または空気との混合ガスはきわめて爆発しやすいので、取扱いには充分の注意が必要である。アセチレンが空気中に2.5~81%含まれていると爆発する。 -
元来は炭化カルシウム(カルシウムカーバイド、生石灰を無煙炭またはコークスと電気炉中で加熱して製造)に水を作用させて製造した。この方法で得られるアセチレンは不純物のため悪臭を有する。現在、工業的には天然ガスやナフサなど石油からの炭化水素を高い温度で熱分解して製造する。その分子は次のような直線状の構造をとる。 -
Acetylene (100% purity) is odourless, but commercial purity has a distinctive garlic-like odour and is very soluble in alcohol and almost miscible with ethane. Acetylene is a flammable gas and kept under pressure in gas cylinders. Under certain conditions, acetylene can react with copper, silver, and mercury to form acetylides, compounds which can act as ignition sources. Brasses containing less than 65% copper in the alloy and certain nickel alloys are suitable for acetylene. Acetylene is not compatible with strong oxidisers such as chlorine, bromine pentafluoride, oxygen, oxygen difluoride and nitrogen trifluoride, brass metal, calcium hypochlorite, heavy metals such as copper, silver, mercury, and their salts, bromine, chlorine, iodine, fluorine, sodium hydride, caesium hydride, ozone, perchloric acid, and potassium. -
Acetylene (100% purity) is odorless but commercial purity has a distinctive garlic-like odor. It is very soluble in alcohol and almost miscible with ethane. Acetylene is a flammable gas and kept under pressure in gas cylinders. Under certain conditions, acetylene can react with copper, silver, and mercury to form acetylides, compounds that can act as ignition sources. Brasses contain a form acetylides, compounds that can act as ignition sources. Brasses containing less than 65% copper in the alloy and certain nickel alloys are suitable for acetylene. Acetylene is not compatible with strong oxidizers such as chlorine, bromine pentafl uoride, oxygen, oxygen difl uoride, and nitrogen trifl uoride, brass metal, calcium hypochlorite, heavy metals such as copper, silver, mercury, and their salts, bromine, chlorine, iodine, fl uorine, sodium hydride, cesium hydride, ozone, perchloric acid, or potassium. -
Acetylene, which is the simplest alkyne hydrocarbon, exists as a colorless, flammable, unstable gas with a distinctive pleasant odor (acetylene prepared from calcium carbide has a garlic smell resulting from traces of phosphine produced in this process). The term acetylenes is used generically in the petroleum industry to denote chemicals based on the carbon-carbon triple bond. -
Acetylene was discovered in 1836 by Edmund Davy (1785-1857) who produced the gas while trying to make potassium metal from potassium carbide (K2C2). In 1859, Marcel Morren in France produced acetylene by running an electric arc between carbon electrodes in the presence of hydrogen. Morren called the gas produced carbonized hydrogen. Three years later, Pierre Eugène-Marcelin Berthelot (1827-1907) repeated Morren’s experiment and identified carbonized hydrogen as acetylene. -
Illuminant, oxyacetylene welding, cutting, and soldering metals, signalling; pptg metals, particularly Cu; manufacture of acetaldehyde, acetic acid; fuel for motor boats. -
The traditional method of producing acetylene is from reacting lime, calcium oxide (CaO), with coke to produce calcium carbide (CaC2). The calcium carbide is then combined with water to produce acetylene:
2CaO(s) + 5C(s)→2CaC2(g) + CO2(g)
CaC2(s) + 2H2O(l)→ C2H2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq)
Several processes for producing acetylene from natural gas and other petroleum products developed in the 1920s. Thermal cracking of methane involves heating methane to approximately 600℃ in an environment deficient in oxygen to prevent combustion of all the methane. Combustion of part of the methane mix increases the temperature to approximately 1,500℃, causing the remaining methane to crack according the reaction: 2CH4(g) → C2H2(g) + 3H2(g). In addition to methane, ethane, propane, ethylene, and other hydrocarbons can be used as feed gases to produce acetylene. -
A gaseous alkyne. Traditionally ethyne has found use in oxy-acetylene welding torches, since its combustion with oxygen produces a flame of very high temperature. It is also important in the organic chemicals industry for the production of chloroethene (vinyl chloride), which is the starting material for the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC), and for the production of other vinyl compounds. Until recently, ethyne was manufactured by the synthesis and subsequent hydrolysis of calcium dicarbide, a very expensive procedure. Modern methods increasingly employ the cracking of alkanes. -
Acetylene reacts (1) with chlorine, to form acetylene tetrachloride C2H2Cl4 or CHCl2·CHCl2 or acetylene dichloride C2H2Cl2 or CHCl:CHCl, (2) with bromine, to form acetylene tetrabromide C2H2Br4 or CHBr2·CHBr2 or acetylene dibromide C2H2Br2 or CHBr:CHBr, (3) with hydrogen chloride (bromide, iodide), to form ethylene monochloride CH2:CHCl (monobromide, monoiodide), and 1,1-dichloroethane, ethylidene chloride CH3·CHCl2 (dibromide, diiodide), (4) with H2O in the presence of a catalyzer, e.g., mercuric sulfate HgO4S, to form acetaldehyde CH3·CHO, (5) with hydrogen, in the presence of a catalyzer, e.g., finely divided nickel heated, to form ethylene C2H4 or ethane C2H6, (6) with metals, such as copper or nickel, when moist, also lead or zinc, when moist and unpurified. Tin is not attacked. Sodium yields, upon heating, the compounds C2HNa and C2Na2. (7) With ammoniocuprous (or silver) salt solution, to form cuprous (or silver) acetylide C2Cu2, dark red precipitate, explosive when dry, and yielding acetylene upon treatment with acid, (8) with mercuric chloride solution, to form trichloromercuric acetaldehyde C(HgCl)3·CHO, precipitate, which yields with HCl acetaldehyde plus mercuric chloride. -
A colorless gas with a faint garlic-like odor. Easily ignited and burns with a sooty flame. Gas is lighter than air. Flame may flash back to the source of a leak very easily. Under prolonged exposure to fire or heat the containers may rupture violently and rocket. -
Highly flammable. Slightly soluble in water. Reacts with water to form toxic ammonia fumes. -
Acetylene reacts with alkali metals, forming Hydrogen gas. Acetylene can react explosively with bromine [Von Schwartz 1918. p.142 ]. Acetylene forms a sensitive acetylide when passed into an aqueous solution of mercuric nitrate, [Mellor 4:933. 1946-47]. An Acetylene torch used to drill through a plow frame, which was filled with hydrogen gas, produced an explosion [NIOSH, June 1998]. Acetylene reacts with silver, copper and lead to form sensitive, explosive salts. Since Acetylene is endothermic and effectively a reducing agent, it's reaction with oxidants can be very violent (examples: calcium hypochlorite, nitric acid, nitrogen oxide, ozone, trifluoromethyl hypofluorite, etc.). Contact of very cold liquefied gas with water may result in vigorous or violent boiling of the product and extremely rapid vaporization, due to the large temperature differences involved. If the water is hot, there is the possibility that a liquid "superheat" explosion may occur. Pressures may build to dangerous levels if liquid gas contacts water in a closed container [Handling Chemicals Safely 1980]. Acetylene and ammonia can form explosive silver salts in contact with Ag. (Renner, Hermann, Gunther Schlamp. "Silver, Silver Compounds, and Silver Alloys." Ullmann's Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. 2001.). -
The LEL of acetylene is reached well before asphyxiation can occur, and the danger of explosion is reached before any other health hazard is present. When fighting fires involving acetylene containers, the fire should be extinguished before closing the valve to the container. This is because the acetylene has such a wide flammable range that it can burn inside the container. Acetylene is incompatible with bromine, chlorine, fluorine, copper, silver, mercury, and their compounds. Acetylene has a four-digit UN identification number of 1001. The NFPA 704 designation is health 1, flammability 4, and reactivity 3. Reactivity is reduced to 2 when the acetylene is dissolved in acetone. -
Headache, dizziness and loss of consciousness may occur. Death from ``smothering'' may occur if oxygen content of the air is severely reduced by dilution with Acetylene. -
Behavior in Fire: May explode in fire -
Acetylene is a highly flammable gas and forms explosive mixtures with air over an unusually wide range of concentrations (2 to 80%). Acetylene can polymerize exothermically, leading to deflagration. With a very high positive free energy of formation, acetylene is thermodynamically unstable and is sensitive to shock and pressure. Its stability is enhanced by the presence of small amounts of other compounds such as methane, and acetylene in cylinders is relatively safe to handle because it is dissolved in acetone. Acetylene fires can be fought with carbon dioxide, dry chemical, and halon extinguishers; firefighting is greatly facilitated by shutting off the gas supply. -
三重結合を有する反応性に富むC炭化水素として合成有機化学工業の重要な原料である -
- 半導体の炭素原料
- 硬質炭素膜の生成原料
- カーボンナノチューブ、カーボンナノコイルなどの新素材の合成原料
- 原子吸光分析
Acetylene is a colorless, flammable gas with a garlic-like odor. Under compressed conditions, it is highly explosive; however, it can be safely compressed and stored in high-pressure cylinders if the cylinders are lined with absorbent material soaked with acetone. Users are cautioned not to discharge acetylene at pressures exceeding 15 psig (103 kPa), as noted by the red line on acetylene pressure gauges.
With its intense heat and controllability, the oxyacetylene flame can be used for many different welding and cutting operations including hardfacing, brazing, beveling, gouging, and scarfing. The heating capability of acetylene also can be utilized in the bending, straightening, forming, hardening, softening, and strengthening of metals. -
Acetylene can be burned in air or oxygen and is used for brazing, welding, cutting, metallizing, hardening, flame scarfing; and local heating in metallurgy. The flame is also used in the glass industry. Chemically, acetylene is used in the manufacture of vinyl chloride, acrylinitrile, synthetic rubber; vinyl acetate; trichloroethylene, acrylate, butyrolactone, 1,4-butanediol, vinyl alkyl ethers, pyrrolidone, and other substances -
- カーバイド法 : カーバイド()に水を作用させる方法
- 熱分解法: 炭化水素の熱分解による方法
Acetylene should be kept stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly sealed container, and should only be used in a well-ventilated area. Cylinders should be separated from oxygen and other oxidizers by a minimum of 20 ft or by a barrier of non-combustible material at least 5 ft high, having a fi re resistance rating of at least 30 min. Storage in excess of 2500 cu ft is prohibited in buildings with other occupancies. Cylinders should be stored upright with a valve protection cap in place and fi rmly secured to prevent falling or being knocked over. The cylinders should be protected from physical damage and avoid dragging, rolling, sliding, or dropping the cylinder. During transport, workers should use a suitable hand truck for cylinder movement. Care should be taken to label “No Smoking” or “Open Flames” signs in the storage or use areas. There should be no sources of ignition. All electrical equipment should be explosion-proof in the storage and use areas. -
UN1001 Acetylene, dissolved, Hazard Class: 2.1; Labels: 2.1-Flammable gas. Cylinders must be transported in a secure upright position, in a well-ventilated truck. Protect cylinder and labels from physical damage. The owner of the compressed gas cylinder is the only entity allowed by federal law (49CFR) to transport and refill them. It is a violation of transportation regulations to refill compressed gas cylinders without the express written permission of the owner -
石灰と煙炭またはコークスを原料に電気炉中で合成する -
The substance may polymerize due to heating. The substance decomposes on heating and increasing pressure, causing a fire and explosion hazard. The substance is a strong reducing agent and reacts violently with oxidants and with fluorine or chlorine under influence of light, causing fire and explosion hazard. Reacts with copper, silver, and mercury or their salts, forming shock-sensitive compounds (acetylides). The content of lines carrying acetylene must not exceed 63% copper. May form explosive mixture with air. Forms shock-sensitive mixture with copper and copper salts; mercury and mercury salts; and silver and silver salts. Reacts with brass, bromine, cesium hydride, chlorine, cobalt, cuprous acetylize; fluorine, iodine, mercuric nitrate; nitric acid, potassium, rubidium hydride; trifluoromethyl hypofluorite; and sodium hydride. -
Return refillable compressed gas cylinders to supplier. Consult with environmental regulatory agencies for guidance on acceptable disposal practices. Generators of waste containing this contaminant (≥100 kg/mo) must conform with EPA regulations governing storage, transportation, treatment, and waste disposal. Incineration.
アセチレン 上流と下流の製品情報
アセチレン 生産企業
Henan Tianfu Chemical Co.,Ltd.
電話番号 +86-0371-55170693<br/>+86-19937530512
電子メール info@tianfuchem.com
電話番号 +86-86-5926051114<br/>+8618959220845
電子メール sales@amoychem.com
Hubei xin bonus chemical co. LTD
電話番号 86-13657291602
電子メール linda@hubeijusheng.com
電話番号 +86-0371-86658258<br/>+8613203830695
電子メール factory@coreychem.com
Hefei TNJ Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.
電話番号 +86-0551-65418671<br/>+8618949823763
電子メール sales@tnjchem.com
Shaanxi Dideu Medichem Co. Ltd
電話番号 +86-029-89586680<br/>+86-18192503167
電子メール 1026@dideu.com
電話番号 +8618950047208
電子メール ellena@amitychem.com
電話番号 --
電子メール sarah@mainchem.com
電話番号 +86-0592-6210733
電子メール sale@mainchem.com
電話番号 400-6377517<br/>19876107228
電子メール linfeng@yigas.cn