Rilmenidine is a new antihypertensive agent with a selective alphaz-agonist/antagonist
profile, reportedly useful in the management of mild to moderate hypertension. Its
fmt-line indication is possible because of the clear dissociation of its antihypertensive
activity from other neurophannacological effects.
Chemical Properties
water soluble
Servier (France)
I1-imidazoline binding site ligand and a2-adrenoceptor agonist, exhibits higher I1 vs. a2 selectivity than clonidine
ChEBI: Rilmenidine is an isourea.
Biological Activity
I 1 -imidazoline binding site selective ligand and α 2 -adrenoceptor agonist. Possesses greater I 1 vs α 2 selectivity than the prototypical compound, clonidine.
Metabolic pathway
In short-term rat hepatocyte cultures, oxaminozoline is
metabolized and its four metabolites resulting from
oxidation or hydrolysis are identified, three of which
are identical to those reported in vivo. The presence of
an additional minor metabolite in culture may be due
to the higher metabolic rate of oxaminozoline in this
model system.