Zirconia is a highly insoluble, thermally stable source of zirconium for glass, optical and ceramic applications.
Zirconia is a white crystalline oxide, also known as zirconium oxide, used in jewelry in a cubic crystal form rarely found in nature.
The oxide compound is not electrically conductive.
However, certain oxides with a chalcogenide structure are electronically conductive and have found applications in solid oxide fuel cells and in the cathodes of oxygen production systems.
Application of Zirconium Dioxide (ZrO2) Nanoparticle:
1. Zirconium Oxide nanopowder is avaialble to use as thermal insulation film material.
2. toughening Composite burning plate.
3. denture base resin complies material.
4. a wide variety of nano-zirconia refractory.
5. a thin layer of insulating ceramic coating corrosion.
6. Zirconium oxide nanopowder can be used as nano zirconia ceramic pigment, glaze additives.
7. nano-zirconia can be used in high strength, high toughness abrasion products
8. nano-zirconia has excellent wear resistance, widely used in a variety of wear-resistant coatings and coatings.
9. nano-zirconia is widely used in optical communication devices, adding CaO, Y2O3 and other sensors, solid oxide fuel cells.