酢酸ビニルの融点は−100.2°Cで、沸点は72〜73°Cです。光や熱によって容易に重合して、ポリ酢酸ビニルが生成します。そのため、 (英: hydroquinone) のような重合禁止剤が微量に含まれています。
水に微溶 (2.5g/100ml, 20℃)。エタノール、アセトン、酢酸エチル及びベンゼンに極めて溶けやすく、水にほとんど溶けない。
"CH2=CHOCOCH3 + H2O パラジウム触媒を用いる気相法(100~200 ℃)と塩化パラジウム触媒を用いる液相法とがあるが,気相法が主力である.甘い特異臭のある無色の液体.融点-93 ℃,沸点73 ℃.d204 0.932.n20D 1.3950.エタノール,エーテルに可溶.ポリ(酢酸ビニル)(酢酸ビニル樹脂)の単量体で,合成繊維ビニロンの中間原料として用いられる.塗料、接着剤、製紙用サイズ、チューインガムのベースなどに使われている。ポリビニルアルコールを合成する原料として重要である。森北出版「化学辞典(第2版)
工業的に酢酸ビニルは、パラジウム触媒の存在下で、エチレンと酢酸の酸素との反応によって合成されます。この反応はワッカー酸化 (英: Wacker oxidation) と呼ばれています。
酢酸ビニルは金属触媒の存在下で、アセチレン (英: acetylene) に酢酸を付加して製造可能です。1912年に水銀 (II) 触媒を使用して、フリッツ・クラッテ (英: Fritz Klatte) によって合成されました。現在では、触媒に酢酸亜鉛が選択されています。
それ以外にも、エチリデンジアセテート (英: ethylidene diacetate) の熱分解によって、酢酸ビニルが生成します。
Vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) is a colourless liquid, immiscible or slightly soluble in water.
VAM is a flammable liquid. VAM has a sweet, fruity smell (in small quantities), with sharp,
irritating odour at higher levels. VAM is an essential chemical building block used in a wide
variety of industrial and consumer products. VAM is a key ingredient in emulsion polymers,
resins, and intermediates used in paints, adhesives, coatings, textiles, wire and cable polyethylene
compounds, laminated safety glass, packaging, automotive plastic fuel tanks, and
acrylic fibres. Vinyl acetate is used to produce polyvinyl acetate emulsions and resins. Very
small residual levels of vinyl acetate have been found present in products manufactured
using VAM, such as moulded plastic items, adhesives, paints, food packaging containers,
and hairspray.
Vinyl acetate is a colorless, flammable liquid with a pungent odor. The odor threshold is 0.12 ppm 0.3 ppm (NY, NJ).it is the precursor to polyvinyl acetate, an important polymer in industry.
Colorless, watery liquid with a pleasant, fruity odor. Experimentally determined detection and
recognition odor threshold concentrations were 400 μg/m3 (120 ppbv) and 1.4 mg/m3 (400 ppbv),
respectively (Hellman and Small, 1974).
Vinyl acetate is primarily used to produce polyvinyl acetate
emulsions and polyvinyl alcohol. The principal use of these
emulsions has been in adhesives, paints, textiles, and paper
Vinyl acetate is an industrial chemical that is produced in large amounts in the United States. The worldwide production capacity of vinyl acetate monomer (VAM) was estimated at 6,154,000 tonnes/annum in 2007, with most capacity concentrated in the United States (1,585,000 all in Texas), China (1,261,000), Japan (725,000) and Taiwan (650,000) . The average list price for 2008 was $1600/tonne. Celanese is the largest producer (ca 25% of the worldwide capacity), while other significant producers include China Petrochemical Corporation (7 %), Chang Chun Group (6%) and LyondellBasell (5%).
It is a key ingredient in furniture-glue.
The major industrial route involves the reaction of ethylene and acetic acid with oxygen in the presence of a palladium catalyst.
Ethylene + acetic acid + 1/2 O2 → Vinyl acetate +H2O
But by products are also generated:
Ethylene + 3 O2 → 2CO2 + 2H2O
Vinyl acetate is also prepared by the gas-phase addition of acetic acid to acetylene.
Vinyl acetate undergoes many of the reactions anticipated for an alkene and an ester. Bromine adds to give the dibromide. Hydrogen halides add to give 1-haloethyl acetates, which cannot be generated by other methods because of the non - availability of the corresponding halo-alcohols. Acetic acid adds in the presence of palladium catalysts to give ethylidene diacetate, CH3CH(OAc)2. It undergoes transesterification with a variety of carboxylic acids.The alkene also undergoes Diels - Alder and 2 + 2 cycloadditions.
Vinyl acetate appears as a clear colorless liquid. Flash point 18 °F. Density 7.8 lb / gal. Slightly soluble in water. Vapors are heavier than air. Vapors irritate the eyes and respiratory system. May polymerize if heated or contaminated. If polymerization occurs inside a container, the container may violently rupture. Used to make adhesives, paints, and plastics.
Highly flammable. Slightly soluble in water.
Vinyl acetate may undergo spontaneous exothermic polymerization on exposure to light. Reacts with air or water to produces peroxides that initiate explosively violent polymerization. Reacts with hydrogen peroxide to form explosive peracetic acid. Reacts with oxygen to form explosive peroxides. Forms explosive Vinyl acetate ozonide on contact with ozone. Undergoes violent or explosive reactions with 2-aminoethanol, chlorosulfonic acid, ethylenediamine, mineral acids (hydrochloric acid, hydrofluoric acid, nitric acid, sulfuric acid, oleum), and peroxides [Lewis, 3rd ed., 1993, p. 1311]. Polymerization initiated by dibenzoyl peroxide in ethyl acetate accelerated out of control, ignited and exploded [Vervalin, 1973, p. 81]. Polymerization in toluene solution has caused several large industrial explosions [MCA Case History No. 2087].
Vinyl acetate has been related to reproductive abnormalities. It is a skin and upper respiratory tract irritantand a central nervous system depressant. Exposure caused gradual deterioration of heart muscles.
When heated to decomposition, Vinyl acetate burns and emits acrid fumes. Highly dangerous when exposed to heat, flames or oxidizers; explosion hazard with strong acids and strong oxidizers. Incompatible with alumina, oxidizing materials, 2-aminoethanol, chlorosulfonic acid; ethyleneimine; 36% hydrochloric acid; 48.7% hydrofluoric acid; 70% nitric acid; oleum; 96% sulfuric acid; ethylene diamine; peroxides and silica gel. Avoid light or any polymerizing initiator. Hazardous polymerization can be initiated by organic and inorganic peroxides; azo compounds; redox systems (including organometallic components); light; and high energy radiation.
Confirmed carcinogen
with experimental carcinogenic and
tumorigenic data. Moderately toxic by
ingestion, inhalation, and intraperitoneal
routes. A skin and eye irritant. Experimental
reproductive effects. Human mutation data
reported. Highly dangerous fire hazard when
exposed to heat, flame, or oxidzers. A
storage hazard, it may undergo spontaneous
exothermic polymerization. Reaction with
air or water to form peroxides that catalyze
an exothermic polymerization reaction has
caused several large industrial explosions.
Reaction with hydrogen peroxide forms the
explosive peracetic acid. Reacts with oxygen
above 50℃ to form an unstable explosive
peroxide. Reacts with ozone to form the
explosive vinyl acetate ozonide. Solution
polymerization of the acetate dmolved in
toluene has resulted in large industrial
explosions. Polymerization reaction with
dibenzoyl peroxide + ethyl acetate may
release ignitable and explosive vapors. The
vapor may react vigorously with desiccants
(e.g., sihca gel or alumina). Incompatible
(explosive) with 2-amino ethanol,
chlorosulfonic acid, ethylenediamine,
ethyleneimine, HCl, HF, HNO3, oleum,
peroxides, H2SO4. See also ESTERS.
Vinyl acetate is used primarily in
polymerization processes to produce polyvinyl acetate;
polyvinyl alcohol, and vinyl acetate copolymer. The polymers,
usually made as emulsions, suspensions, solutions, or
resins, are used to prepare adhesives, paints, paper coatings,
and textile finishes. Low molecular weight vinyl acetate is
used as a chewing gum base.
ビニルアセタート (英: vinyl acetate) とも呼ばれています。無色透明の可燃性液体です。甘い香りやかすかな刺激臭があります。有機合成原料、PVA (ポバール、) 、塗料などに利用可能です。
There is inadequate evidence
in humans for the carcinogenicity of vinyl acetate. There is
limited evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity
of vinyl acetate. Therefore, IARC has classified vinyl
acetate as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). This
conclusion was based on the following evidence: vinyl
acetate is rapidly transformed into acetaldehyde in human
blood and animal tissues, there is sufficient evidence in
experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of acetaldehyde,
both vinyl acetate and acetaldehyde induce nasal
cancer in rats after administration by inhalation, and vinyl
acetate and acetaldehyde are genotoxic in human cells in
vitro and in animals in vivo .
UN1301 Vinyl acetate, stabilized, Hazard Class: 3;
Labels: 3-Flammable liquid.
Inhibitors such as hydroquinone and other impurities are removed by drying with CaCl2 and fractionally distilling under nitrogen, then refluxing briefly with a small amount of benzoyl peroxide and redistilling it under nitrogen. Store it in the dark at 0o. Add inhibitor (~0.004%) for storage. [Beilstein 2 IV 176.]
Vinyl acetate may undergo spontaneous
exothermic polymerization on exposure to light. Vapors
may form explosive mixture with air. Incompatible with oxidizers
(chlorates, nitrates, peroxides, permanganates, perchlorates,
chlorine, bromine, fluorine, etc.); contact may
cause fires or explosions. Keep away from alkaline materials,
strong bases, strong acids, oxoacids, epoxides, strong
light and UV. The vapor may react vigorously with silica
gel or aluminum, acids, bases, silica gel; alumina, oxidizers,
azo compounds. Ozone readily polymerizes in elevated temperatures,
under the influence of light, or peroxides. Usually
contains a stabilizer to prevent polymerization.
Dissolve or mix the material
with a combustible solvent and burn in a chemical
incinerator equipped with an afterburner and scrubber. All
federal, state, and local environmental regulations must be