Rosemary oil is obtained by steam distillation of the twigs and flowering tops
of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Lamiaceae). It is an almost colorless to pale yellow
liquid with a characteristic, refreshing, pleasant odor.
d2020 0.892–0.910/0.907–0.920; n20D 1.4640–1.4720/1.4640–1.4700; α20D ?6 ° to
+8 °/?2 ° to +5 °; solubility: 1 vol in max. 3 vol 90% ethanol/1 vol in max. 2 vol
80% ethanol (Spanish/North African oil types).
The major constituents are 1,8-cineole (16–23%/38–55%), ??-pinene
(18–26%/9–14%), and camphor (12.5–22%/5–15%) (Spanish/North African
oils). Verbenone is usually a trace constituent in North African oils
(0–0.4%), but occurs in Spanish oils in quantities between 0.7% and 2.5%.
The main producers of rosemary oil are Tunisia,Morocco, and Spain, with total
~120 t annually. Rosemary oil is used widely in perfumery and in large amounts
for perfuming bath foams, shampoos, and hair tonics.
Obtained by steam distillation with yields of approximately 0.5 to 1.2% from the fresh, flowering tops. It has a characteristic odor of rosemary and a warm, camphoraceous taste. Spanish rosemary essential oil has the largest production.
Rosemary oleoresin is a purified extract of rosemary from which nearly all of the characteristic rosemary odor and flavor have been removed, leaving a faint note of cooked herbs. Also see Rosemary.
It is a colorless or pale-yellow liquid with varying physical–chemical constants, depending on the source.
Found in the flowering tops of Rosmarinus officinalis L. (Fam. Labiatae).
In hair conditioners, mouth rinses, fragrances; flavoring agent in foods.
rosemary oil is credited with anti-septic properties, it is also used for masking odor and providing fragrance. Rosemary oil is considered beneficial for acne, dermatitis, and eczema. Some reports indicate that rosemary oil may stimulate fibroblast growth with a possible increase in epidermal cell turnover. This would make it useful in products for aging and mature skin. Rosemary oil, obtained through distillation of the herb’s flowering tops, is superior to that obtained through distillation of the stems and leaves. The latter process, however, is more common among the commercial oils.
Rosemary Oil is an essential oil with antibacterial properties.
Extractives and their physically modified derivatives. Rosmarinum officinalis, Labiatae.
By steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops of Rosmarinus officinalis L. Uses: In public use before the 1860s. Use in fragrances in the USA amounts to about 50,000 lb/yr.
Essential oil composition
Main constituents include α-pinene, camphene, cineol, camphor and bornyl alcohol (10 to 15%). The volatile or essential oil of rosemary is also reported to include 1,8-cineole, α- and β-pinene, camphor, bornylacetate, camphene, linalool, d-limonene, borneol, myrcene, terpineol and caryophyllene.
Rosemary oleoresin contains antioxidants, which retard the oxidation of lipids (rancidity). Two of the compounds reported from oleoresin are rosmarinic acid and rosmaridiphenol.
Low toxicity by ingestion and skin contact. A skin irritant. When heated to decomposition it emits acrid smoke and irritating fumes. See also indvidual components.