Chlormethiazole Hydrochloride was used in the study of effect of thiazole methiodide and hydrochloride fractions of thiamine upon the neuromuscular system.
Chlormethiazole serves as an anticonvulsant. It is useful in treating alcohol addiction and eclampsia. Chlormethiazole is also useful in treating convulsive status epilepticus. Long term administration of chlormethiazole leads to addiction to the drug.
Potentially hazardous interactions with other drugs
Antipsychotics: enhanced sedative effects.
Antivirals: concentration possibly increased by
Cimetidine: inhibits metabolism of clomethiazole.
Clomethiazole is extensively metabolised, probably by
first-pass metabolism in the liver with only small amounts
appearing unchanged in the urine. The rate of elimination
is decreased by about 30% in liver cirrhosis.