Основные атрибуты  химическое свойство Информация о безопасности химические свойства, назначение, производство запасные части и сырье Обзор
Гексаметилентетрамин структурированное изображение


  • английское имяHexamethylenetetramine
  • CAS №100-97-0
  • CBNumberCB8852597
  • ФормулаC6H12N4
  • мольный вес140.19
  • EINECS202-905-8
  • номер MDLMFCD00006895
  • файл Mol100-97-0.mol
химическое свойство
Температура плавления 280 °C (subl.) (lit.)
Температура кипения 246.7°C (rough estimate)
плотность 1.33
плотность пара 4.9 (vs air)
давление пара <0.01 mm Hg ( 20 °C)
показатель преломления 1.4260 (estimate)
Fp 482 °F
температура хранения Store below +30°C.
растворимость H2O: 1 M at 20 °C, clear, colorless
форма Solid
пка 5.1(at 25℃)
цвет white
Запах Odorless
РН 7-10 (100g/l, H2O, 20℃)
Растворимость в воде 895 g/L (20 ºC)
Чувствительный Hygroscopic
Сублимация 263-295 ºC
Мерк 14,5966
БРН 2018
Стабильность Stable. Incompatible with strong acids, strong oxidizing agents.
LogP -2.18--2 at 20℃
Непрямые добавки, используемые в веществах, контактирующих с пищевыми продуктами HEXAMETHYLENETETRAMINE
FDA 21 CFR 175.105; 176.170; 176.180; 177.1210; 177.1460; 177.1900; 177.2410; 177.2600; 310.545
Справочник по базе данных CAS 100-97-0(CAS DataBase Reference)
Код УВД J01XX05
Справочник по химии NIST Hexamethylenetetramine(100-97-0)
Система регистрации веществ EPA Hexamethylenetetramine (100-97-0)
Заявления об опасности и безопасности
Коды опасности F,Xn,Xi
Заявления о рисках 11-42/43-43
Заявления о безопасности 16-22-24-37
РИДАДР UN 1328 4.1/PG 3
WGK Германия 1
RTECS MN4725000
F 9-23
Температура самовоспламенения 770 °F
кода HS 2933 69 40
Класс опасности 4.1
Группа упаковки III
Банк данных об опасных веществах 100-97-0(Hazardous Substances Data)
Токсичность LD50 orally in Rabbit: 9200 mg/kg
NFPA 704:
2 0

рисовальное письмо(GHS)

  • рисовальное письмо(GHS)

    GHS hazard pictogramsGHS hazard pictograms

  • сигнальный язык


  • вредная бумага

    H317:При контакте с кожей может вызывать аллергическую реакцию.

    H228:Воспламеняющееся твердое вещество.

  • оператор предупредительных мер

    P210:Беречь от тепла, горячих поверхностей, искр, открытого огня и других источников воспламенения. Не курить.

    P240:Заземлить и электрически соединить контейнер и приемное оборудование.

    P241:Использовать взрывобезопасное оборудование и освещение.

    P261:Избегать вдыхания пыли/ дыма/ газа/ тумана/ паров/ аэрозолей.

    P280:Использовать перчатки/ средства защиты глаз/ лица.

    P302+P352:ПРИ ПОПАДАНИИ НА КОЖУ: Промыть большим количеством воды.

Гексаметилентетрамин химические свойства, назначение, производство


Hexamethylenetetramine is a hardener in epoxy resins of the bisphenol A type and can also be used as an anticorrosive agent. It is a sensitizing agent in ceramics workers.

Химические свойства

White or almost white, crystalline powder or colourless crystals.


Hexamethylenetetramine is a versatile reagent in organic synthesis. It is used in the Duff reaction, the Sommelet reaction, and in the Delepine reaction.


Hexamethylenetetramine (also known as hexamine, hexa or HMT) is prepared from ammonia and formaldehyde:

100-97-0 synthesis

Ammonia is passed into formalin at 20-30??C, with agitation. The resulting solution is evaporated under reduced pressure until most of the water is removed and the hexamethylenetetramine crystallizes. Yields of about 95% on both ammonia and formaldehyde can be achieved. Hexamethylenetetramine is a colourless crystalline solid which, on heating, sublimes with decomposition.


ChEBI: A polycyclic cage that is adamantane in which the carbon atoms at positions 1, 3, 5 and 7 are replaced by nitrogen atoms.

Общее описание

Odorless white crystalline powder or colorless lustrous crystals. Sublimes in a vacuum at about 505° F with some decomposition. Solutions are strong bases (pH of 0.2 molar aqueous solution is 8.4).

Реакции воздуха и воды

Highly flammable. Burns readily on contact with a flame with a smokeless flame. Finely powdered dust is significant dust explosion hazard. Water soluble.

Профиль реактивности

Hexamethylenetetramine is hygroscopic. Hexamethylenetetramine is sensitive to exposure to heat. Hexamethylenetetramine is incompatible with oxidizing agents. Hexamethylenetetramine is also incompatible with acids. Hexamethylenetetramine reacts violently with sodium peroxide. Hexamethylenetetramine reacts explosively with 1-bromopentaborane(9) at temperatures above 194° F. The complex with iodine deflagrates at 280° F. The 1:1 addition complex with iodoform has exploded at 352° F. Hexamethylenetetramine is corrosive to some metals, such as aluminum and zinc . Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Formaldehyde gas and ammonia may be given off when hot [USCG, 1999].


Skin irritant. Flammable, dangerous fire risk.


Special Hazards of Combustion Products: Formaldehyde gas and ammonia may be given off when hot.

Контактные аллергены

Hexamethylenetetramine is used in the foundry, tire and rubber, and phenol formaldehyde resins industries and in other applications such as a hardener in epoxy resins Bisphenol A type and as an anticorrosive agent. It is an ammonia and formaldehyde releaser sometimes used in topical medicaments and cosmetics

Клиническое использование

A venerable drug used for the disinfection of acidic urine, methenamine is a low-molecular-weight polymer of ammonia and formaldehyde that reverts to its components under mildly acidic conditions. Formaldehyde is the active antimicrobial component. Methenamine is used for recurrent urinary tract infections. The drug is available in various dosage forms as well as various salts, including the hippurate and mandelate.


No significantly increased incidence of tumors was observed in rats or mice given HMTA for their lifetimes. Exposures in rats included 400 mg/day for 1 year, 10,000 ppm in drinking water for 2 years in each of three generations, 10,000 ppm in water for a lifetime (261), and up to 1000 ppm in the diet for 2 years. In mice, testing conditions included up to 10,000 ppm in drinking water for 60 weeks or 50,000 ppm for 30 weeks and a lifetime holding period, and up to 10,000 ppm in the diet for 2 years.
Injection of 25–30 g subcutaneously per mouse led to an increase in subcutaneous sarcomas in two experiments (418, 419) but not in two other studies. The relevance of this methodology to the workplace condition is questionable.

Методы очистки

It is soluble in H2O (67%), CHCl3 (10%), EtOH (8%) and Et2O (0.3%), and a 0.2M solution has a pH of 8.4. Dissolve it in hot absolute EtOH (reflux, Norit), filter using a heated funnel, cool at room temperature first, then in ice. Wash the crystals with cold Et2O, dry them in air or under a vacuum. A further crop can be obtained by adding Et2O to the filtrate. It sublimes above 260o without melting. The picrate has m 179o(dec). [pK2 0 4.85: Reilley & Schmid Anal Chem 30 947 1958, pK2 0 6.30: Pummerer & Hofmann Chem Ber 56 1255 1923.] [Beilstein 26 I 306, 26 II 200, 26 III/IV 1680.]

Гексаметилентетрамин запасные части и сырье


запасной предмет
