Chemical Properties
2-Decen-2-one has a fruity-floral, jasmine-like aroma.
Reported found in Boletus edulis mushrooms.
This ketone has found a little use in perfume compositions as component of certain types of Jasmin bases. It may also find some use in other florals, since it blends well with the lonones and with woody as well as certainCitrus complexes. It is quite powerful and relatively stable towards alkali and other chemical reactants commonly encountered in cosmetic preparations.
From acetone and heptyl alcohol in 1% sodium hydroxide solution; by dehydration upon heating of 4-decanol-2-one over
pumice or clay; also by condensation of heptaldehyde and acetone.
Taste threshold values
Taste characteristics at 15 ppm: waxy, green, creamy with a buttery, lactonic note.
Biological Activity
Taste at 1 to 5 ppm