胃膜素 用途与合成方法
Gastric mucin may be integrally involved in the mechanism of gastric mucosal injury caused by Helicobacter pylori leading to gastritis, peptic ulceration, and possibly gastric cancer. Gastric mucins are classified into two types based on their histochemical properties. The first is a surface mucous cell-type mucin, secreted from the surface mucous cells. The second is found in deeper portions of the mucosa and is secreted by gland mucous cells, including mucous neck cells, cardiac gland cells, and pyloric gland cells. The unique O-glycans in gastric mucin appears to function as a natural antibiotic, protecting the host from H. pylori infection. Gastric mucin may provide protection to the surface epithelium gastrointestinal tract by scavenging oxidants produced within the lumen; however, it does so at the expense of its viscoelastic properties. Both native and pronase-treated mucin effectively scavenge hydroxyl radical and that the scavenging properties are not significantly different. The effective concentration of mucin required for a 50% reduction in malondialdehyde production is 10 mg/mL for both native and pronase-treated mucin.
取胃黏膜绞碎,用盐酸调pH 3,40℃消化得消化液,0-5℃下,乙醇沉淀,过滤得粗制胃膜素。
胃黏膜→胃黏膜浆[HCl]→[pH3, 40℃]消化液[乙醇]→[0-5℃]粗制胃膜素
胃膜素胶囊的制备 取胃膜素精品,按胶囊剂要求制成胃膜素胶囊。
取胃黏膜绞碎成胃黏膜浆,盐酸调节pH 2.5,45℃下消化,进一步将消化液,冷丙酮沉淀,过滤,得胃膜素粗品。
胃黏膜→胃黏膜浆[HCl]→[pH2.5, 45℃]消化液[冷丙酮]胃膜素粗品
消化 将胃浆膜绞碎,置于耐酸夹层锅。搅拌下,按1800ml HCl:100kg胃膜比例,于pH 3-3.5,40-45℃消化4h,至消化液半透明止。双层纱布过滤除去杂质,用50%碱调pH 4-5得消化液。
胃黏膜[绞碎]→胃黏膜浆[HCl, NaOH]→[pH3-3.5, 40-45℃]消化液
醇沉淀 消化液搅拌下加入80%以上乙醇,含醇量达70%左右,0-5℃静置12h,收集沉淀,压干。按湿重加60%-70%乙醇2-3倍,混合均匀,洗涤1-2次,沉淀压干,搓碎,在70℃左右干燥,得粗制胃膜素。
消化液[乙醇]→[0-5℃, 12h]粗制胃膜素
脱脂干燥 将粗制胃膜素粉装袋,用乙醚脱脂,挥去乙醚在50℃烘干。粉碎、过80目筛得胃膜素。
消化 按每1000g胃黏膜加入18ml HCl,在pH 2.5-3, 45℃搅拌3-4h,使消化。双层纱布过滤得消化液,5℃以下冷库保存。
胃黏膜浆[HCl]→[pH2.5-3, 45℃, 3-4h]消化液
沉淀胃膜素 次日取消化液,常温搅拌缓加5℃以下的丙酮,使溶液相对密度达0.94-0.96,析出胃膜素,双层纱布过滤,得粗晶,70%乙醇洗涤两次,70℃干燥,乙醚脱脂两次,烘干,粉碎,得胃膜素精品。
沉淀胃蛋白酶 取沉淀胃膜素后的母液,搅拌补加5℃以下的丙酮,使相对密度达0.89-0.91, 静置4h使沉淀,虹吸去上清液回收丙酮。收集沉淀,70℃干燥,粉碎,得胃蛋白酶成品。
胃膜素 价格(试剂级)
更新日期 | 产品编号 | 产品名称 | CAS号 | 包装 | 价格 |
2025-02-08 | XW8408264403 | 试剂MUCIN | 84082-64-4 | 1g | 163 |
2025-02-08 | HY-B2196 | 胃膜素 | 84082-64-4 | 500mg | 400 |