Typical Properties
Molecular Formula: C20H25N3O
Molecular weight: 323
Melting range ℃: 102-108
Density at 20℃: 1.18
Product form: White-light yellow powder
Solubility at 20℃ ( g/100g solvent ): Water | <0.01 | Ethyl acetate | 15 | Methylene chloride | 38 | N-hexane | 6 |
Benzene | 32 | Cyclohexane | 15 | Ethanol | 0.6 | Chloroform | 37 |
UV Absorber 329 is a highly effective light stabilizer that can be applied to various plastics and organic substrates. UV Absorber 329 can protect the original color and integrity of the product by absorbing ultraviolet rays.
UV Absorber 329 is stable in nature and has no special requirements; pay attention to moisture-proof and avoid high temperature.
Recommended Concentrations
0.1-0.5% (the specific amount to be added is subject to the actual application of the customer).