2, 2-Diphenylglycine is a highly similar analogue and the simplest aromatic peptide. It can be used as a synthesis reagent for amination reactions. It is a useful intermediate in pharmaceutical and in organic synthesis. Its derivatives have been also be shown to exhibit anticonvulsants activity and can be used for the treatment of pain.
2,2-Diphenylglycine is used as a synthesis reagent for amination reactions. It acts as an intermediate in pharmaceutical and in organic synthesis.
reaction type: solution phase peptide synthesis
And, Meital Reches, and E. Gazit. "Formation of Closed-Cage Nanostructures by Self-Assembly of Aromatic Dipeptides." Nano Letters 4.4(2006):581-585.
Harris, Robert H. "New uses for amino acid anticonvulsants for treatment of pain." EP, WO/2002/015922. 2002.