Sodium perborate, anhydrous, NaB03 is a white,amorphous powder of unknown constitution containing active oxygen that evolves oxygen gas when dissolved in water,and is hygroscopic. Derived by heating sodium perborate tetrahydrate. Used as a denture cleaner and oxygen source.
Sodium perborate, monohydrate, NaB03·H20 , better represented as Na2(B2(02)2(OH)4) is a white, amorphous powder that is rapidly soluble in water givinga solution of H202 and sodium borated.Derived by partial dehydration of sodium perborate tetrahydrate. Used as a denture cleaner and bleaching agent.
Colourless, prismatic crystals or white or almost white powder, stable in the crystalline form.
Sodium perborate is the most widely used solid peroxygen compound. Commercially, it is available as a tetrahydrate and a monohydrate. The tetrahydrate is produced by treating a borax solution with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide.
The initial threshold screening level (ITSL) for acute exposure to borates is 80 μg/m3 as boron
(1-hour averaging time) based on the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ),
Air Quality Division (AQD) Rule 336.1233 (1) and (2). With molecular weight adjustment, the
ITSL for sodium perborate is 610 μg/m3 (1-hour averaging time).