This alkaloid occurs in Taxus canadensis and is an amorphous solid with no
definite melting point. It is insoluble in H20, CHC13 or light petroleum and
moderately soluble in EtOH, C6H6 or Et20. It yields an amorphous hydrochloride,
m.p. 128°C; an amorphous sulphate, m.p. 139°C and a picrate which forms light
yellow needles, m.p. 250°C. The alkaloid must not be confused with the
nitrogen-free diterpenoid of the same name present in the leaves of Taxus
baccata subsp. cuspidata and T. cuspidata Sieb. The latter is O-cinammoyltaxicin
II triacetate, C3sH4209, m.p. 265-7°C.
Bourbeau., Laval rned., 19, 511, 637 (1954)